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Feet In Gay Porn


Oct 15, 2015
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I've noticed a few posts on the forums about feet.. A guy called Lesner posted and members commented saying they were in to feet as well. Why is this been ignored?

I am also in to feet too and I feel the site or models may be ignoring this :( I've loved this site for years but lately it's been going a bit vanilla. They only guys that rim are David and Zeno Kostas. I feel rimming should be in the majority of th scenes as the models that have had it done love it.. And am I missing something here it's Broke Straight Boys ;)

Please please could models throw in toe sucking/ foot worship? I'm seeing all these hot feet come and go and I basically think what a waste! I know we're can't always rely on David, but David darling you have been ignoring feet lately.

I think a fetish is there with David as he touches them throught his scenes.. For example Felix I was gutted when David didn't pay his manly feet some attention.

Tanner, Gage Owens and Felix please in your upcoming scenes get the person you are partnered with to suck your toes and worship your feet. I will be a life time never if you add this to a few more scenes Broke Straight Boys
You're right Ca8...feet are so fun...and not to be ignored. I love when a guy uses another's feet to masturbate, nummy!
Ca8 ~

Of course I am with you, on this. A beautiful man's shapely and well-wrought foot is a perfect register of his passion, and pleasure.

I (of course) worship Jason Matthews'.


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You're right Ca8...feet are so fun...and not to be ignored. I love when a guy uses another's feet to masturbate, nummy!
Thanks Beth. :smiley-love001: And it's not for showing Vinny or whatever his name is. Nice way to begin my Saturday with a shot the man who called mikeyank "my dawg". lol
Ca8 ~

Of course I am with you, on this. A beautiful man's shapely and well-wrought foot is a perfect register of his passion, and pleasure.

I (of course) worship Jason Matthews'.


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And thank you Ambi for showing the two guys who treated me like gold when I met them on a warm June day a few years ago in Greenwich Village. And by the way, when I handed my phone to Blake to talk to Ms. K, she asked Blake who his favorite scene partner was, he told her it was Jason :smiley-love021: , (but don't tell anyone as it's a secret). :sneaky2:
I've noticed a few posts on the forums about feet.. A guy called Lesner posted and members commented saying they were in to feet as well. Why is this been ignored?

I am also in to feet too and I feel the site or models may be ignoring this :( I've loved this site for years but lately it's been going a bit vanilla. They only guys that rim are David and Zeno Kostas. I feel rimming should be in the majority of th scenes as the models that have had it done love it.. And am I missing something here it's Broke Straight Boys ;)

Please please could models throw in toe sucking/ foot worship? I'm seeing all these hot feet come and go and I basically think what a waste! I know we're can't always rely on David, but David darling you have been ignoring feet lately.

I think a fetish is there with David as he touches them throught his scenes.. For example Felix I was gutted when David didn't pay his manly feet some attention.

Tanner, Gage Owens and Felix please in your upcoming scenes get the person you are partnered with to suck your toes and worship your feet. I will be a life time never if you add this to a few more scenes Broke Straight Boys

Noted! I don't think I'll be going back to film anytime soon but hey things could change!
Noted! I don't think I'll be going back to film anytime soon but hey things could change!

David.. Hope you do come back soon. Your very good at what ever you do.

I agree 100%. David is one of the most intense of the Broke Straight Boys He will take a scene where few others are willing to do. Zeno Kostas is another one who does that.

I didn't like reading David's post in the thread about him and Devon. Sounds like he has either moved on or has been moved on. That would be regretful to me. He made scenes that threw sparks! Would not like to learn he's gone and would love to see him back sooner than later.
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As my ex always said about feet: "God ran out of all his good ideas when he came to feet" !!! I agree.
I agree 100%. David is one of the most intense of the Broke Straight Boys He will take a scene where few others are willing to do. Zeno Kostas is another one who does that.

I didn't like reading David's post in the thread about him and Devon. Sounds like he has either moved on or has been moved on. That would be regretful to me. He made scenes that threw sparks! Would not like to learn he's gone and would love to see him back sooner than later.

Ertas, am I missing something in David's comments on that thread? All I read was he explained his view as to why the scene was the way it was and concluded by saying "take care, everyone!" Maybe something was edited by the time I read that post or maybe a post was deleted. But reading that post in and of itself, I can't see any implication or reach any inference that he has moved on or has been moved on.
Ertas, am I missing something in David's comments on that thread? All I read was he explained his view as to why the scene was the way it was and concluded by saying "take care, everyone!" Maybe something was edited by the time I read that post or maybe a post was deleted. But reading that post in and of itself, I can't see any implication or reach any inference that he has moved on or has been moved on.
Stowe, that comment in itself didn't tell us that he was possibly leaving Broke Straight Boys, but coupled with his comment in this thread made me think the same thing.

Noted! I don't think I'll be going back to film anytime soon but hey things could change!
Noted! I don't think I'll be going back to film anytime soon but hey things could change!

Ertas, am I missing something in David's comments on that thread? All I read was he explained his view as to why the scene was the way it was and concluded by saying "take care, everyone!" Maybe something was edited by the time I read that post or maybe a post was deleted. But reading that post in and of itself, I can't see any implication or reach any inference that he has moved on or has been moved on.

Stowe -

The "take care everyone" - along with the quote from this thread just gives me an eerie feeling about him being on Broke Straight Boys It is just a "gut" thing for me - and I could be reading it wrong. David is one of my favorites because he gets primal in his interactions in his interactions with the models. He and Zeno Kostas and now Gage Owens are the guys who are willing to really let loose in scenes. With Tanner - not so much - but he explained why he was "gentle" with a newbie, reflecting on his own first time...

When they announce he will be in an upcoming scene - I'll be very, very happy. But gut says it ain't so...

Noted! I don't think I'll be going back to film anytime soon but hey things could change!

Stowe, that comment in itself didn't tell us that he was possibly leaving Broke Straight Boys, but coupled with his comment in this thread made me think the same thing.

Mikey - I just noticed your comment inserted between the two quotes. I really, really, really hope we are both wrong in how that might be read. Maybe he's just intensely involved in school at this time?

David - you're checking posts on these threads. Can you clarify?
Yes, the other thread about feet seemed to die, I wonder why Sha or other management hasn't commented on feet in production. I noticed there are more feet type shots in College Dudes then here.. But only in the older years. See if some of the guys would be into it. Don't force it. If they aren't, they aren't. I get it.
As my ex always said about feet: "God ran out of all his good ideas when he came to feet" !!! I agree.


Dear Stowe ~

I strenuously disagree with your ex, on this one.

People who appreciate (much less have a fetish for) feet, are regularly mocked and derided, in the gay world, at large. (On Chaturbate, and other such sites, those who appreciate male feet are frequently deprecated as "feeple": whose sexual aesthetics are somehow less "developed", or "mature", than the tastes of those who would spend endless hours in ecstatic contemplation of close-ups, of rectal scenes.) As someone who does have (and cherish) the aesthetic appreciation of the male foot. . . as an integral part of the WHOLE. . . I fail to understand this animus. And I make no apologies, for my appreciation, in this regard.

Feet, like hands, are a natural part of the nude male form. An elegantly-wrought foot, like a beautifully-shaped hand, is intrinsic to male beauty - - - as essential as an arching brow, a gently-curved lip, or a bright, strawberry- or salmon-coloured nipple.

A beautiful man's foot is not only essential to his complete beauty - it is strong, sensitive, and (for many) a significantly (or even supremely) erogenous zone. When he is in the throes of the deepest erotic pleasure, it is very rare that any man's foot is insensate, or immobile. Most men's feet will arch and curve; some men's toes will curl forward, or backward, at the moment of orgasm. . . but the comportment of that last extension of human flesh and bone and muscle and sinew: is almost always a PERFECTLY accurate register, of human pleasure.

I suspect that the prejudice against feet, as a beautiful accoutrement and completion of the whole male physique (as it always was, and was recognized to be so, in all classical sculpture ~ all the Greek, Hellenistic, Roman, and Renaissance sculptors took great care in the depiction of the feet, as in all other physical attributes) comes from the modern sense that feet ought always to be hidden in cloth, and shod in leather, and as such, are something intrinsically dirty, smelly, and which necessarily ought to be HIDDEN, and kept ALWAYS, from sight.

To my mind, Stowe, this is a novel, Victorian, and pernicious, prejudice, which has no place in the full and generous appreciation of the ENTIRE male nude, as an object of complete beauty. While I have little time for an obsessive focus on feet ALONE (or indeed, ANY single aspect of the body, to the exclusion of the WHOLE, in erotic video): to me, erotic video which insists on models wearing socks or shoes or (worst of all) BOOTS, is a denial of the perfection of the male nude, whole and entire.

And, to me, the male nude ought to be, for gay men at least, an object of reverence. And so I mourn for a world which has become so straitened, limited, and prudish, that even gay men suggest that some part of the male figure ought to be hidden, for genuine desire to BLOOM.

If indeed there is a God (as I believe there well may be) - I have no doubt that he created feet as an integral part of male beauty, to be revered and appreciated, along with all the rest.


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A beautiful man's foot is not only essential to his complete beauty - it is strong, sensitive, and (for many) a significantly (or even supremely) erogenous zone. When he is in the throes of the deepest erotic pleasure, it is very rare that any man's foot is insensate, or immobile. Most men's feet will arch and curve; some men's toes will curl forward, or backward, at the moment of orgasm. . . but the comportment of that last extension of human flesh and bone and muscle and sinew: is almost always a PERFECTLY accurate register, of human pleasure.

If indeed there is a God (as I believe there well may be) - I have no doubt that he created feet as an integral part of male beauty, to be revered and appreciated, along with all the rest.

Once again, Ambi - whom I believe has got to be the most erudite member on site - conjures up a written image of the total man! And if mere reading his prose doesn't make his point, he emphasizes it with images and music. Such a master!

I totally agree that one can watch the two extremities of the human form to assess the intensity of sexual pleasure. For me the first measure is in the face. Outside of the obviousness of the orgasm, expressions and facial muscle contortions are the best "proof is in the pudding"; followed by the feet - from the simple toes curls to the full extension of the entire foot drawn upward (which also then displays the musculature of the calf muscles) along with the toes curling or spreading proves the perfect experience of completely satisfying sex.

So, the nude male physical form physically approves or belies a level of satisfaction from head to toes. Something to observe if never having done so before.

:offtopic: And, thanks too, Ambi, for the Philippe Jaroussky performance! Like the feet, the countertenor voice was in disfavor - I assume due to the fact creating the castrati was banned. But what a joy that mastering that voice while keeping one's testicles has made a comeback. When I was in grades 7-10, I had a countertenor voice that the music director took advantage of to allow performances of music that had not been heard at our school for years. Then puberty hit (I was two years younger than my classmates so it took me a while!). I still perform using falsetto so the group I am in (an all male septet) can somewhat competently perform the music of the Pentatonix. This season we are doing their version of Silent Night (I do the voice the guy second from left sings).

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