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Ever been caught?

Ever been caught... ?

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Nov 1, 2008
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Hey guys, always a fun question for me to ask people as sometimes the answers can either be hot or kinda funny. Have you ever been caught doing some sort of sexual activity, be it jacking off or having sex with another guy? If so where did you get caught, by whom, and what happened afterwards?

A couple times my Freshmen year in college I almost got caught bed/pillow humping by my roomate... I wish now that I had only continued to see what he would have done... instead I stopped before he saw I think. Although I did walk in the door one time and saw him run to the closet real quick... had his shirt off and was in jeans. Wished I could have caught a glimpse!

Thanks guys!
My mom caught me jacking my dick when we were on vacation in Ft Lauderdale when I was like 14 but didn't say anything. A year later, on vacation in NC my dad caught me just as I squirted, moaning and writhing, on my knees, falling forward onto the bed in out of control ecstasy lol...poor guy. He invited me to go for a ride in the rowboat next morning and told me that I !!shouldn't jack off!!! that it would make marital relations difficult, that I might become a premature ejaculator. I told him piously that I wouldn't ever do it again, not any more, ever. Today on TV I saw some poll results, that teenagers are lying, cheating and stealing more than two years ago, up 2%. I think they're just more honest about answering the poll questions. I lied all the time, like a lot of closet teens do every day.
There were two occasions I was caught

I was first caught when I was 11 years old. My mom walked into my bedroom while my best friend and I were nude and in the middle of a 69. All she said to us was to put our clothes on. She never said any more about it.:blushing: Gee I wonder if she really knew what we were doing? LOL

Then there was the time my roomate in the Marine Corps came back from leave two days early, at about 2 in the morning. He caught me blowing myself. I asked if he was going to tell anyone. He said, "no, who would believe him. Besides that I am more jealous than anything."
It was probably one my last times doing a self-suck. In those days I had been wrestling and competing in martial arts tournaments since I was 6. So, I really had a lot of flexability then.:001_rolleyes: Anyway, my roomate and I wound up having sex that night. Strange, I never thought he would be the type. He went home to see his GF and found out she was with some one else. So, I guess what I was doing was kind of hot for him. We only messed arround once or twice after that. He would start it by bringing in a straight porn flick and asking me to watch it with him before bed. LOL...
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I've been caught

Yes, i've been caught.

My whole gay experiences started when I was 13 and it was with my (then) best friend who was 14. He started everything, I didn't even know what mine was for until he taught me.

We'd been having sleep-overs for a long time and we always topped-and-tailed in my bed (wandering hands worked pretty well with the top-and-tail scenario).

One day after school we got home before my mum and my step-dad. My mum was working late on a stock take at the supermarket and my step-dad was always late. We decided to have a bit of fun, so we were in my bedroom and we stripped each other completely and were jerking and sucking each other when we heard the front door open and close. I had a cabin bed at the time, which is one of those beds with a cupboard and desk under it and the bed on top. For some reason we decided to get behind the cupboard, under the bed, still complete naked.

So my step-dad comes upstairs and comes into my room and he must have seen our clothes all over the floor, but he walks out. We made sure the coast was clear and then came out from under the bed, put our clothes on and went downstairs. I told him we were hiding and were'nt we good at it! He just laughed. I still don't know to this day whether he saw us or not.
The first time i got caught was with my boyfriend we were both 15 at his parents house and his mom came home early and just walked into his room while i was fucking him it was really bad at first she started flipping out but it ended well and she bought him a lock for his door on his 16th birthday btw were still together 5 years woohoo
The first time i got caught was with my boyfriend we were both 15 at his parents house and his mom came home early and just walked into his room while i was fucking him it was really bad at first she started flipping out but it ended well and she bought him a lock for his door on his 16th birthday btw were still together 5 years woohoo
yes my dad caught me with another guy
The first time i got caught was with my boyfriend we were both 15 at his parents house and his mom came home early and just walked into his room while i was fucking him it was really bad at first she started flipping out but it ended well and she bought him a lock for his door on his 16th birthday btw were still together 5 years woohoo

Thanks for sharing! Sounds hot... and I'm so glad you guys are still together! So sweet :biggrin:
Me and my Girl Friend were caught fucking in my ford explorer when we were 17, we were parked in a public park around 1:00am and a Cop pulled up, she had time to get her clothes on, by I had to throw a blanket over my junk, he told us to go home and find someplace more private next time

Then one time, after practice, me and my friend Brian were jerking eachother in the showers at school and our mutual friend Cody walked in and started laughing, called us gay, but eventually joined in.

A few summers ago, I was getting head by a guy I had been seeing for while, at a public beach at night, we saw flash lights so I zipped up, I dont think they saw, but I had to wait to get off for about an hour.

Other than that, much times people have walked in on me, they have been planned.
Lets see I was about 13 when I got caught, we were just lying in bed after we had just finished having sex, kissing and touching each other and we're just about to get out of bed to get dressed when my Dad walked in. He just stood there for a second then turned around and left the room. After that we really didn’t have a good relationship, we never talked about that incident and he died several years ago . I wish I had gotten to talk him about how it felt to be emotionally abandoned by him.
Lets see I was about 13 when I got caught, we were just lying in bed after we had just finished having sex, kissing and touching each other and we're just about to get out of bed to get dressed when my Dad walked in. He just stood there for a second then turned around and left the room. After that we really didn’t have a good relationship, we never talked about that incident and he died several years ago . I wish I had gotten to talk him about how it felt to be emotionally abandoned by him.

Bless your heart. He probably missed you as much as you did him... When he was alive he had to deal with foolish pride, you know that insane part of the human ego. Now that he has crossed over he can see things from a spiritual perspective and I am certain that he is proud of you and what you have become... I am sorry you and your father never got to work things out before he passed. :ohmy:
Sorry guys for both the length and second for the straight orientation of these real life adventures but I thought you might find them humorous. When I was in my last year of high school I worked part time as a police radio dispatcher. After work I would often spend my evenings riding around with the patrol officers to pass the time. Often with this one very young and rowdy officer that had a habit of doing things a bit different. One evening while patrolling in the back alleys of the suburbs we came up beside a motor cycle parked suspiciously in the dark sprouting a young couple in intimate embrace. As we pulled up the boy while handing his license to the officer says were not doing anything officer. The cop takes a long look at the license, hands it back and says that's your fault and drives off leaving them alone in the dark to ponder what happened. Another evening actually only about a block from the first occurrence we came up beside a parked car. We pulled silently up besides the vehicle where the officer reached over and hit the switch on this HUGE spotlight that was pointed in the passenger window. Their to the glow of this now brightly lit full moon bounced the dairyaire of it's surly confused occupants. The officer seeing this goings on not 2 feet from his face totally freaked out and sped off into the distance. Surely leaving the young romantics convinced they had just had a close encounter. But the real frosting on the cake was the evening while patrolling one of the local cemeteries where we came across the undertakes son and the county corners teen age daughter "both class mates of mine" exercising their parental rights in the back of the funeral homes meat wagon.
One other thing I must share to demonstrate my sadistic mannerisms. A number of years later I was working as a night manager at a motel. Now and then, especially around prom nights or local football games when it was real cold outside. We would get obviously very young men renting rooms proclaiming loudly that the room was just for them and how they would be alone all night as they were just to tired to drive home. Me not being born that month would simply watch our closed circuit TV system which monitored the outside doors where they would cautiously sneak their young companions into the room. Being the deviate that I am I would wait patiently for things to become more comfortable. Perhaps even to watch in the hallways for the lights in the room to go out. At which time I would call the young man up on the phone and tell them how I was aware of their intended deception and that if they would return to the office to pay the additional charges I would allow them the rest of the evening in peace. I still smile as I remember the extremely embarrassed expressions of the some times only half dressed young men as I forced them to this public humiliation. I often still wonder if any of there dates ever got back in the mood after their frightening ordeal. Well that's it guys, again sorry for the straight stories but I still hope you enjoyed it.
sorry for the straight stories but I still hope you enjoyed it.

More people should write up anecdotes like this since almost everyone has a few tales to tell. There's a UK based gay site called guys4men.com where the Forum is terrific, vibrant, controversial, but where there are also fun threads where guys tell about stuff like Denny has just done. Thanks man for having the stories to tell and the wit and irony to tell them so well.
Sorry guys for both the length and second for the straight orientation of these real life adventures but I thought you might find them humorous. When I was in my last year of high school I worked part time as a police radio dispatcher. After work I would often spend my evenings riding around with the patrol officers to pass the time. Often with this one very young and rowdy officer that had a habit of doing things a bit different. One evening while patrolling in the back alleys of the suburbs we came up beside a motor cycle parked suspiciously in the dark sprouting a young couple in intimate embrace. As we pulled up the boy while handing his license to the officer says were not doing anything officer. The cop takes a long look at the license, hands it back and says that's your fault and drives off leaving them alone in the dark to ponder what happened. Another evening actually only about a block from the first occurrence we came up beside a parked car. We pulled silently up besides the vehicle where the officer reached over and hit the switch on this HUGE spotlight that was pointed in the passenger window. Their to the glow of this now brightly lit full moon bounced the dairyaire of it's surly confused occupants. The officer seeing this goings on not 2 feet from his face totally freaked out and sped off into the distance. Surely leaving the young romantics convinced they had just had a close encounter. But the real frosting on the cake was the evening while patrolling one of the local cemeteries where we came across the undertakes son and the county corners teen age daughter "both class mates of mine" exercising their parental rights in the back of the funeral homes meat wagon.
One other thing I must share to demonstrate my sadistic mannerisms. A number of years later I was working as a night manager at a motel. Now and then, especially around prom nights or local football games when it was real cold outside. We would get obviously very young men renting rooms proclaiming loudly that the room was just for them and how they would be alone all night as they were just to tired to drive home. Me not being born that month would simply watch our closed circuit TV system which monitored the outside doors where they would cautiously sneak their young companions into the room. Being the deviate that I am I would wait patiently for things to become more comfortable. Perhaps even to watch in the hallways for the lights in the room to go out. At which time I would call the young man up on the phone and tell them how I was aware of their intended deception and that if they would return to the office to pay the additional charges I would allow them the rest of the evening in peace. I still smile as I remember the extremely embarrassed expressions of the some times only half dressed young men as I forced them to this public humiliation. I often still wonder if any of there dates ever got back in the mood after their frightening ordeal. Well that's it guys, again sorry for the straight stories but I still hope you enjoyed it.

I guess you had more than your fair share of catching people then... Best of all you didn't need to try they just came right to you. My uncle ran into that problem for a while when he owned a motel. So, they set up 3 quickie rooms with vinyl mattresses and such for quick clean up. For the most part he would tell the people up front it is this price for the night, this price for a quickie, and this price if you are lying to me (often triple the price for two people). 70% of the time they paid the extra $20 for their quickie...
Bless your heart. He probably missed you as much as you did him... When he was alive he had to deal with foolish pride, you know that insane part of the human ego. Now that he has crossed over he can see things from a spiritual perspective and I am certain that he is proud of you and what you have become... I am sorry you and your father never got to work things out before he passed. :ohmy:

Thanks so much for your kind words I do appreciate it. When he died I wrote him a letter and told him how I felt and Stuck it in his pocket at the funeral, I'm sure when he read it he Knew, I just wish I did.