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Episode texts


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
Check out the text on the Dustin/Jason episode. It's detailed, clever and well written with almost zero need for further proofreading. Whoever wrote it probably didn't need to mention Broke Straight Boys in the first sentence since we all know where we are, but that's totally minor.

The confusion of the verbs "to lie" and "to lay", with the added difficulty of "lie" having another meaning (telling an untruth), and further muddled by the fact that "lay" is also the past tense of "lie" (as in "today I lie down, yesterday I lay down") is probably by now only stuff an English major would notice. I'm sure most guys on the Forum don't cringe when they hear something like, "I was laying on my bed when my hot roommate came back from the gym," no matter how incorrect the usage is. There's an example in the Dustin/Jason text.

The other one that's virtually entered the idiom is the confusion of "bring" and "take". Especially in the Northeast US you hear stuff like, "Bring that lube to the guy down the hall." Elsewhere it's less common, and the correct verb, "take", would be used in a sentence like that.

I know for a fact that most members could give a fuck about the writing skill exhibited in the texts, but since the bee was mainly in my bonnet I wanted to say to the Boys at Blu to keep up the good work. Really makes a difference to a few of us, and can't help but improve the Broke Straight Boys image to newcomers.
Worth Doing? Do It Right!

I agree with you Slim. I'm an anal retentive old fart that believes anything worth doing is worth doing right! Sometimes in the narratives, I don't know whether Broke Straight Boys is trying to dumbdown the text or dumbdown the members. I have harped and railed on this point many times to no avail. It's like pissing in the wind, no matter how hard you piss....it comes back into your face.

I know a lot of members will post and say enough already it's just porn....sit back, watch, and shut up. But....and I may be altruistic in my thinking, it's also professionalism and pride of product.
Enough already! It's only porn!:001_smile: There were a few errors there, but I don't mind, really, although it does drive me crazy to see grammar and spelling errors in otherwise professional publications. I know enough grammar/spelling to get by. LOL!!

What I don't like, is when people ridicule posters for their grammar and spelling. I post on a couple other forums (not porn related), and people have typos and poor grammar/spelling all the time. Me, too. No one really cares. When posting, I have a hard enough time just expressing my thought, let alone grammar and spelling! LOL!!

Please, don't start on punctuation! I am very bad at that!!
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Enough already! It's only porn!:001_smile: There were a few errors there, but I don't mind, really, although it does drive me crazy to see grammar and spelling errors in otherwise professional publications. I know enough grammar/spelling to get by. LOL!!

What I don't like, is when people ridicule posters for their grammar and spelling. I post on a couple other forums (not porn related), and people have typos and poor grammar/spelling all the time. Me, too. No one really cares. When posting, I have a hard enough time just expressing my thought, let alone grammar and spelling! LOL!!

Please, don't start on punctuation! I am very bad at that!!

I think you may have misunderstood the posts that Slim and I posted above. We are not referring to the members at all. That was a firestorm that was dealt with a while back.

We are speaking and referencing only the narratives posted with the episodes.
Slim and Richard

I really love you guys... Have either of you tried medication for this obsession with grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure???

I personally thank you for bringing those things to my attention. Although; other than the understanding that there was something wrong, until you pointed it out I could not put my finger on it. I believe that what you are trying to say all the way around is that we learn from what we read. I also think that part of what you are saying is when we read things that are grammatically incorrect, we unintentionally develop bad habits with grammar and we don't eve realize we made a mistake.

OK, now here it comes. I really haven't seen much in the written dialog that isn't covered in the movie. So, I usually just watch the movie. Being dyslexic; to me a picture is worth a thousand words. I can'wait until we are communicating telepathically. Who knows, by then somebody will develop a formal structure for that too.LOL I guess it is all part of being a spiritual being experiencing a human condition.

Anyway, I love ya both...
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I think you may have misunderstood the posts that Slim and I posted above. We are not referring to the members at all. That was a firestorm that was dealt with a while back.

We are speaking and referencing only the narratives posted with the episodes.
Sorry, Richard. I said I have trouble expressing my point when posting. I know neither you, nor Slim were criticizing
the posters. Sorry I even brought it up. I don't think I was here for the firestorm. My apologies for going off topic.

OK, now here it comes. I really haven't seen much in the written dialog that isn't covered in the movie. So, I usually just watch the movie. Being dyslexic; to me a picture is worth a thousand words. I can'wait until we are communicating telepathically. Who knows, by then somebody will develop a formal structure for that too.LOL I guess it is all part of being a spiritual being experiencing a human condition.

Anyway, I love ya both...

I usually don't read the dialogue before I watch the vids either. If I know what's going to happen, it takes a little of the fun away.

Communicating telepathically could prove interesting. Hopefully, there will be a way to block your thoughts. I'm not sure I want to know what other people are thinking about!:biggrin:
I usually don't read the dialogue before I watch the vids either. If I know what's going to happen, it takes a little of the fun away.

Communicating telepathically could prove interesting. Hopefully, there will be a way to block your thoughts. I'm not sure I want to know what other people are thinking about!:biggrin:

Amen to that.:thumbup:
I think you may have misunderstood the posts that Slim and I posted above. We are not referring to the members at all. That was a firestorm that was dealt with a while back.

We are speaking and referencing only the narratives posted with the episodes.

Richard and Slim I must admit that I am in your camp in regards to being annoyed by poor spelling, grammar, etc. Especially so when the correspondence is supposed to be professional. I am glad to hear that they are making an effort to improve the narratives of the episodes. They did need some work. Or at the very least a good proofreader. As I've said in other posts I don't claim to be perfect in any of these literary attributes. If all my posts were put under a microscope there would be plenty to find fault with.

We must be very careful to state though that we are not putting down other members for such things. We don't know their stories. As Jayman pointed out, some members may have mild or severe dyslexia. Some may just be poor typists. Some did not get the advantages of a good education in the English language. Some are in a hurry and don't have time to double check everything before they hit "send". There's nothing wrong with that. We should still give each other the respect of listening to the content of our opinions and comments rather than finding fault with the manner of expressing them. I would not want anyone to be too self-conscious to share any thought they wish. We'll leave the language purity police to patrol the literary chat rooms. This is not one of them.
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Richard and Slim I must admit that I am in your camp in regards to being annoyed by poor spelling, grammar, etc. Especially so when the correspondence is supposed to be professional. I am glad to hear that they are making an effort to improve the narratives of the episodes. They did need some work. Or at the very least a good proofreader. As I've said in other posts I don't claim to be perfect in any of these literary attributes. If all my posts were put under a microscope there would be plenty to find fault with.

We must be very careful to state though that we are not putting down other members for such things. We don't know their stories. As Jayman pointed out, some members may have mild or severe dyslexia. Some may just be poor typists. Some did not get the advantages of a good education in the English language. Some are in a hurry and don't have time to double check everything before they hit "send". There's nothing wrong with that. We should still give each other the respect of listening to the content of our opinions and comments rather than finding fault with the manner of expressing them. I would not want anyone to be too self-conscious to share any thought they wish. We'll leave the language purity police to patrol the literary chat rooms. This is not one of them.

Tampa, there is no language police force on the Forum. I've heard exactly one member, only once, diss another member's use of the idiom, a very polemical guy who finally actually got banned from the Forum for the radical dissident against almost everything Blu that he was. Otherwise all the commentary on the part of the purists has either been academic and general, or aimed at a bunch of really really badly written texts that kept slipping through the upload process and for which Mark and David even apologized.

I just think it's professionally a good move, if you have the wherewithal and are a serious concern, to publish written material relatively free of gross and ignorant sounding errors. I actually feel a worthy battle has finally been won with the release of the most recent text.

Good writing makes good reading. You guys who write well entertain all of us with your amusing and literate stories. Where are you, for instance, Marky? It's time for another chapter of PPAS...
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Heck yeah, Scorpio.

I usually don't read them before I watch a vid, but I do after.
I was always curious to see if members actually read the stories.

Your post calls attention to the abysmal gap between all the graphics on one hand and the story texts on the other. I hadn't actually thought about it in these terms before, but you get the slick appearance of the site, the clever layout, the userfriendly and very up to date electronic mechanisms to help you browse through it (plus the supercute Forum smiley menu, so witty and well conceived, the Mosaic, and the wallpapers) and then you compare all that with the texts. The absurdity was actually laughable.

Whoever wrote the last one is a vast improvement. I hope he/she keeps the job.
Slim, I agree. This was an easy improvement to make. The text is much improved on the new video release.
I was always curious to see if members actually read the stories.

Heck yeah. I try not to read them before the video usually because I don't always want to know exactly what the models are going to do. I do encourage people to read them because sometimes they give the behind the scenes insight that really helps you to appreciate the video even more.

A case in point is the Hank & Aaron video. Even though Hank is rather plain looking he is more interesting to watch because of the info in the narrative. We are told that during the scene he was really freaked out about doing it with another guy. He kept stopping the filming and leaving the room trying to regain his composure. David said he would keep coming back in "with his game face on" to finish the scene because he really needed the money. Knowing this made it all the sweeter when at the end he lets go with a Huge cumshot. You could tell that he was rather embarrassed that his body betrayed the intense physical pleasure he was feeling, in spite of his mental hangups with it. The narratives can take a scene with mediocre looking models and make it exciting.
I too enjoy the musings as well as the narrative forms put forth within this forum. They are, as one great thinker put it, a "Window on the Soul". And, indeed, they are very entertaining as well. I must admit I enjoy crafting the story, building on each thought, forming each idea, until it portrays the picture in your minds that I wish to convey. Too, I relish this same action by others who have produced far better than I ever shall. Now, as this relates to the narratives which accompany each video. I have always seen these as more of a guidebook, rather than an actual story. Like the great Michelin travel books, we read these, only so that we may know what is coming down the road, what to expect around the next curve. As such, their literary impact is not expected to be strong, but rather weak, so as not to create a feeling of Deja vu, once the video is being viewed.

Markymark I, "Queen ofthe Forum":001_rolleyes:

Your Majesty,

A Michelin Guide with the street names spelled wrong, and grammar and syntax so confusing that you aren't sure what exactly is being recommended would be a fairly worthless bit of publishing. Worse than that no one would buy it. Literacy is the issue here, not literature. Broke Straight Boys is far too visually attractive in every way to have unreadable guides to their episodes.

Best news is that things on that front are getting much better; the most recent text doesn't distract from the script, but rather helps it along.

I didn't want to get back into this melee, but Your Majesty pricked me where I'm tender.

Believe me Your Majesty that I am your most Humble and Obedient Servant, et cetera, Slim
Your Majesty,

A Michelin Guide with the street names spelled wrong, and grammar and syntax so confusing that you aren't sure what exactly is being recommended would be a fairly worthless bit of publishing. Worse than that no one would buy it. Literacy is the issue here, not literature. Broke Straight Boys is far too visually attractive in every way to have unreadable guides to their episodes.

Best news is that things on that front are getting much better; the most recent text doesn't distract from the script, but rather helps it along.

I didn't want to get back into this melee, but Your Majesty pricked me where I'm tender.

Believe me Your Majesty that I am your most Humble and Obedient Servant, et cetera, Slim

Let's try to shoo away that bee in your bonnet for a few more weeks and see if it becomes just a distant bad memory. How about it Slim? :wink: If it comes back we'll help you swat it some more.
Let's try to shoo away that bee in your bonnet for a few more weeks and see if it becomes just a distant bad memory. How about it Slim? :wink: If it comes back we'll help you swat it some more.

Do it. Who are the "us" in "Let's"? :001_unsure::001_rolleyes: