How many of you Dustin haters are big enough to admit that if you had never seen him before, after watching him with Nelson you'd want to invite him home? I'm guessing most of you, except maybe for Slim.
elyot1 you're already invited home, remember? remember? I may even have groveled. Or at least begged; I remember clearly the begging.
Dustin would always have been super welcome as an interlocutor in a great conversation. He wanted at one point to be a psychologist, was making Dave and co. cross with his ego, and didn't have his sexual partner preference decided. All that stuff would have made great chat. He had a bunch of other issues too, his li'l bald patch was his professional nightmare. He was anything but a simpleton, actually quite complex and interesting.
I wouldn't have wanted him in bed with me because I mostly prefer to top or flip. And since he was covered with a light coating of adipose tissue just under the skin, he wasn't my cup of tea physically either, so just sucking his dick would have been less than hot, even disturbing if you think of the rubberband taste at the base. But there would have been a lot to talk about. If I sense that a guy likes to be handled a bit and pushed or pulled into position with a certain verve, or held down and powerkissed while I'm topping him, well, I can get into that. Dustin, among all the BSBs, would understand. So as I say we would have a bunch of stuff to talk about.
I find that tops (ok ok ok ok, these categories are simplistic and blur all the subtleties, and ignore the complexity, of sensitive male-male sex) can be like male mammals a tiny bit farther down on the evolutionary scale, and be proactively non-interested in each other, if not hostile. I'm not so reptile brain reflexively driven, but you can't deny a syndrome if it's there. Dustin presents himself as someone whom I wouldn't want to have sex with for all those reasons. But he's been hot in these last videos, I agree absolutely with you, totally hot, vertiginously hot.
It's getting late Elyot and I'm going back to my place. You coming?