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Dump Dustin


Well-known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Padre Island Texas
Not to be an A-hole. And I have no idea what contractual obligations Broke Straight Boys has with Dustin. But if he is gone and doing his own lame stuff, so be it. Broke Straight Boys is a class act and I am really getting tired of seeing Dustin in all of their ad's on the net or in print. They have loads (pardon the pun) of very hot guys they can feature and drop Dustin in their ads. He is so overdone and over rated! PLEASE end it!
I totaly agree. And all vid's that are in the can should thrown in the garbage can. Sorry guy's just my opinion.
Not to be an A-hole.

Oh how little good news is ever delivered after that opening line. It is right up there with:
No disrespect, but...
Don't take this the wrong way, but...
Hey, ya know that antique vase that was on the pedestal in your foyer? well...
This is to inform you that the IRS has examined your records, and...
Daddy, I want you to meet my fiance, his name is Dustin....
Remember how I said I would donate my kidney to you? Well...
Bustin' DUSTIN

OK, so we agree, noone is happy with the "Dustman". But, let's stop and think economics for just a sec. NOT one of the vids recently posted in which he appeared was a solo, right? Someone else was in them as well. I believe they still had to be paid? And where does that moola come from if the vids he's in are to be tossed?

If ya don't like him, DON'T WATCH HIM!!! But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water guys! OK?

OK, so we agree, noone is happy with the "Dustman". But, let's stop and think economics for just a sec. NOT one of the vids recently posted in which he appeared was a solo, right? Someone else was in them as well. I believe they still had to be paid? And where does that moola come from if the vids he's in are to be tossed?

If ya don't like him, DON'T WATCH HIM!!! But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water guys! OK?


Good points M&M. I want to be rid of Dustbin as much as the next guy. I'm hoping it will be soon. However David did pay good money for those shoots. They also put alot of valuable time and effort into the editing, downloading and other processing of the videos. As much as I might want to be done with Dustbin it's not fair to ask them to throw it all away. And when there are other models in a scene with Dustbin it's definitely not fair to them or us to never post the video. I've gotten fairly good at ignoring Dustbin and focusing instead on the other models in the scene with him.
OK, so we agree, noone is happy with the "Dustman". But, let's stop and think economics for just a sec. NOT one of the vids recently posted in which he appeared was a solo, right? Someone else was in them as well. I believe they still had to be paid? And where does that moola come from if the vids he's in are to be tossed?

If ya don't like him, DON'T WATCH HIM!!! But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water guys! OK?


I agree. Marky Mark you are so right.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Or as the organist said when asked to pick the next three hymns at church -
I'll take him, and him, and him.

Can I get a big AMEN, Tampa! Of course, nsreed did say "ads", and maybe thatpart ofthe argument has merit, but again edit costs, etc. may prove prohibitive at this time. ??
Well, if you're throwing Dustin away I'll certainly snatch him up! One man's trash is another man's treasure, right? Considering how narrow my local "fling" pool has been lately it certainly wouldn't hurt to give Dustin a "shot." :wink: HAHA!
OK, so we agree, noone is happy with the "Dustman". But, let's stop and think economics for just a sec. NOT one of the vids recently posted in which he appeared was a solo, right? Someone else was in them as well. I believe they still had to be paid? And where does that moola come from if the vids he's in are to be tossed?

If ya don't like him, DON'T WATCH HIM!!! But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water guys! OK?


ok,ok. and I have not watched them.
Eventually all the vids with Dustin in them will be gone through and we will not have to worry about him anymore....until than, just look around him and see the better guys he is with.
Well, if you're throwing Dustin away I'll certainly snatch him up! One man's trash is another man's treasure, right? Considering how narrow my local "fling" pool has been lately it certainly wouldn't hurt to give Dustin a "shot." :wink: HAHA!

Dustbin doesn't deserve you!!!!!! You can do better than him. Did you check out that link to XTube? Yipes. Shots are required plus double bagging the condoms and a canvas bag over his head.

I'm sure that if we all put our "heads" together we can think of someone to send you........

AMAZING! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!. What a 180 degree turn around this forum has gone regarding Dustin.

Less than 5 months ago, virtually everyone on this forum was going ape-shit over Dustin (amongst others). We could not get enough of him. David heard us and accommodate us with more vids. Dustin, along with Tyler were the first two models to become part of this forum. We foamed at the mouth for our chances to "talk" with them.

Then for business reasons Dustin and Broke Straight Boys parted company. And all of a sudden our love for Dustin faded, faster than a setting sun. Without going into great detail, Dustin decided to move on, perhaps in his mind to do bigger and better. That's life. Maybe he wanted to see if the grass was greener on the other side of the road? Nothing really wrong with that.

So I wonder how much of what has happened regarding Dustin is not, in part, our fault? Dave asked both Tyler and Dustin to become part of this forum. Were we part of building up Dustin's ego to the point he had to leave? Remember, we did put him on a pedestal. That same pedestal was available to Tyler, but he just shoved it aside. And now we have turned a 180 degrees the other way. With the main exception of the video with Jason, are these newer videos that much different than what we saw mid to late last year? Think about it and go back and view them and re-read what we said last year.

Personally, I think Dustin got to big for his pants and it has backfired on him. Tyler, who is younger I believe than Dustin, has show far more maturity and is in complete control and not allowing ego to get in his way. BRAVO Tyler!!!!!

If you notice, to the best of our knowledge, Dave has not asked any other model to become part of the forum. And there are a number of them I think we would all like to see join. Is it because of the Dustin saga? If I was Dave, I know I'd be concerned about asking another model to join the forum.

Bottom line lets not over-react. Markymark was right on. So if there are more Dustin Videos watch if you want or wait till the next one comes around.

Runningscorpion and Tusconjayce I hear what you both are saying. RS it is your call, as only you know what you want. I know that when I was 22 (just a few short years ago) I really did "know it all" and the last think I really wanted was someone suggesting something else.

Love you all,

Live Long and Prosper,

Dating back to 1400 BC, the Oracle of Delphi was the most important...

AMAZING! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!. What a 180 degree turn around this forum has gone regarding Dustin.

Less than 5 months ago, virtually everyone on this forum was going ape-shit over Dustin (amongst others). We could not get enough of him. David heard us and accommodate us with more vids. Dustin, along with Tyler were the first two models to become part of this forum. We foamed at the mouth for our chances to "talk" with them.

Then for business reasons Dustin and Broke Straight Boys parted company. And all of a sudden our love for Dustin faded, faster than a setting sun. Without going into great detail, Dustin decided to move on, perhaps in his mind to do bigger and better. That's life. Maybe he wanted to see if the grass was greener on the other side of the road? Nothing really wrong with that.

So I wonder how much of what has happened regarding Dustin is not, in part, our fault? Dave asked both Tyler and Dustin to become part of this forum. Were we part of building up Dustin's ego to the point he had to leave? Remember, we did put him on a pedestal. That same pedestal was available to Tyler, but he just shoved it aside. And now we have turned a 180 degrees the other way. With the main exception of the video with Jason, are these newer videos that much different than what we saw mid to late last year? Think about it and go back and view them and re-read what we said last year.

Personally, I think Dustin got to big for his pants and it has backfired on him. Tyler, who is younger I believe than Dustin, has show far more maturity and is in complete control and not allowing ego to get in his way. BRAVO Tyler!!!!!

If you notice, to the best of our knowledge, Dave has not asked any other model to become part of the forum. And there are a number of them I think we would all like to see join. Is it because of the Dustin saga? If I was Dave, I know I'd be concerned about asking another model to join the forum.

Bottom line lets not over-react. Markymark was right on. So if there are more Dustin Videos watch if you want or wait till the next one comes around.

Runningscorpion and Tusconjayce I hear what you both are saying. RS it is your call, as only you know what you want. I know that when I was 22 (just a few short years ago) I really did "know it all" and the last think I really wanted was someone suggesting something else.

Love you all,

Live Long and Prosper,


As one who genuinely believes that the Earth, with all her inhabitants, at least all the mammals, lovingly revolves on a 24 hour orbit around me, and that I'm almost certainly clairvoyant and prophetic, I've gotta say again that yours truly was the single voice in the wilderness all those 5 months ago, the first to post that, contrary to the universal adulation he was getting, Dustin was actually boring, out of shape and semi-impotent. Vicekid, you are very shrewd in your analysis. If more forumites had reappraised the guy on the basis of my well reasoned:blink:evaluation of the Dustin charms, maybe he would still be doing his act here on Broke Straight Boys We are so fickle, we elect pornstars and presidents, and as soon as we have them we don't want them as badly as we thought we did, and their ratings go down.
In the beginning when Dustin came to us, he had a great aurora about him. Although his body was a bit out of shape...it was passable to place him first on College Boy Physicals site. The response we got and the fact he was straight(curious) at the time, we decided to place him on the Broke Straight Boys site. All the members did love Dustin and he was great to deal with on set. We signed him up on a 6 months exclusive contract with our studio and placed him on many of the Broke Straight Boys scenes and he also joined Patrick doing the Broke Straight Boys party/events. As time went on, and Dustin starting getting noticed, he was also getting bald, he was getting fatter, and he was unable and difficult for Dustin to get hard, that is why you see a rubber band around his cock so he can keep a hard-on, his cum shots sucked. We didn't understand why a guy his age would have a problem getting hard and a lousy cum shot. It came to our attention that he was having sex off screen at night and jerking off, which we don't prefer the models to do when we have to film them for the whole week. It just makes filming more difficult. Then his body got out of shape and then his attitude got worse...I don't know what happen to him over the 6 months we filmed him...but he changed....although he claims he straight and wouldn't kiss, or get fucked and all he wanted to do is fuck a guy in the ass, that is all well and great, but we prefer the models if they are gay, straight, bi or whatever expand there sexuality and try new sexual things...which Dustin did not want to do...we have to respect his decisions. Based on everything...we felt it not necessary and financially decided NOT to have Dustin film anymore....he didn't like the decision and he was hurt. Also at the Broke Straight Boys parties/events, he was trouble and all he wanted to do is get "fucked up"...and take advantage of Patrick's kindness. Overall, it was time for Dustin to move on. I know he has done some work for other studios and slowly you will see more of him but I also know that many studios don't like working with Dustin and he is burning his bridges along the way...so as he fizzles out on Broke Straight Boys, he will fizzle out in the porn world as well...I give him another year and Dustin will only be a memory at best. I wish all the luck!
David: I agree with all of what you said. And guys, I didn't say just throw out all of his videos. I know David paid him well for them. Some have not been displayed yet. I would just like to see him being deleted from ad's when possible. I too noticed he was out of shape and had erection problems. I even commented in the past I felt bad for dustin loosing his hair at such a young age. Like you all said, focus on the guys that respect and do a great job for Broke Straight Boys and David. Tyler, Robert & Alden, Logan etc.
On your knees my boy!:001_tt1: