Hummm....Laphroaig. I should just drink form the half-gallon jug of J&B that's my everyday scotch but this is tasty!
I wnt out to dinner. I'm pouring myslef a scotch.
I wnt out to dinner tonight and had four drinks. I never have four drinks anymore. Plus I had a beer this afternoon = a Grolsch sitting int the back of my fridge.
I'm pouring myslef a scotch. Anyone want to join me?
I wnt out to dinner tonight and had four drinks. I never have four drinks anymore. Plus I had a beer this afternoon = a Grolsch sitting int the back of my fridge.
I'm pouring myslef a scotch. Anyone want to join me?
A whole bunch of margaritas for that lady at the bar... coming up!
I certainly hope so. I wouldn't start a drunk thread if I wasn't planning on going th ere.
Listening to olmd Moby Grape from the 60s. Thats 1960s, punks,not 1860s. MonteryPop festival.
One special marnengrita for Ms. K. Enjoy, m'lady. And a Grolsch fot the Dutchman. I enjoyed mine today.
I like my scotch grape.
EDIT: rr-see you've got msK covered. Anybody want a marnangrita?
A two fisted drinker. My kind of woman.
I'll pick you up any night girl, and we'll go hip hop hip if that's what you want!
Anybody seen Denny Bear? He promised me a ride home...
Give me a sign, hit me, hit me, baby one more time.