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Down in the dumps


Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Hey Fellow Forumites:

What do you do when you get down in the dumps?:down: What helps cheer you up when you get depressed? :frown:

Let's see what interesting things we can come up with.:anyone::gequatsche:
Exercise is very good. Even if that means just taking a long walk. It uses up some energy that would otherwise be used to sit around worrying. Just about anything that will get you outdoors is helpful.

I hope you find something that will pull you out of it. Good luck LP! :)
You need to focus on what you want. If it is a boys, go where they go: libraries, coffie chopsm biid stiresm the gym. If it is a more meaningful relashionship, go where they go: coffee shops, grocery stores, mall, etc. To find someone to have sex with and to be intimate with you need to go where they are\!

Let me try this again, lol.

For one thing, I am rarely out of things to do and therefore, do not have time to be in the dumps! I live next door to my aging parents and my father has recenlty started going downhill fast, to the point he can't dress himself, etc, etc. A few hours at their home, helping him and my mother leaves me little time to get down in the dumps. I also watch over my dad's widowed sister. I take her to the store, pay her bills, take her to appointments, etc, etc. Again, it leaves me little time for depression.

I like to spend a couple of hours a week at a nursing home reading to residents. I love to read, and I enjoy giving them something else to think about. Sometimes they ask me to write letters for them, to their families. I also volunteer as an ombudsman at the nursing home which allows me to be like an advocate for a resident, seeing that they get the medical help they need among other things.

When I retire, I look forward to expanding my roles, and becoming a hospital volunteer. As a hospital worker for 30 years, I found I love to go around providing music for elderly patients. I usually whistle for them. I am a gifted whistler, and I have an extensive repertoire of tunes, for many occasions. I love watching their faces as they recognize a tune I am whistling. I love making a connection with patients who respond to very little else.

The thing is, my life is blessed! Yes, I have my problems and worries, but I stay busy so that those do not take more importance than they deserve. I see so many people around me who have worse problems and I focus on trying to help them with theirs. That helps me feel better because it allows me to see that I have a wonderful life with many blessings. Life is for living, not for sitting around worrying or being depressed. I choose to give my life meaning. How could I not be happy?
I hate it when that happens. When there is nothing I can solve.

When I feel like that, I just try to stay real busy. When I have a lot to do, I can't dwell on it, or worse.....sit around and do nothing.
Just down, don't know why or have a specific reason.

Hey there, did you know that laughing, even fake laughing, tricks the brain into releasing endorphins (the "feel good" chemical)? You should watch the "Behind the scenes" grouping and have a laugh...it does a body good!
Everything can be boring, or exiting... it's in the eye of the beholder. Life has it ups and downs. Not every fart will be dry.

Here's what I do. Close the curtains, switch off the TV, no phone... poor myself a good glass of red wine. Then I ask myself if I'm happy with what I did today, happy with what I'm going to do tomorrow? If the answer is yes, I'll enjoy the wine. If not I'll try to think off what I can do to change it. And if I will execute those changes or not. Silence is underrated in this busy world.

Do you feel the blues, or the mean red ones? How long has this been going on?
Isn't that when friends are so needed? I tried the gym, beat off, go to the movies but most of all, I get together with my closest friends - people who know me and want to spend time with me. They help with getting over the depression.
If you have had more than two continuous weeks of depression, especially associated with a lack of interest in enjoyable activities, poor eating habits, poor sleep, poor hygiene and others than you need to see a medical service provider for assistance. If your have a few bad days now and then all the above a good recommendations are excellent. In some cases Depression can be endogenous (without a known cause), such cases, especially if moderate to severe require medication. Hope your's is not that bad but Depression is a serious medical condition.
LPdude if you think that no one notices you and you're all alone, then try not paying the bills!
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I am fine. I ended up in the hospital for week and was on interveinious feeding for 5 days before I could have soft food. It ends up I had an infection in my intestines and a partial blockage. I guess I was feeling down because I was sick and was just blowing it off on my poor diet here at school. I now have a strict diet until I follow up with the stomach doctor in 2 weeks. Being the hospital sucks!:backdoor:
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I am fine. I ended up in the hospital for week and was on interveinious feeding for 5 days before I could have soft food. It ends up I had an infection in my intestines and a partial blockage. I guess I was feeling down because I was sick and was just blowing it off on my poor diet here at school. I now have a strict diet until I follow up with the stomach doctor in 2 weeks. Being the hospital sucks!:backdoor:

I am so glad you got the help you needed. I agree, being in the hospital does suck, but now that you are better, and know how to stay healthy, with a good diet, I'm sure your mood will perk up as well. It's great to see you back on the forum!:biggrin:
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I am fine. I ended up in the hospital for week and was on interveinious feeding for 5 days before I could have soft food. It ends up I had an infection in my intestines and a partial blockage. I guess I was feeling down because I was sick and was just blowing it off on my poor diet here at school. I now have a strict diet until I follow up with the stomach doctor in 2 weeks. Being the hospital sucks!:backdoor:
I'm so glad that you are out of the hospital and healthy again. I was actually thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were doing after your bout of depression. Now it turns out that you were physically sick, but at least you are now better.

Thanks for keeping us informed and welcome back lpdude!
Hey LP!

I'm so sorry you've been sick and in the hospital. It's wonderful that you are on the mend. It's even better when you can get a concrete answer and a solution for feeling down in the dumps.

Welcome back! :001_smile:
I am so glad that you are back with us, LPdude. I am sorry that you are sick, but very glad that you got the answers to your questions, so that you can now fix the problem. Keep us updated on your condition after you see the stomach doctor.

What kind of diet did they put you on?