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Does Jayman have a big dick?

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I think, both! :thumbup:

The man has made more than a thousand posts, and probably doesn't remember the post. But, I remember reading it! Twice! :lol:
I would love to see him, but I won't pressure him. He'll post a photo if he wants to. I won't pressure anyone into doing that. It is all up to them. Do I want him to? Heck yeah! :001_smile:
I would love to see him, but I won't pressure him. He'll post a photo if he wants to. I won't pressure anyone into doing that. It is all up to them. Do I want him to? Heck yeah! :001_smile:

Don't worry, he can't hit you in the face with a beer mug from where he is! :scared::scared::scared:
Jayman's member

He has photos. Post 'em Jayman. Come on fellas, apply that peer pressure. :b_evil::b_evil::b_evil:

Awhile back we discussed Jayman's checkered past. I was in DC at the same time and I seem to remember a marine dancing and if memory serves looked a lot like the Jayman. And that guy was HUNG, like it hung down to his knees. So I choose to believe that Jayman was not only gifted with a way with words, a heart of gold but is also hung like the proverbial horse.

If he cares to share then all the better, but it is his choice in the end. (I'm not saying that I wouldn't like to see it! :lol:)

All my best,

Dudes!! C'mon, This is a fantasy site. Just fantasize, ok? IMAGINE how big, trust me, the fantasy will ALWAYS be bigger than the reality. I know, because mine is 12.5 soft!! (in my mind, anyway!) See, it's easy. Yeah yeah, like me, I know! LOL!! Oh, and Jayce, if it is his choice, in the end, I hope he chooses my end!! LMAO!

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Dudes!! C'mon, This is a fantasy site. Just fantasize, ok? IMAGINE how big, trust me, the fantasy will ALWAYS be bigger than the reality. I kinow, because mine is 12.5. (in my mind, anyway!) See, it's easy. LOL


Seeing is believing. :cool: I think there is a Broke Straight Boys rule that says when you hit 1,000 posts you have to show your pee-pee.
Dudes!! C'mon, This is a fantasy site. Just fantasize, ok? IMAGINE how big, trust me, the fantasy will ALWAYS be bigger than the reality. I kinow, because mine is 12.5. (in my mind, anyway!) See, it's easy. LOL

LOL!! And I'm the white Long Dong Silver, in my mind! Although I think half of that is kind of a waste! :lol:
Give it up, Mitch. Angels are androgynous. Maybe that is why I am bisexual/trysexual. :lol: I only posses a phallic representation of the male genitalia and I know you would only want to see the real thing.:sneaky2:

But hey, if you really want to see them; I have two models. You can view them below... :thumbup:


  • Basic Male Angel Penis.jpg
    Basic Male Angel Penis.jpg
    7.6 KB · Views: 63
  • Male Angel Penis.jpg
    Male Angel Penis.jpg
    13.8 KB · Views: 62
Give it up, Mitch. Angels are androgynous. Maybe that is why I am bisexual/trysexual. :lol: I only posses a phallic representation of the male genitalia and I know you would only want to see the real thing.:sneaky2:

But hey, if you really want to see them; I have two models. You can view them below... :thumbup:

You are not that angelic Jay.

Well, if you don't ask, you don't get. So why not ask! :sneaky2: C'mon, it's sort of a virtual strip show!
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Big, small, or somewhere in between. To me it doesn't matter so long as he has one & it is in working order :am:
Give it up, Mitch. Angels are androgynous. Maybe that is why I am bisexual/trysexual. :lol: I only posses a phallic representation of the male genitalia and I know you would only want to see the real thing.:sneaky2:

But hey, if you really want to see them; I have two models. You can view them below... :thumbup:
LOL, Jayman!! It's HARD to choose! :lol:
Oh Marky.....

Dudes!! C'mon, This is a fantasy site. Just fantasize, ok? IMAGINE how big, trust me, the fantasy will ALWAYS be bigger than the reality. I know, because mine is 12.5 soft!! (in my mind, anyway!) See, it's easy. Yeah yeah, like me, I know! LOL!! Oh, and Jayce, if it is his choice, in the end, I hope he chooses my end!! LMAO!


Ok I get it. But atleast I have a picture in my mind of something I actually saw!:thumbup:

Marky you can choose any end you like, That's a queen's perogative...LMAO


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Awhile back we discussed Jayman's checkered past. I was in DC at the same time and I seem to remember a marine dancing and if memory serves looked a lot like the Jayman. And that guy was HUNG, like it hung down to his knees. So I choose to believe that Jayman was not only gifted with a way with words, a heart of gold but is also hung like the proverbial horse.

If he cares to share then all the better, but it is his choice in the end. (I'm not saying that I wouldn't like to see it! :lol:)

All my best,


First off thank you Jayce. I shouldn't ruin the illusion for everyone. However; after you have had a few people pull on the real thing a time or two, you learn a few tricks. Plus, you can get bigger money tips literally. Extensions work great my friend. http://www.nawtythings.com/cockrings5.html If you are wearing a G-string or a cock sock it can be hard to tell reality from fantasy. Many strippers wear these even today. It is kind of like why the police and corrections officers wear clip on ties. It is so you can pull away. :thumbup:
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First off thank you Jayce. I shouldn't ruin the illusion for everyone. However; after you have had a few people pull on the real thing a time or two, you learn a few tricks. Plus, you can get bigger money tips literally. http://www.nawtythings.com/cockrings5.html wearing a G-string or a cock sock it can be hard to tell reality from fantasy. Many strippers wear these even today. It is kind of like why the police and corrections officers wear clip on ties. It is so you can pull away. :thumbup:

Oh, quit stalling! :cursing:
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