OK, it's time for Piks to shout out to Skip. This disturbing supplication for visual penile proof has a precedent. A couple of months ago several of us were doing this same taunting of the Jay for a Skipsighting. He was then just getting into his stride as encyclopedic saint, mentor and counselor and maybe the forum had only a few real assiduous posters, it wasn't primetime at that moment, maybe I had links to Piks on my profile as a sort of precedent, I can't remember. Anyway the man was actually able, without causing a site collapse, to put an image of his erect penis up on his profile for a never to be repeated two minutes. If you guys won't now fuck him around trying to get him to show that photo again, I can tell you what I saw, which wasn't a full frontal nude, but what, when exchanging photos on manjam and gaydar, we call a dickpic.
His erect willy is very long, and proportional in circumference to the length. Engorged it's naturally darker than the skin on the rest of him. It's not one of those curvy dicks, but a very straight stiffy used, obviously, for the occasional very unstraight purpose. The dickhead is shapely, but doesn't have an excessive mushroom rim around the base of the glans, just enough shaping to keep it from being "bullet". I think I remember its being at about 45 degrees from the perpen-dick-ular, with good sized, tight balls under it. I also remember quite a lot of texture on the shaft, veins standing out and all that. The image gave me the impression that the junk as a whole had its natural hair, with no trimming, unless the bush had been lightened a bit in comparison to the rest, or maybe not. I only saw if for less than a minute before Jay took the photo down.
In answer to the question, he's hung. Don't ask him to post that pic again because he's way more in the public eye now on the forum, what with his almost holy status as a godlike mediator, philosopher and consultant. It wouldn't do. Take it from me, take it from Piks. Skip is just the dick all of you would want Jayman to have, neither more nor less.