Do you really need an AK47 to go squirrel hunting? Good Grief.. what a mess that would make out of the squirrel !
It troubles me to here this.
Do you really need an AK47 to go squirrel hunting? Good Grief.. what a mess that would make out of the squirrel !
No most definitely not! As a hunter myself, the idea of such weapons is ludicrous. Those weapons are made for one purpose, to kill human beings. And no one in the private sector should have one. But that will never happen because Gun Lobbyists in America are too organized and too powerful to overcome. The NRA will defend our right to own weapons, period! This issue is one of those conundrums of our own creation here in America. I see no resolution to this issue anytime in the near future.
I don't believe that a person needs an AK-47 for hunting, but sure is nice to live in a country that you can buy one if you want one.
I live in a very rural part of Tennessee. The closest town or city of about 28000 people is 10 miles away it takes the Sheriff's Dept around 10 to 15 minutes to get to my house. If it comes down to whether it is me or the bad guy. It will not be me laying in a pool of blood. I own seven guns and a crossbow and I will use them to protect my property. And I do not hunt either.