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Do we really need to be selling AK-47s?


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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Just read an article on the Jacksonville shooting. A resident of Florida can buy an AK-47 and walk out with it the same day. Do hunters really need an AK-47?
Mark, you may be correct. The men responsible for writing the constitution were part of a group of colonists who had just overthrown their masters by force of arms. I believe they wanted to keep that possibility for the next generation. They had a fear of big government.

Now to bring that thinking into modern times, I and my like-minded citizens should be out buying nuclear weapons and military-grade aircraft. Probably not going to happen. So this argument about an armed militia is so much bull shit.

Then the hunting argument for sport. One needs an AK-47 for hunting deer?
It troubles me to here this. I just made a comment on another thread that Jacksonville Beach is my favorite place to visit. But as a country guy.. I really need to say this...
Do you really need an AK47 to go squirrel hunting? Good Grief.. what a mess that would make out of the squirrel !
I love high tech as much as anybody, but why mess around with the small stuff...

Really, in this day and time, why waist your time and hard-earned money on mere AK-47's, yesterday's technology. Why not upgrade and go "WHOLE HOG TO FULL NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES" - just for the "intimidation" factor alone. "DO YOURSELF PROUD, FOR ONCE!" And, our constitution doesn't say one word against going nuclear either! Just ask yourself, you want SOME RESPECT, Don't You? I hear it told on good authority that IRAN is in the process of opening one hell of a "Gun Show merchandising network avoiding ALL back-ground checks and offering easy financing".

In particular, are you looking for the latest in new "solar-powered drones" that are nuclear capable and come equipped with bitching GPS capabilities far more able than Superman (without his "Krypton"-Achilles heel)? After all, who really want to be stuck back in the 1950's wearing prosthetics anyway?

Just remember that the Bible approves of all firearm purchases, including defensive, offensive, and miscellaneous and it considers all of these purchases a form of "tithing" as outlined in the Bible (regardless of edition)!
If God stands for anything at all, a little more hate towards you neighbor goes a long way towards one's salvation provided it is unorganized and chaotic and not hung-up on those damned "Human Rights Issues" the :laugh: speaks of so forcefully against.

Sure as shooting,

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Do you really need an AK47 to go squirrel hunting? Good Grief.. what a mess that would make out of the squirrel !

No most definitely not! As a hunter myself, the idea of such weapons is ludicrous. Those weapons are made for one purpose, to kill human beings. And no one in the private sector should have one. But that will never happen because Gun Lobbyists in America are too organized and too powerful to overcome. The NRA will defend our right to own weapons, period! This issue is one of those conundrums of our own creation here in America. I see no resolution to this issue anytime in the near future.
It troubles me to here this.
Do you really need an AK47 to go squirrel hunting? Good Grief.. what a mess that would make out of the squirrel !

No most definitely not! As a hunter myself, the idea of such weapons is ludicrous. Those weapons are made for one purpose, to kill human beings. And no one in the private sector should have one. But that will never happen because Gun Lobbyists in America are too organized and too powerful to overcome. The NRA will defend our right to own weapons, period! This issue is one of those conundrums of our own creation here in America. I see no resolution to this issue anytime in the near future.

..........But, a loaded hunting rifle or handgun, left in the closet of a "stupid" parent, can still be found by a nosy/naughty/curios child........

Most ACCIDENTAL shootings of children, are with guns that were bought for the right reasons, but taken care of irresponsibly.

If a citizen can buy a gun, with a background check and a waiting period, and even a mandatory safety class..........how do you ensure that they are not an idiot?
Ms K, you make a good point. Many of these weapons that children get are legally owned by a relative. Some were even locked up.
I don't believe that a person needs an AK-47 for hunting, but sure is nice to live in a country that you can buy one if you want one.
I don't believe that a person needs an AK-47 for hunting, but sure is nice to live in a country that you can buy one if you want one.

Agreed. While it is truly nice to live in such a country, I cannot think of one sport, or game animal that requires the sue of an AK-47! I for one, would rather not see this type of weapon (made for the express purpose of killing people) available to the American public for sale. :anyone:
I live in a very rural part of Tennessee. The closest town or city of about 28000 people is 10 miles away it takes the Sheriff's Dept around 10 to 15 minutes to get to my house. If it comes down to whether it is me or the bad guy. It will not be me laying in a pool of blood. I own seven guns and a crossbow and I will use them to protect my property. And I do not hunt either.
Jerrys, I have no problem with you owning weapons to protect yourself and yours. I grew up in a rural area of New York state and hunting was a part of life for many people. What I am concerned about here is the level of kill power that some of these weapons have. In the wrong hands, these weapons can lead to a tragedy. Mr. Cho at Virginia Tech is an example that comes to mind. Plus all the school shootings. So I think the issue is one of fire power and the securing of weapons that one owns. Ms. K made a very good point on the securing of legally owned weapons.

A few years ago here in Middlesex County, NJ, there was an incident where a boy killed a friend of his with a gun. An accident. It came out that the condo was full of guns that his grandfather had passed down to his dad. They were all over the condo and some were loaded. This is the problem of access. This was a case of boys "playing" with guns, not knowing they were lethal. Then there is the cases where the boys and sometimes girls know they are lethal.
I live in a very rural part of Tennessee. The closest town or city of about 28000 people is 10 miles away it takes the Sheriff's Dept around 10 to 15 minutes to get to my house. If it comes down to whether it is me or the bad guy. It will not be me laying in a pool of blood. I own seven guns and a crossbow and I will use them to protect my property. And I do not hunt either.

BRAVO BRAVO! I totally agree that you are very much within your rights to protect yourself, your family, and your property. The issue is not whether YOU have a right to, because you do. The issue is that, weapons like AK-47s should not be so accessible to the general public, not all of who are as responsible as you. There needs to be better control of who gets them.

And Ms. K is right, and people who own guns should be held responsible for the actions of their children when their (the parents) irresponsibility has provided access to an unstable or immature child who goes on to commit an atrocity. I think the real issue here is RESPONSIBILITY, not RIGHTS.
I have a Hand Gun Carry Permit, and I carry a pistol with me where ever I go. I own a bar, there is a lot of people think I carry lots of cash with me. I have had to use my weapon twice this year, once at the bar and once at home. I agree that weapons should be kept in a safe place but i am damn glad I had mine at my side on those two nights. I do believe that gun laws should be tougher. You cannot own or posses any fully automatic weapon in the State of Tennessee. Thank God!!!
I wouldn't buy them russian type weapons when there's good old-fashion American made ones to be had like the famous M-16. I never got the opportunity to kill me a commie during those "Cold War" years. I qualified expert on the M-16, M-40, M-60, M-203 and the trusty 38 revolver. I even got me a small arms ribbon for shooting expert with the 38. These weapons are for killing not for hunting except if you're hunting Taliban in them hills. Now these days I am retraining my skills to get me a man in bed - the bigger the better.
I know nothing about guns. So since we have some people on here that do, allow me to ask some questions.

Is an AK-47 an automatic weapon? Do civilians need to own one for self protection or hunting purposes? And how lethal could this weapon be in the hands of a crazy person or a criminal?
An AK-47 is a fully automatic Russian made assault rile. It was used by the Russian Army during the cold war. It is very dangerous in the wrong hands. These are what those two guys used in that infamous bank robbery in California, that resulted in one of the largest shootouts in LA.