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Dissapointed with recent films

I actually hit the forum for this very reason tonight.

This use to be my favorite site to hit and I was, for some time, keeping a regular membership to it. But the quality of the guys and videos has just dropped tremendously, especially over the last few months. Some of the recent really good, hot guys like Alden, Jordan, Jason - they seem to just disappear, though I would love to see all three of those guys again and again. But even some of the really good folks that have been around for a while, seem to get stuck in repetitive scenes with the same people. I really like Tyler, Dustin and Austin - but honestly, I have seen them in way to many scenes together....mix it up a bit. And then when you do get a scene, like with Tyler and Corey - I was pretty excited, until the scene was just a BJ/JO scene I was pretty disappointed. Both these guys have done more and better before. And guys like Logan - you know he is cute and all, but he has no real personality and is boring honestly.

This site WAS the site...I hope these last few months have been a bad period and it will rise again. Because I am now an occasional subscriber. I'll let some time go by and check in again, only to see it's worse.

I should be afraid to let my membership lapse...craving the next update...counting down the days.

I can't really say I am. Or have of late.

Come on....this is Broke Straight Boys...you're better then this....:confused1:

Hi erxxx18,

I totally understand and see your point when reading your post. Some scenes and guys are going to be winners and very hot and others are going to come up short. Its easy to say to match up certain models with certain other models but you also have to factor in schedule, availability of the models, if the models return and wish to be filmed again, and if the models honestly get along.

A lot of the return models that have become comfortable with doing scenes on Broke Straight Boys, have become chooser and some models just don't get along or will not do certain things. This is why you see them just doing oral. Many of the oral scenes are hot on this site but we do have lots of anal and oral scenes. The great thing about Broke Straight Boys right now is that we are updating the site twice a week so there is a lot of updates that other sites do not offer, so if you don't like a scene, a few days later there is a new scene. If you don't like the two updates you see that week, you also have the option to check out our bonus sites. Every member to Broke Straight Boys also has access to all the bonus sites so you can take advantage of those sites as well. We offer a lot to view and we offer you more bang for your membership buck :thumbup:

Now as far as the models go, its a matter of taste. We try to offer a mix of all types of different guys. Sure you can go to sites like corbin fisher, randyblue or collegedudes247 and I can name a lot more and see the same exact looking guys. They have HOT guys...but after a while it can get very boring as well seeing the same type of looking guy over and over again. Here at Broke Straight Boys, we like to mix up the flavor a bit and offer a variety of different types of guys so beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you may think is ugly, others may think is hot and vice versa.

Perhaps this explanation can give you a bit of an insight of what Broke Straight Boys is all about. Yes! We do have alot of hot guys and hot scenes up and coming. I'm going to upload some of the hot guys that are up & coming on the site soon so our members who visit this forum can see what's in store for future models and give our members a look at what's coming soon!!!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.


I do appreciate the variety of model types on Broke Straight Boys, but I don't recall ever thinking of any of them as ugly. I find some more appealing than others of course. Different strokes............. :lol:

I do take exception with your description of Corbin Fisher, etc. models. The CF guys do NOT look all alike. I do not get bored watching CF vids. Those guys are physically fit, but no 2 look or act alike. Many different body types and personalities.

Heck, my CF fave number 2 I didn't even like in his solo. I didn't think he was good looking at all. He was scared to death and I didn't think he'd ever be back on CF. After a couple shoots done with the CF girls and boys, he calmed down. What changed is he SMILED. Beautiful! He was sent to Prague to film with the Bel Ami guys! They love him on BA!

Those members so critical of a Broke Straight Boys first shoot should keep that in mind. With experience most all of the Broke Straight Boys get better.

I do appreciate the variety of model types on Broke Straight Boys, but I don't recall ever thinking of any of them as ugly. I find some more appealing than others of course. Different strokes............. :lol:

I do take exception with your description of Corbin Fisher, etc. models. The CF guys do NOT look all alike. I do not get bored watching CF vids. Those guys are physically fit, but no 2 look or act alike. Many different body types and personalities.

Heck, my CF fave number 2 I didn't even like in his solo. I didn't think he was good looking at all. He was scared to death and I didn't think he'd ever be back on CF. After a couple shoots done with the CF girls and boys, he calmed down. What changed is he SMILED. Beautiful! He was sent to Prague to film with the Bel Ami guys! They love him on BA!

Those members so critical of a Broke Straight Boys first shoot should keep that in mind. With experience most all of the Broke Straight Boys get better.

ITA about CF. And, David, I also have the CF calendars, any hope such might show up on the Broke Straight Boys Store?
And playing cards! I bought the CF playing cards as well as the calendar...
Naw, they were too distracting, I kept making bad bets! (Talk about Poker!) And I ain't even gonna go there about all the "dates" I got, once I had those calendars! LMAO!:001_tt1: Seriously though, I would like Tee's with the boy's pics, as well as stationary?
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Naw, they were too distracting, I kept making bad bets! (Talk about Poker!) And I ain't even gonna go there about all the "dates" I got, once I had those calendars! LMAO!:001_tt1: Seriously though, I would like Tee's with the boy's pics, as well as stationary?

:lol: Marky!!
Mark - I think this site is still tops! I would like David to make sure that any audio is always able to be heard clearly, otherwise that section of the video is wasted. It also sets the scene and tells us about the guys' background (even if it's fictitious, it's all part of the fantasy!). There are some really hot guys who I would love to see more of, like Scott, Logan, Alden, Erik, Ross, Aiden (dog tags), Josh, and many others, and after they've been on two or three times, it's just great to see them kiss and fuck! Keep up the great work!!
Folks give it up for MarkyMark...he's here all week...have the veal folks...badum bump!
Hi David,

Thanks much for the well thought out response. It's appreciated. And I do understand and know, that a lot of factors play into the filming of scenes. I would have a tendency to agree with you on sites like Corbin Fisher. You get no argument from me that he gets some really hot guys on there, but there are times his videos can get a bit stagnate too with his variety of types.

I also agree, there are lots of different types for a big variety of tastes. Hell some people think I am hot! Haha. Blind bastards.

I do really like the idea of uploading more of what is coming up and in store for favorite models, etc. The more of that type of stuff the better in my book. That way if maybe the next updates coming up are not your fancy, you know this guy or that is not far behind. That's indeed a great idea.

Maybe I need to just stop bitchin on the board, grab my DVX from the case and come on down to Florida and help out.

Yes I have a porn maker in me just dying to get out!
And a quick PS to my response. I just watched the new video with Logan and it is MUCH better then some of this other ones. The guy is smiling and showing some personality. FAR sexier then he was acting before. He needs to be like that all the time. And some good reaction shots of him topping too - he looked like he was enjoying it.
Sometimes it takes a model a few scenes to *warm* up to the idea of having sex on camera!