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Discovery Channel "Life"


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Did anyone else watch this? From what i understand its by the same people that did the Planet Earth Special. OMG its amazing! I watched a baby octopus hatch and it was so heart wrenching! I highly suggest catching this special!
Did anyone else watch this? From what i understand its by the same people that did the Planet Earth Special. OMG its amazing! I watched a baby octopus hatch and it was so heart wrenching! I highly suggest catching this special!

I saw parts of this and recorded the rest. Now hopfully I can find the time to watch it as it was a very good program. :thumbup:
I love nature and wild life but what makes an octopus hatching "heart wrentching?"

well the octopus finds a safe place and holes herself up. she then takes care of her eggs and helps them grow. right before the eggs hatch she dies. she doesnt get to see her babies go off or help them along. its just very sad but so epic at the same time.
That is heart wrenching!!!

well the octopus finds a safe place and holes herself up. she then takes care of her eggs and helps them grow. right before the eggs hatch she dies. she doesnt get to see her babies go off or help them along. its just very sad but so epic at the same time.
i didnt get to see planet earth, but im making it a point to see every epsiode of life. one thing that always breaks my heart is when i see animals die because of our encroachment into their environment. (ie dead white tail deer hit by cars on the side of the street because we really needed to pave over their land for another strip mall or housing plan. ) and if im crazy for being moved by the story of the octopus, then so be it. also the poison dart frog will hatch its tadpolls in a small pond, and then in the dry season move them to different sitting pools of water in trees and plants, sometimes climbing over four miles into the trees. then she will travel to each location daily to feed the tadpolls an unfertilized egg since there isnt enough food in the small pool.
I love the Planet Earth series as well. I often put it on the bluray player at my Blockbuster locations, and people are always standing there in awe. I will have to give this series a chance if you like it so much Joe....
i didnt get to see planet earth, but im making it a point to see every epsiode of life. one thing that always breaks my heart is when i see animals die because of our encroachment into their environment. (ie dead white tail deer hit by cars on the side of the street because we really needed to pave over their land for another strip mall or housing plan. ) and if im crazy for being moved by the story of the octopus, then so be it. also the poison dart frog will hatch its tadpolls in a small pond, and then in the dry season move them to different sitting pools of water in trees and plants, sometimes climbing over four miles into the trees. then she will travel to each location daily to feed the tadpolls an unfertilized egg since there isnt enough food in the small pool.

You're definitely not crazy for that. Funny, until I became a pet owner, (and I don't really count the dogs we had growing up) I liked animals but never get very emotional about them. Having had a cat now for 6 years, I get very emotional about animals-and really feel worse for them than I do most people!

I'm still not sure I can get choked up about an Octopus though-they give me the creeps. Planet Earth was awesome, but I don't get Discovery anymore, so I'll have to get the DVD of this series when it becomes available.
Life is terrific. The daddy frog who broke through the rim of his babies' puddle to get neighboring water to flood in to save their little spermy lives was amazing: the sort of thing you expect an overachieving primate to do (identify a problem, identify a solution requiring a plan with a series of actions, and then undertake the solution to remedy the problem). And the photography is awesome, and the photographers' stories are terrific.
Life is terrific. The daddy frog who broke through the rim of his babies' puddle to get neighboring water to flood in to save their little spermy lives was amazing: the sort of thing you expect an overachieving primate to do (identify a problem, identify a solution requiring a plan with a series of actions, and then undertake the solution to remedy the problem). And the photography is awesome, and the photographers' stories are terrific.

omg daddy frog! i loved that!