BSB Addict
People sometimes think they know stuff when they don't.
I was actually referring to myself when I posted that. On the other hand David more or less announced a year and a half ago here on the forum that Diesal had switched loyalties. As far as seeming or not seeming gay in person, that's what the whole "straight-acting" concept is all about. A guy who doesn't have any mannerisms in his speech, wrists or gait, and who's a straight talker in every sense of the word, can still be a 6 on the K scale.
There's one final thing that years ago fascinated the little forum clique who jump to a lot of conclusions and disagree about the number of angels who can dance on the head of a pin, me included. In an interview, I can't remember if it was BTS, David asked Diesal about relationships in his life, and the answer was that there was someone back home. If I remember right, the next question was about the sex of the person, and it sounded like Diesal said it was a guy. But since only 2 or three people twigged to it, we might have heard wrong.
As I say, I've got enough to dream on, and I like him a lot as a masculine, straight-acting gay guy. Just my fantasy.