Well-known Member
ok, I should actually state I'm fairly certain the money storyline was just that; a storyline... I don't think the owner of Broke Straight Boys would go that far.
However, I stand by my opinion in that it's a storyline that did nothing for me, instead, made me grimace in distaste the entire video.
I really hope it's not repeated... I wouldn't mind seeing Dylan again... just not in that storyline.
The stalking remark is because, as much as the majority knows that Broke Straight Boys is fantasy, there will always be a fruitcake or two who not only don't understand the difference between reality and fantasy, they have no hesitation into turning their fantasy into their reality and wont stop at anything to get it. A scene such as this could encourage this type of personality.. I'm more concerned about the safety aspect of it all.
While I agree that the storyline is just that, I also agree that it was probably a poor choice by management. There are a myriad of stories out there that could be convoluted for the futon, this was just an error in judgement. I'm relatively certain that, given the public reaction, it won't be repeated.
As far as the stalking comment, some people somehow always find a way to screw up a good thing. There will always be that segment of society which has no grasp of moral reality, no concept of consequences, and no degree of remorse. It seems as though a lot of people don't think about anyone but themself, and have no idea how their actions affect others.
My momma said it: "If they lined all of the cars in the world up bumper to bumper, some asshole would pull out to pass!"