You said that very well Jon. Thank you for stating that so eloquently.
I obviously agree with you totally. It's wonderful to have the all the models posting here that we do have. I love to be able to gush over and cyber-flirt with some of my favorite models practically in real-time. It's a double-edged sword though when a scene or model is not to our personal liking or standards. In those cases we feel we must either not post or censor ourselves in some way. That in itself does hinder our free speech and dampens the forum experience for us. There's no easy answer or one-size-fits-all solution to this dilemma. It's up to all of us on a case by case basis to decide how we will respond...if at all.
Hey, wondrous Tampa -
I think you're exactly right, that what we post (and about
whom) is something each of us must decide, on a case-by-case basis. I know that everyone will handle this a little differently ~ and I really do enjoy hearing about how other members perceive (and receive) the latest new scenes!
For me, the equation is pretty simple. Though I can't claim to always follow my own advice on this, unfailingly (I am sure that people who are assiduous researchers could dig up SCADS of examples, to the contrary) I usually try to do THIS:
If a model or a scene appeals to me moderately, greatly, or INCREDIBLY - I try to rate it, and comment on the board, accordingly. If a model or a scene doesn't appeal to me at ALL, I usually try to pass that video
by ~ knowing that the next bus is arriving (as it were) very shortly! LOL! And I suppose, if a model or a scene truly caused me WORRY - in terms of the general quality of the site - while I might say a word or two on here, I would mostly choose to write the management, directly, and in private.
As for me, I think that sort of approach generally works. (Even though I may not have followed it
perfectly, always.) The management on
Broke Straight Boys is quite attentive, and responsive (they brought Mr. JASON back, after so many of us begged and pleaded, for so long - and that was a stunning success: thank you
JASON, and thank you,
PAUL): and I kinda sorta
trust them to "get the hint" ~ if hundreds of fans are praising a model or a scene to highest heaven. . . it's in their interest to offer more, of those models, or kinds of scenes. On the other hand, if a model or a scene makes everyone hear "crickets" ~ it's, for sure, a cue that people aren't that into it. And I think Mark and Clay and Sha can read those sorts of cues ~ and regularly, do.
I will say, though, I do agree with "Blue", that the price of the exquisite luxury we have, of talking to the models on the board, sometimes, IS a little self-restraint, self-censorship (Yes! I used that awful word!), and
Maybe I'm a little over-sensitive about all this, because I have a couple of friends who USED to do this sort of modelling. One of them (who is supremely gorgeous, BTW) used to do appearances, regularly, on "Flirt-for-Free", very late at night. . . and he used to plead with me, "A -
please come along and just HANG OUT with me" ~ because it was such a lonely, and terrifying experience for him, in many ways. People would show up, at 3:00 a.m., and say: "You're ugly! You're too SKINNY! Pull that DICK OUT, faggot!" And stuff like that. So, I would set my alarm for 3:00 a.m., just sit in chat, and fend off bastards of that sort, with sundry gentle witticisms.
Now, it is absolutely true that nastiness of that sorry rank, and style, very seldom happens, HERE - which is one of the many reasons I love
Broke Straight Boys! However, I would say, to anyone who'd care to listen - putting one's body, sexuality, and PASSIONS on display, for all the world to see, is not a choice that's purely commercial, in its entirety: it's
existential, too. And to hear others being criticized because of their looks, or the way they perform in bed, or the way they EMOTE and respond to partners - - - is a little bit discomfiting, for me. As I've been criticized for ALL these things, at one time, or another.
I think, in fact, it takes tremendous
courage ever to appear on a site like
Broke Straight Boys; and so, I think we owe the models - perhaps, especially, the models we don't care for, personally - a little kindness, and respect. Because, sure, they need money (and who, but the wealthiest of us,
doesn't???) - - - but they are taking a tremendous "flier", putting their
whole damned SELVES upon display - for the
whole damned world ~ including their Moms, and Dads, and girlfriends (or boyfriends) ~ to see, and JUDGE.
I don't mean for any thoughts of mine to have a chilling effect upon the board, or upon people's legitimate aesthetic ruminations. But, just like "Blue", I think it's important that civility prevails: else, we OURSELVES will put a chill upon RECRUITMENT. EVERY kid who doffs his underwear, on here, to make the day a little pleasanter, for us, is both filled with conflicted emotions, and well-aware that he is taking a HUGE RISK, in terms of self-esteem; the judgement of family, and friends; and perhaps his future.
I think the
least that we can do is be as kind and welcoming as we can be, to every model who shows up here - whether he is our "cup of tea", or not. We owe them ALL a lot of thanks, for daring, and caring, enough about us, to share a few of their most personal moments.
P.S. Here is my challenge, to every member here - - - If you ever got bullied or beaten up, as a kid; if you ever got turned down and rejected because someone told you that you were too fat, or too skinny, or too effeminate, or too butch, and not "gay enough" ~ please take a little time,
this month, to tell one of the
Broke Straight Boys models - maybe one you've never written to, before - how
thankful you are, for what HE has done, for YOU!!! XOXOXOXOXOXO
I think, the very BEST thing about this board is - we are all in a VERY privileged position, to give back a little LOVE. I hope we will make the most of it!
P.P.S. Jesu Christe, I'm getting to be such a HIPPIE, in my old age! I'd better go have a coffee, curb my enthusiasm, and just
chill out!!! But, I'll tell ya, if my boyfriend weren't in the picture, I'd take "Desperate Robert" out for a
latte, any day!!!!