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December updates and big announcement

Yes, I do remember it well. That was a lot of fun, when folks got riled up over him. I think it's healthy for folk's to have a heated debate.

It will be interesting to see what has become of him since, or was the episode before, after or during the last lot. God only knows lol :blink:
I REALLY would like to see another scene w/ Kyler getting fucked, and maybe this time it could be w/ Shane? ..."And for another $100, I think it would be HOT to see them kiss too!"
I REALLY would like to see another scene w/ Kyler getting fucked, and maybe this time it could be w/ Shane? ..."And for another $100, I think it would be HOT to see them kiss too!"

Jeez don't mention kissing in here bob, some of the members might think we're gay lol. :001_rolleyes:
Mmm looking forward to the Kayden/Tom rematch and also the last pic with Tyler, Dustbin and another fit guy. They look good together.
Whatever you do, don't remove any of Taz's scenes or the Chris scene. They may be old, but they still hold up.
Boy, this is going to be an interesting lineup. I got to buy some new boxes of tissues in the meantime. Oh, an add a new HD monitor.
What happended with Anthony, the guy with a big tatoo? He did very well in his last shoot with Michael.....
I winder if he would be bottom once....it would be so hot Anthony getting fucked on his back (rosted chicken position) and cum.....

Can you give us an idea of what is involved in the new Aiden, Torin, Steve vid?
What we got was Torin being hard before being touched and staying hard while sucking cock. He can talk any game he wants. His hardon knows the reals core!