BSB Owner
We are continuing 3 times a week updates in December. I guess this is more like two annoucements. Our first is we are moving Broke Straight Boys to HD. Please bare with us we are working on getting rid of older scenes to get to the new and improved Broke Straight Boys in HD. We hope to start releasing HD scenes in March/April. 
We are also adding a section called behind the scenes. This is where you can watch models on the world tour, interviews, bloopers and more. I believe this section will be very popular area but bare with us because working with the world tour content is very time consuming. We have hours and hours of content so we have to go through each of the world tour footage and use what we think is the best. I have personally filmed some of the behind the scenes footage where the models are on tour and the footage is amazing. You get to see the models in a real environments interacting with others and each other. I'm very excited for this new section to Broke Straight Boys We have even more exciting news coming soon.

We are also adding a section called behind the scenes. This is where you can watch models on the world tour, interviews, bloopers and more. I believe this section will be very popular area but bare with us because working with the world tour content is very time consuming. We have hours and hours of content so we have to go through each of the world tour footage and use what we think is the best. I have personally filmed some of the behind the scenes footage where the models are on tour and the footage is amazing. You get to see the models in a real environments interacting with others and each other. I'm very excited for this new section to Broke Straight Boys We have even more exciting news coming soon.

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