I finally got to watch the first 2 of these scenes. Sha...you did great! Thanks for keeping things moving along and making it interesting. Thank you Scorpio for the editing that made these flow so smoothly.
Just a couple of quick comments for right now. Thank you Rob, Jimmy and Cole for the shoutouts. That's really cool of you to do that.

Not just for me though but for all of us.
Rob...I was really impressed with your biceps. Before you even showed them off properly I noticed that you had been working hard on your body. You're looking great my friend.
I felt bad that I didn't have a really good question prepared for you Rob. The one I came up with didn't apply to you yet. Only because you weren't yet out to most of your friends. So maybe as you tell more of your close straight friends you'll be able to answer that question as to how they react to the news. And then what kinds of questions they ask you about the job. Whether it comes from a perspective of disgust, curiosity or fascination. You know I have plenty of luv for a certain Mr. Ryder. xoo
Cole! Happy belated man! I hope you had a wonderful 21st birthday.
Thanks for all your honest answers to our questions. It's not much of a stretch of the imagination to figure out that you might use some vitamin V to help you keep it up in a scene. haha Better living through chemistry I guess. lol I really enjoyed the stories you shared. I'm so happy that you are enjoying all the traveling that this experience has afforded you. I love the fact that you are getting to see places like D.C., New York City and other great cities in our fair land. Especially while you still have the youth and free spirit to enjoy them. You don't seem jaded by it at all. It's so much nicer to see great experiences enjoyed by people who really appreciate them.
Your scenes are getting better. I hope that you can get over your dislike of doing the sex enough to let us see the nice, down to earth guy that you are in real life. The wonderful handsome young man who we see in the BTS vids is so cool. There is still some disconnect between those two personalities.
Jimmy Johnson the porn star could still use some pointers from the Jimmy in real life. Real life Jimmy comes across so well on camera.
Jimmy Johnson, not as well...yet. You say you want to want to do porn for a decent while into the future. If you could just get those 2 personalities more in synch...the sky's the limit on how far your star could rise.