As has been stated numerous times.... This is a porn site!!! It is for your enjoyment. You as the customer have the choice to purchase the entertainment or not. If you are not satisfied with what you are getting, then you can look elsewhere.
Your current rants and disrespectful tone towards management and other members is not acceptable behavior from anyone. If you are not satisfied, you can leave. It is your choice to continue membership and yours alone. You would not sit in a movie theater watching a movie that you did not enjoy. Likewise, you would not stand up in the middle and start declaring the blasphemies of the studio that produced it nor would you hold the theater accountable for showing the movie. You would either leave the movie or after it was over decide not to watch that movie again.
This is a Porn Site! The studio does more than an adequate job keeping updates going regularly and giving us the "inside" scoop on things. Blu and D&E are amazing companies and the personnel from whom have chatted on this forum are very quick in trying to respond. If you feel you are not a satisfied customer, then you can take that up with management in what ever form you desire. Be mindful, however that, when you blow up like you did over the forum, you represent the 5 year old child pounding his fist on the floor because he didnt get his way.
I will leave you with this...... Your continued membership with this site is YOUR choice.
So its a porn site! Does that mean it shouldnt be held accountable to the people that pay for it?