Honestly, its my pleasrure to respond and give you as much information as i can about the things you like to learn about. When I make an investment, I appreciate knowing where my money is going. Its important to keep in mind that this is obviously a business, a company. I wouldnt say that information is studio secret rather Universal throughout the industry. In any sense, in this blog and others I can only speak for myself. Your coworkers dont ask how much you make or anything neither do I. Also may I remind you this is
Broke Straight Boys 2 and alot is changing lol (and personally I like
Broke Straight Boys 2 more than I did BSB1.. its in a good diretion and under great care)Thats what this forum is for after all isnt it ? To post threads ask questions and learn about something your curious of. Being able to better enjoy something you like? I just feel this site and forum should have depth. You asked a question, why assume when an answer is more sufficient.
And of course this industry took a MAJOR hit along with the rest of the economy. Sure some rates have decreased but obviously we are appropriatly compensated after all, if we wernt we wouldnt be here. The money is the motivation because despite speulation WE NEED IT !! But again is no industry secret its an economic and business fact.
I also think ... now certainly I dont know but i didnt think there was much personal interactions back then. Models wernt common on the forum. I mean i didnt even know there was a forum until recently.haha well im gonn quit rambling lol ... later !