I appreciate your candid honesty.
When I was your age, I detested older men and dismissed them as foolish and lecherous.
I think that is one of life's greatest ironies. Now, I am that older man! What is worse, I feel foolish and lecherous! I have always hooked up with younger, now my only prerequisite is, that they are willing (no matter what age,lol). I do like to look at the smooth, lean, muscular bodies, and often want to engage a young man in conversation, only to be dismissed because they assume I want something more.
I think back to my youth and realize that often, I avoided the older men because my peers would not understand or accept that I longed for the wisdom and companionship of someone who actually knew more than I did. But peer pressure is a force to be reckoned with! And, unfortunately, we tend to give in to it. I didn't want sex with them, I jsut wanted their frienship, but alas, my group was very against mixing the old with the young. I fear that as a result, I made many mistakes in my life. If only I had follwed my instincts, perhaps I could have avoided some of my greatest mistakes. There is a lot to be said for having an older mentor.
I am thankful that you bring the vibrance of youth to this forum and I encourage you to remain and remind us of how we too felt at your age. Sometimes we need those little reminders.