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Could CBP James be former BSB Tommy, I think so

Aquarius was Rifle!!! lol same thing right?
By the authority vested in me as a senior forumite, I hereby dub you King Peter I, chief forum detective, (specializing in former forumites). Of course 99% of current forumites have no fucking idea who Rifle or Aquarius is, but I'm sure Jon and Tampa got a chuckle out of your comment. lol
By the authority vested in me as a senior forumite, I hereby dub you King Peter I, chief forum detective, (specializing in former forumites). Of course 99% of current forumites have no fucking idea who Rifle or Aquarius is, but I'm sure Jon and Tampa got a chuckle out of your comment. lol

Oh cum on,...even "EYE" got that one:reporter:
Oh cum on,...even "EYE" got that one:reporter:
Sorry, I keep forgetting about your "old soul" Betu, as Rifle seems to have been here and then gone "decades" ago, but you are one of the finest investigative reporters that I've encountered since Woodward and Bernstein. :cool:
Jon, I understand that many folks here do not care if a model is truly gay, or if he has appeared on other sites prior to Broke Straight Boys I know that list includes yourself, Ambi, Peter, johnny, Betu, Beth, Benben and probably most of the forum. And for me it's not a matter of "principle" or "integrity" when a model lies, but instead it is a matter of what gives me a "boner". My reason for initially gravitating toward Broke Straight Boys as a source of sexual pleasure is because of my fetish of getting excited watching hot young guys who I can believe are basically straight engaging in gay sex. That scenario turns me on and I can get off to guys like that. That is what a fetish is all about.

The Merriam-Webster on line dictionary defines "fetish" as
Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression.

And so when speaking of the recently introduced and "exposed" Jake Tipton, the knowledge that he appeared on another gay website and was anally penetrated on that site interferes with the "real or fantasied presence that is psychologically (necessary) for my sexual gratification" from a model on Broke Straight Boys It has nothing to do with if he did the "right thing" or told a little white lie or a big lie, and his future employment on the site is up to management and I do not care either way, for there are many more models here who do not interest me than models who do, and I understand that my fetish for believably straight guys is in a minority, even among membership of this site.

But in the case of Tommy, he appeared as a Broke Straight Boys in 2007 and if in 2014 he now appears on College Dudes, a site where straight or gay is not an issue. I see Tommy as a totally opposite situation from Jake. Just as David Adamson told us in his final days on the forum reflecting back on the boys he directed, that Tank Shane had later become bisexual and had a gay lover. I think that is sweet, and has nothing to do with the "Tank Shane" who visited the futon many times, before he admitted to himself that he enjoys sex with guys.

My belief is that ALL guys who appear on Broke Straight Boys, other than a few who did a solo and decided that they could do no more, are at least incidentally gay or bisexual, but may not admit it to themselves at the time of their initial scenes, and that is what makes the difference to me.


Hey, Mike, *HUGS* ~

I DO get where you're coming from, as regards the whole fetish thing. My gay friends (IRL) laughingly refer to me as "the man of a thousand fetishes": but I'm lucky - most of my fetishes are easier to satisfy, than the fetish of a straight guy gradually "converting" to like having sex with men, MORE. (That's pretty damned complicated, but I do know where you're coming from.)

I apologize for having been a little pissed-off and HARSH, when I've perceived that gorgeous models are getting the "cold shoulder", because they don't fully live up to the site's criteria. Because I've seen those lapses on every site I've ever attended, over many years. And. . . I think a pretty face, and a beautiful body. . . is a TERRIBLE THING to WASTE!

On the other hand, Mike, I get where you're coming from. This site is named "Broke Straight Boys" - so it is the natural home for precisely the fetishes and fantasies that mean MOST to YOU. My hope is that, while Broke Straight Boys will not turn down any models who are truly gorgeous and SEXY, because of sexual orientation or previous experience - - - they will continue to HUNT HARD FOR, and FIND, many great models who ARE real "newbies", so that we can share in the excitement of their "training".

And, while I understand that Jake doesn't work for you, personally - I am hoping that people who share the fetish for straight guys WILL give him a chance - because I think he is (paradoxically, and notwithstanding his previous resume) one of the "straighter" guys we've had debut as a new model, in quite some time!!!

Hugs, Mike, and lots of love:

Hey, Mike, *HUGS* ~

I DO get where you're coming from, as regards the whole fetish thing. My gay friends (IRL) laughingly refer to me as "the man of a thousand fetishes": but I'm lucky - most of my fetishes are easier to satisfy, than the fetish of a straight guy gradually "converting" to like having sex with men, MORE. (That's pretty damned complicated, but I do know where you're coming from.)

I apologize for having been a little pissed-off and HARSH, when I've perceived that gorgeous models are getting the "cold shoulder", because they don't fully live up to the site's criteria. Because I've seen those lapses on every site I've ever attended, over many years. And. . . I think a pretty face, and a beautiful body. . . is a TERRIBLE THING to WASTE!

On the other hand, Mike, I get where you're coming from. This site is named "Broke Straight Boys" - so it is the natural home for precisely the fetishes and fantasies that mean MOST to YOU. My hope is that, while Broke Straight Boys will not turn down any models who are truly gorgeous and SEXY, because of sexual orientation or previous experience - - - they will continue to HUNT HARD FOR, and FIND, many great models who ARE real "newbies", so that we can share in the excitement of their "training".

And, while I understand that Jake doesn't work for you, personally - I am hoping that people who share the fetish for straight guys WILL give him a chance - because I think he is (paradoxically, and notwithstanding his previous resume) one of the "straighter" guys we've had debut as a new model, in quite some time!!!

Hugs, Mike, and lots of love:
Thanks Ambi for understanding where I am coming from. I mean absolutely no disrespect to any model, or to any fellow forumite who does not share my precise fetish or fantasy. I am only trying to explain the way my brain perceives the Broke Straight Boys concept. Thank you very much my friend for your accepting words.
By the authority vested in me as a senior forumite, I hereby dub you King Peter I, chief forum detective, (specializing in former forumites). Of course 99% of current forumites have no fucking idea who Rifle or Aquarius is, but I'm sure Jon and Tampa got a chuckle out of your comment. lol

Yes. There was Rswain and his alter ego "Mitch" also. lol
Thanks Jon for your timely response and I completely agree with you on the facial features. I had to do a double take just to make sure. Another interesting "by the way," if you go to all the boys pictures you will see the same dude listed as Jake. Go figure???:wtf: (Page 9 on All the Boys, sort by Alpha A to Z, if interested)

Have a good and safe day!

tommy's picture appears for both tommy and jake. tommy and jake appeared together in two episodes.
staff is aware of this error and I expect it will be corrected soon.
here james is known as tommy. in the early d&e productions he is know as tommy. it looks like d&e now recognizes he would rather be called james.

Thanks Another 1 for your digging in and clarifying this mystery and reporting your findings here as well and most importantly to the powers that be. I did not know where to go with this except to start a thread in hopes that someone would look further into this and initiate a correction. Looks like you were the 1, Another 1! Thanks...

I appreciate your courteous response MikeYank and I guess I read too much of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and it rubbed off. I certainly don't want to intrude on the current detective force in place, this one just slapped me upside the head.

jake and tommy now have separate photos. one more step toward a more perfect website.