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Clayton is Hot!


Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
I really like the new guy Clayton. It was funny when he answered Clay's question about what part of his body people like the most. Because I was so thrilled right away upon seeing him, to get a model with some real hair! Yay!!

Clayton really didn't signal any warning beforehand. I wish we had gotten a good look at his cumshot. But it was still decent. I can't wait to see Clayton back for more. :thumbup1:

Thank you Clay for finding a model with a normal amount of hair. :thumbup:
I really like the new guy Clayton. It was funny when he answered Clay's question about what part of his body people like the most. Because I was so thrilled right away upon seeing him, to get a model with some real hair! Yay!!

Clayton really didn't signal any warning beforehand. I wish we had gotten a good look at his cumshot. But it was still decent. I can't wait to see Clayton back for more. :thumbup1:

Thank you Clay for finding a model with a normal amount of hair. :thumbup:

I liked his hair too...pubic hair that is; not too much, not shaven.

As far as his solo, I did enjoy it. Can't wait to see if he will "keep an open mind" about his ass!:w00t:
Clayton said he is taken, and so am I. A sweet disposition, and humble to a fault. Nice soft but structured body. I wish Clay had asked him to kneel on the couch and bend. I also wish he had asked the significance of the theater masks of comedy and tragedy. I'll bet he did some theater in high school, probably a techie, but he isn't shy and likes to try new things so he might have tread the boards. There wasn't a hotness factor in the scene, too introverted, but it was a nice walk in the park. Want to see more.
Clayton said he is taken, and so am I. A sweet disposition, and humble to a fault. Nice soft but structured body. I wish Clay had asked him to kneel on the couch and bend. I also wish he had asked the significance of the theater masks of comedy and tragedy. I'll bet he did some theater in high school, probably a techie, but he isn't shy and likes to try new things so he might have tread the boards. There wasn't a hotness factor in the scene, too introverted, but it was a nice walk in the park. Want to see more.

I agree with you, larkster. I said the same thing to myself, "Why didn't Clay ask about the significance of the theatre masks?" Nice body and dick but boring scene. It will be interesting to see if he comes back and how he will do then. I hope he gives it a shot (no pun intended).

I think he is very cute. If I were Bobby I would be a little worried, especially with Bobby's attitude. Clayton has definite star potential.
Right now, I'm in the "wait and see" mode with Clayton. I luv surprises especially the unexpected ones.
Right now, I'm in the "wait and see" mode with Clayton. I luv surprises especially the unexpected ones.

I agree Angelone. I haven't decided how I feel about Clayton yet. It is hard to tell from a solo, how they will be when you pair them up with another guy.
nice looking; like the pubes and dick; mannerisms are shy and cute (at least for now); around here I have learned it is a wait and see. Why is it that the pictures never match the video? Would love to have seen more of him "spread" on the sofa if you know what I am saying here. Been a hell of a week at work so HI forumites, missed ya!