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=> Chat with the models from BSB and CD

Robert,you definitely read my mind! When it comes to telling people big things, such as this, I think letters give me the best chance to fully explain myself instead of getting caught in the heat of the moment and my words then become misconstrued. I'm not a stranger to writing my dad letters when I have important things to talk about either, so it wouldn't be coming out of nowhere from his standpoint.

I am working on developing the letter and a plan to send it here very soon. I'll keep you all updated!



For what it is worth Rob I think Robert has hit the nail on the head for the best way to handle this. In a personal conversation tempers can flare and carry the topic astray. With a letter you have a captive audience and they are just about forced to hear all that you have to say without interjecting. I sincerely hope this works out for you the way you want it to. Some times these things do not and riffs can open up in relationships. Given time these things usually heal so don’t get too discouraged if you plan back fires. The important thing is to be yourself and be happy with who you are. As much as we all love our families your life belongs to you and you alone. It is completely up to you how you wish to live it. Also in your short stay here in the forum you have touched the hearts of many good people. Regardless of what happens you have a lot of good folks here to support you. Good luck, hold your head up and walk proud.
Love Ya
For what it is worth Rob I think Robert has hit the nail on the head for the best way to handle this. In a personal conversation tempers can flare and carry the topic astray. With a letter you have a captive audience and they are just about forced to hear all that you have to say without interjecting.

You guys are quite right about the advantages of writing letters to say important things like this. You have total control over all the points you want to make without being interrupted or having the conversation steered way off course. Given the fact that Rob is already comfortable with writing letters to his dad and that he writes very well anyway...that seems like a win/win situation.

Thank you for sharing this personal experience with us Rob. You know that we will all be rooting for you. Good luck! xo
There is one good thing about you not being fully convinced of me being straight, that must mean I'm doing my job well hehehe.

Dearest Rob,

I only said I was surpised you were not gay because you do so well in your porn scenes. The way you scream and yell and carry on is quite entertaining. haha :idhitit: :doggystyle: :anal_smiley:You could give us gay guys lessons. LOL

Please don't think that I am asking you to prove anything to me or anyone else in here about your sexuality. I take you at your word. As I said we are happy to make you an honorary gay just because you are such a great friend and ally to us in here. LOL :001_smile:
Awww, thank you guys all for the love and support. I already love the Broke Straight Boys members so much and I haven't even been here a week! LOL. . .

P.S. I am honored to be an honorary gay guy :-)
To Rob, just my 2 cents, but having gotten to know you on the forums, I can't imagine anyone getting angry with you or thinking less of you because you do gay porn. You're such a loveable, open, giving person, I assume your father loves you very much. How could he not? Oftentimes, we overthink these types of things and make more of them than they deserve. You've got your head on straight, and that says a lot. I'm sure your dad is or should be quite proud of the person you are.
Ok, I got a question about something that was said in the Long Beach video by Sha. He said that the models from the two websites (Broke Straight Boys & College Dudes) don't get to do videos together. I thought since both websites are owned by Blu-Media that they would lend models across the aisle for some variety. Is there a specific reason they don't?

Also I think a scene involving Jimmy Johnson and Rob Ryder would be awesome! <just my two cents>
Hello Dracythis,

If you'd like to see a scene with Jimmy and Rob... check out the thread: Rob Ryder on BSB - Who's in favor?

I would very much like to see that, Robert. I'm a big fan of Jimmy's, and Rob and Jimmy get along so well on the BTS, I'd love to see the dynamic between the two in a sex scene. Obviously Jimmy would be fucking Rob, if it were an anal scene, but I think that Rob could bring Jimmy into a comfort zone that we have not yet seen with him. It is a very intriguing concept.
This message is for Cole. I think I may have watched 1 or 2 of your videos on College Dudes But I've been more impressed watching you in the BTS. Watching porn actors in a scene can be very one-dimensional, so you've literally come to life for me. I always thought you were sort of cute, but I didn't realize how hot you really are. Most of the time, I only see you in pics when they post your updates on gay porn blogs, and they really don't do you justice. I now think you are a very sexy guy.

Btw, my question for you is do you or the other models ever read some of the comments on other gay porn blogs? And if so, how do you feel about both the praise and criticism?

Thanks, and I now have a much different opinion of you.
How do you guys feel about kissing another guy? I know Rob and Cole have had to do it on College Dudes, but I bet Jimmy is really resistant.
What would you guys consider to be the ideal job if you weren't doing porn?

Honestly, believe it or not, the kissing is my least favorite part for two reasons:

1. Most of the guys have man breath, aka coffee & cigarettes lol

2. It is just to "touchy feely" for my taste lol. I think that it feels the weirdest when I am in a scene with another straight guy. There is a bit of awkwardness within the kiss :001_smile:
To Rob, just my 2 cents, but having gotten to know you on the forums, I can't imagine anyone getting angry with you or thinking less of you because you do gay porn. You're such a loveable, open, giving person, I assume your father loves you very much. How could he not? Oftentimes, we overthink these types of things and make more of them than they deserve. You've got your head on straight, and that says a lot. I'm sure your dad is or should be quite proud of the person you are.

Thanks a bunch Balboa. Honestly, until talking with you guys on the forum, I was completely terrified of telling my dad. And even worse I wasn't even planning on telling him if it wasn't necessary. But now that you guys have put it into perspective, I have complete faith that not only me telling my dad is the right thing to do, but also that it isn't scary at all. Now that I am sending the letter on Friday before we go to the D.C. pride event, I am even more excited to get over this little hump in my life and move on without the skeletons in my closet.

Thanks again everyone!
Ok, I got a question about something that was said in the Long Beach video by Sha. He said that the models from the two websites (Broke Straight Boys & College Dudes) don't get to do videos together. I thought since both websites are owned by Blu-Media that they would lend models across the aisle for some variety. Is there a specific reason they don't?

Also I think a scene involving Jimmy Johnson and Rob Ryder would be awesome! <just my two cents>

This seems to be the question of the century! I'm not sure as to Marks reasons, but if I had to take a guess I would say that it is because Mark wants to keep the sites the way they are. And if you mix and match models from both places, then it could potentially ruin that little something special that each site has that makes them unique.

But I do think that if they did bring any College Dudes models to Broke Straight Boys that it would be awesome if they let us (the College Dudes models) stay in our respective roles and kind of come in and take charge of some of the BSBs and see what they are willing to do to earn some extra cash hahaha
Thanks a bunch Balboa. Honestly, until talking with you guys on the forum, I was completely terrified of telling my dad. And even worse I wasn't even planning on telling him if it wasn't necessary. But now that you guys have put it into perspective, I have complete faith that not only me telling my dad is the right thing to do, but also that it isn't scary at all. Now that I am sending the letter on Friday before we go to the D.C. pride event, I am even more excited to get over this little hump in my life and move on without the skeletons in my closet.

Thanks again everyone!

I'm SO happy to hear that Rob! Have you finished the letter yet? That's so cool that you will send it this week. I have a really good feeling that this will turn out well. The best part is that even if does take it hard in the beginning, at least you have gotten over that first hurdle. You won't have to walk on eggshells and be evasive or outright lie to him anymore about what you are doing on all these trips out of town. You can share with him your real life. And that is incredibly liberating. I can't wait for you to experience that sense of relief. I'm truly excited for you Rob. Good luck and God bless. :001_smile:
Here is a question of all the guys. How has doing gay porn changed your life? Do you now have a different respect for gays? Has the money provided opportunies you did not have before? thanks.

I have always had a great deal of respect for gays even before starting gay porn! Some of the most fun people i have ever met by far! The biggest impact of porn on my life has definitely been the money. It has opened up so many opportunities i would not have had before definitely! =] Porn has also introduced me to a ton of really great people and friends!

How do you guys feel about kissing another guy? I know Rob and Cole have had to do it on College Dudes, but I bet Jimmy is really resistant.
What would you guys consider to be the ideal job if you weren't doing porn?

Kissing other guys isnt too much my thing, but at the same time its just a kiss! right!? :tongue_smilie:

As far a what I would consider an ideal job for me besides porn, either a professional snowboarder or building and creating motorcycles! :biggrin: Ive always said to everyone that my job is avoiding a real job! There is no possible way I could sit in an office for 40 hours a week... i would drive myself absolutely insane!!=]

This message is for Cole. I think I may have watched 1 or 2 of your videos on College Dudes But I've been more impressed watching you in the BTS. Watching porn actors in a scene can be very one-dimensional, so you've literally come to life for me. I always thought you were sort of cute, but I didn't realize how hot you really are. Most of the time, I only see you in pics when they post your updates on gay porn blogs, and they really don't do you justice. I now think you are a very sexy guy.

Btw, my question for you is do you or the other models ever read some of the comments on other gay porn blogs? And if so, how do you feel about both the praise and criticism?

Thanks, and I now have a much different opinion of you.
ill start by saying you just made my day! I appreciate that a lot!

As fas as looking at comments on other gay porn blogs, i do try to read some of them from time to time to see what people have to say. Praise and criticism are exactly why i check the comments, naturally im always excited to get good reviews and comments, and I take from the criticism and try to better my next scene from what was said. The only thing I cant change that i get some crap for is being a "ginger" haha.. if I could I most definitely would!! thanks balboa!

But I do think that if they did bring any College Dudes models to Broke Straight Boys that it would be awesome if they let us (the College Dudes models) stay in our respective roles and kind of come in and take charge of some of the BSBs and see what they are willing to do to earn some extra cash hahaha

haha I definitely agree with ya rob! I feel like some good scenes would come out of this fiasco! haha