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=> Chat with the models from BSB and CD

Jimmy - I have to say that I have enjoyed watching you perform and watching you develop in the site. Unlike some guys I had no issues with you initially because you remind me of a lot of straight guys I have met over the years who at one level or another were involved in the gay community. Your videos including the behind the scenes ones showed people that you were a three dimensional person and not a stereotype.

Keep up the work and do not be afraid to expand your level of participation beyond the level you are at now. You would not be the first straight guy who did things for pay that they would never do otherwise. Of course you don't need me to tell you that but I thought I would remind some people out there who get confused from time to time.

I hope that we get to see you guys out here in San Francisco sometime.

thanks juan i appreciate that you seem to be open minded and ok with change in the Broke Straight Boys site
"i don't try to not enjoy it"

If only you could change that in: I will try to enjoy myself.
It's great Jimmy that you take criticism on the chin. Not many guys your age realize that positive criticisms comes from their friends. Enemies don't share advice on how you could improve.

Let me quote you: "I'm not sure if this is what you want to hear tampa24 but honestly the only part of any scene i enjoy is when its time to cum because i know its over with. I promise if i ever do enjoy any sex during a scene i will post it just for you. BTW i use a little more "help" than just straight porn ;)"

That's honest information, and if you bundle all criticisms: that is what it says too. Jimmy does not enjoys the sex. When you fucked Zack you hardly looked at him, you watched the porn on TV instead. If you would have fucked a sack of potatoes your facial expressions been the same.

Many people are watching you. The woman here enjoy eyes, smile, a gentle touch, intelligence, great personality... and you are offering: "the only part of any scene I enjoy is when its time to cum because i know its over with".

That's what we got so far from you. And it does not make you a bad person! We hope you can change. Talk with the other model, make sex personal...

TampaHill model advisers

PS: Such little changes could make thousands of voyeurs very happy!

Every game member out ther who tried making sex personal with girls before they realized they were gay should understand its hard to make sex personal with a sex that your not intimatally attracted to not just visually.
"it's hard to make sex personal with a sex that your not intimately attracted to not just visually"

In prison were there a no girls around, lot's of prisoners succeed nevertheless...

And I do remember the girls I made out with, before realizing the gay truth, it was personal... but then again it was not on command and videotape.
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performing on command and on camera is hard. capturing 15 minutes of footage can take an hour or more.
if it were as easy as come in, say hello, get hard, stay hard, perform, and cum, then everybody would be making videos.
the biggest organ involved in sex is the brain.
i think the important thing is the three intercourses: commercial, social, and sexual or as i called them, trading, talking and fucking.
i am reminded of city boy visiting the farm who got caught fucking the ugliest sheep in the flock. you work with what you got and you do what you got to do.
for a straight guy this is not just a job, it is a life changing adventure.
be good to yourself and be excellent to each other.
We can't turn any straight guy into a bisexual that was not bisexual in the first place.

But you have what it takes to make sex more personal Jimmy. You already do it naturally. It's saying things like: "I don't want to hurt the boy" in the video with Zach.
That works so much better than stretching your neck to watch the TV on your left and ignore the guy. Feel free to ask what he is feeling. Or bring one of your jokes to him.

PS: Even if it's a guy, it's a person and not a sack of potatoes.
This is why i love talking to members on here. Suprisingly i have no problem watching gay porn with the purpose of trying to improve my performance ive done so with my producer a few times already.

Well it looks like I missed this post before posting a response on the Jimmy Behind the Scenes thread. So you are saying that you and Clay have sat down to evaluate your scenes and see how you might improve?
If you have been advised, then you Jimmy are in urgent need of some easy to understand and totally free advice from TampaHill model advisors.

Tampa and I are most willing to advice you on your progress... (not on becoming bi but better)
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Yes indeed. For more advice Jimmy please see my post (#32) on Jimmy Behind the Scenes. :wink:
Hi Jimmy,

Ever applied for a job at brokestraightGIRLS.com?

There are pretty girls on that site, however the guys are so unattractive... They really need a poster boy like you Jimmy.

If they used handsome guys only, I would try it out BrokeStraightGirls.com too. You might have to work twice as hard...

PS: Mark, the owner of all these sites, wrote that he will meet you next June in person. Remind him of my suggestion!

What a great idea seriously im so glad i read this post thanks rrhill
Hi Jimmy,

Why not bet on two cards? Try to work for both sites...

Once I suggested to Mark to create this new site... Brokeboysandgirls.com where you get to watch the boys from Broke Straight Boys fuck girls from BSG.

Not an ordinary straight site, but gay friendly with handsome guys. And maybe the girls in control instead of the boys... or scenes with one girl two guys.

Mark told me he had actually a scene with a broke-straight-girl and a broke-straight-boy. He worried that such a site might hurt this Broke Straight Boys site more than help it.

However, I would subscribe!

Greetings from Amsterdam,
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Hi Rob,

Thanks so much for responding to our posts. You're very kind. I'm taking a leap here in assuming that since you work for College Dudes that you are gay. Is that correct? So are you out to your family about being gay, but just not forthcoming about what you do on your trips out of town?

I wholeheartedly agree that if it is going to cause them shock, concern or grief that I would not be in a hurry to tell them. On the other hand as we saw with Dustin Zito on The Real World...one can unfortunately get outed easily in this internet age. Dustin's unsuspecting gf on the show found out in an email from her mother of all people that Dustin was a gay porn model.

We all want to protect our loved ones (and ourselves) from unnecessary grief. But it can be even more of a shock for family to find out from a third party. I'm not actually looking for a response from you on those points. I'm just throwing it out there.

So I might say something that comes as quite a shock, and quite hard to believe, but I'm actually not gay. I like to say that I'm straight, but I think that having sex with guys constitutes me as "bi-sexual", regardless if it's only on camera ha ha. . . A vast majority of the College Dudes are straight actually, believe it or not. I think that's why I like Broke Straight Boys so much, because really College Dudes is the same concept, just with a twist. College Dudes seems to be much more passionate and what not with the scenes we shoot. I like how Broke Straight Boys has a much more "real" feel to it since the boys and director get to interact.

I'm not sure if you have watched my interview in the Behind the Scenes footage from the Phoenix Event, but I share a little bit about myself in it and I think it helps explain some things a little more.

And in regards to telling my family, I agree with you completely. That's why I have been trying to work up the courage to just tell my dad. Honestly, my dad is the only person that I don't want finding out, but once he knows, then I can really be myself around everyone. I want to tell a lot of the people i know back home, but I haven't because I didn't want it getting back to my dad.

The older I get, and the closer I get with my dad, it is getting to the point where I am almost comfortable enough to just spill the beans. The only question is what is the most appropriate way to break the news lol.

Do I take him to a fancy restaurant and tell him? Or maybe sit down at home and tell him? This is the issue I am having now lol

Any thoughts?
Here is a question of all the guys. How has doing gay porn changed your life? Do you now have a different respect for gays? Has the money provided opportunies you did not have before? thanks.

OOOO I really like that question Cum2Me01. I'll break the answer down into the three parts.

1. Has doing gay porn changed your life?

Short answer, ABSOLUTELY! It has changed my life in such a positive way because of the experiences I have had and the people I have met as a result.

2. Do you now have a different respect for gays?

Honestly, I had always loved gay people before I started this. I think it is partially due to the fact that I envy what they represent, which is going against the "status quo" of what a lot of people consider to be normal or acceptable. I am so against falling into the herd of sheep mentality and doing and believing what everyone else believes. Gay people represent freedom and more importantly, PRIDE!!

3. Has the money provided opportunities that you did not have before?

Absolutely. The money has allowed me to enjoy life without stressing too much on where the next bill money is going to come from and it allows me to focus on school. Aside from the actual money, I love the benefits of the job. Mainly the free trips all across the U.S. and the ability to be pampered as part of the job.

The best part of the job, is definitely the people I meet. Both the actual people who work and run the company, as well as the guys I do scenes with. It sounds a bit strange, but having sex with another straight guy definitely creates some sort of bond between the two. We know that at the end of the day, all differences aside, we have at least one thing in common . . . .gay porn! hahaha
The best part of the job, is definitely the people I meet. Both the actual people who work and run the company, as well as the guys I do scenes with. It sounds a bit strange, but having sex with another straight guy definitely creates some sort of bond between the two. We know that at the end of the day, all differences aside, we have at least one thing in common . . . .gay porn! hahaha

I can definitely see now why the model Jimmy Johnson over here likes you so much. Because of the 2 different premises of the sites, you come at the gay porn from one perspective and Jimmy another. For that reason alone I think you are a good influence on each other.

I don't think that Jimmy is homophobic at all. He even talks about how uncomfortable he was when the religious right picketed events where you were. With all the gay slurs and so on. Over at College Dudes the straight models (like Kurt Wild maybe) have learned acceptance for doing the gay porn. Over here I think Jimmy has learned tolerance for doing the gay porn, but not yet the acceptance.

One or both of you may think I'm way off base on that. If I have that totally wrong I mean no disrespect to anyone. It's just an observation based on the little bit of evidence at hand...from a distance. But suffice to say that I'm glad you two have met. :thumbup1:
I can definitely see now why the model Jimmy Johnson over here likes you so much. Because of the 2 different premises of the sites, you come at the gay porn from one perspective and Jimmy another. For that reason alone I think you are a good influence on each other.

I don't think that Jimmy is homophobic at all. He even talks about how uncomfortable he was when the religious right picketed events where you were. With all the gay slurs and so on. Over at College Dudes the straight models (like Kurt Wild maybe) have learned acceptance for doing the gay porn. Over here I think Jimmy has learned tolerance for doing the gay porn, but not yet the acceptance.

One or both of you may think I'm way off base on that. If I have that totally wrong I mean no disrespect to anyone. It's just an observation based on the little bit of evidence at hand...from a distance. But suffice to say that I'm glad you two have met. :thumbup1:

Of course I can't speak for Jimmy, but in my opinion, you got it right on. Another piece that I think plays a big part is the length of time I have been doing this compared to Jimmy. When I started, I wasn't very accepting of doing gay porn. But, as time passed, I realized that the only reason I wasn't accepting of it was because of this belief that I had which made me feel as if just because a lot of people may not consider this line of work acceptable, then I shouldn't find it acceptable either. Now, over the past two-three years, I have not only come to accept the fact that we are doing gay porn, but also I embrace it. I think that, with enough time, Jimmy will definitely start to become much more accepting too. It's up to people like you Broke Straight Boys members to help him along this road to realization, in hopes that one day, Jimmy will also embrace being the best dang Broke Straight Boys since Diesal!
So I might say something that comes as quite a shock, and quite hard to believe, but I'm actually not gay. I like to say that I'm straight, but I think that having sex with guys constitutes me as "bi-sexual", regardless if it's only on camera ha ha. . . A vast majority of the College Dudes are straight actually, believe it or not. I think that's why I like Broke Straight Boys so much, because really College Dudes is the same concept, just with a twist. College Dudes seems to be much more passionate and what not with the scenes we shoot. I like how Broke Straight Boys has a much more "real" feel to it since the boys and director get to interact.

I'm not sure if you have watched my interview in the Behind the Scenes footage from the Phoenix Event, but I share a little bit about myself in it and I think it helps explain some things a little more.

And in regards to telling my family, I agree with you completely. That's why I have been trying to work up the courage to just tell my dad. Honestly, my dad is the only person that I don't want finding out, but once he knows, then I can really be myself around everyone. I want to tell a lot of the people i know back home, but I haven't because I didn't want it getting back to my dad.

The older I get, and the closer I get with my dad, it is getting to the point where I am almost comfortable enough to just spill the beans. The only question is what is the most appropriate way to break the news lol.

Do I take him to a fancy restaurant and tell him? Or maybe sit down at home and tell him? This is the issue I am having now lol

Any thoughts?

I have plenty of thoughts. lol Honestly I have not watched your BTS videos yet from the events. I will do so now with much more interest. When you more of an abstraction few of us felt a strong desire to get to know models from another site that we haven't yet joined. None of us in here had any idea that we would have the privilege of meeting and interacting with you here on the forum.

It is a shock to me that you are not gay. lol Please know that regardless of that we are happy to claim you as an honorary member of the family. :wink: Whether you identify as straight, bicurious, strictly gay for pay, or whatever. In hindsight though I had heard that alot of the models over there were straight. Though certainly not all of them are. I watched the whole episode of Tyra Banks' show for instance.

As for dealing with your family and your father in particular only you know his personality best to make the final decision. I will offer a few tidbits of advice to consider. There are at least two different things that you need to break to him. You need to decide whether you are going to come out to him as bisexual. If that label doesn't suit where you see yourself...for instance straight but gay for pay...then you need to have that thought out ahead of time. You also need to be prepared for the inevitable logical questions that he will have.

Then comes the matter of discussing the gay porn work. It would be so much better coming from you than a whispered conversation between your dad and a neighbor in the grocery store aisle. You don't want your family to find out from a total stranger.

As for how and when to tell him I would recommend telling him in a relaxed setting alone at home. Telling him in a public place like a restaurant might be very awkward. He will have a zillion questions. And you will want as few outside distractions as possible to thoughtfully formulate your answers. Your dad doesn't want to have to whisper questions to you for fear that people beside you might catch a few words and want to eavesdrop. If it doesn't go well at first you don't want a drive home together from a public place to be filled with total nervous silence. That would not be a good time for either of you. Add to that the fact that being in a public place would also give you plenty of excuses to chicken out. lol

From what I hear you saying though I believe that your dad loves you very much and vice versa. Be prepared to give him a week or two (or more) to process all of that if he needs the time. Overall though I have a very good feeling that this will turn out well for you. Good luck Rob. :001_smile:
Hi Rob,

If you find it difficult to share this with your father, why not write him a letter? After that you two have something to talk about, and could visit a restaurant.

Hi Rob,

If you find it difficult to share this with your father, why not write him a letter? After that you two have something to talk about, and could visit a restaurant.


Robert,you definitely read my mind! When it comes to telling people big things, such as this, I think letters give me the best chance to fully explain myself instead of getting caught in the heat of the moment and my words then become misconstrued. I'm not a stranger to writing my dad letters when I have important things to talk about either, so it wouldn't be coming out of nowhere from his standpoint.

I am working on developing the letter and a plan to send it here very soon. I'll keep you all updated!


I have plenty of thoughts. lol Honestly I have not watched your BTS videos yet from the events. I will do so now with much more interest. When you more of an abstraction few of us felt a strong desire to get to know models from another site that we haven't yet joined. None of us in here had any idea that we would have the privilege of meeting and interacting with you here on the forum.

It is a shock to me that you are not gay. lol Please know that regardless of that we are happy to claim you as an honorary member of the family. :wink: Whether you identify as straight, bicurious, strictly gay for pay, or whatever. In hindsight though I had heard that alot of the models over there were straight. Though certainly not all of them are. I watched the whole episode of Tyra Banks' show for instance.

As for dealing with your family and your father in particular only you know his personality best to make the final decision. I will offer a few tidbits of advice to consider. There are at least two different things that you need to break to him. You need to decide whether you are going to come out to him as bisexual. If that label doesn't suit where you see yourself...for instance straight but gay for pay...then you need to have that thought out ahead of time. You also need to be prepared for the inevitable logical questions that he will have.

Then comes the matter of discussing the gay porn work. It would be so much better coming from you than a whispered conversation between your dad and a neighbor in the grocery store aisle. You don't want your family to find out from a total stranger.

As for how and when to tell him I would recommend telling him in a relaxed setting alone at home. Telling him in a public place like a restaurant might be very awkward. He will have a zillion questions. And you will want as few outside distractions as possible to thoughtfully formulate your answers. Your dad doesn't want to have to whisper questions to you for fear that people beside you might catch a few words and want to eavesdrop. If it doesn't go well at first you don't want a drive home together from a public place to be filled with total nervous silence. That would not be a good time for either of you. Add to that the fact that being in a public place would also give you plenty of excuses to chicken out. lol

From what I hear you saying though I believe that your dad loves you very much and vice versa. Be prepared to give him a week or two (or more) to process all of that if he needs the time. Overall though I have a very good feeling that this will turn out well for you. Good luck Rob. :001_smile:

There is one good thing about you not being fully convinced of me being straight, that must mean I'm doing my job well hehehe. I've known a lot of models that try too hard to prove they are straight, when really it turns out that they are trying to prove to themselves that they are straight when they most likely aren't lol. I never argue if people think I am gay because at the end of the day, I am completely comfortable with who I am and that is all that is necessary. If I'm gay then I am at least a gay guy that has sex with girls off camera hahaha.

I appreciate the advice and support in the situation of telling my dad. It means a lot :-) I think I am going in the direction of what Robert had said about the letter though, just because of the amount of things I want to make clear to my dad, so he can't misinterpret what I'm saying if it is in writing LOL.

I will definitely keep you posted as it unfolds!
letterless option

Robert,you definitely read my mind! When it comes to telling people big things, such as this, I think letters give me the best chance to fully explain myself instead of getting caught in the heat of the moment and my words then become misconstrued. I'm not a stranger to writing my dad letters when I have important things to talk about either, so it wouldn't be coming out of nowhere from his standpoint.

I am working on developing the letter and a plan to send it here very soon. I'll keep you all updated!



"Dad, I have a really, really personal question to ask you, and a really important reason for asking it, so give it a minute before you answer, OK? I've needed to ask you for a while now, and this doesn't come from speculation based on observing you at all, that's for sure, but is more like something I've wondered about and finally feel maybe I can ask: it's whether when you were a kid, or you know, growing up, if you'd ever done anything with another guy?"

The conversation is gonna be about your doing gay porn, but it starts out about him. He has to say yes or no, and then obviously has to ask the next question; that makes it easy-peasy to segue into, "Yeah, I've done stuff with guys, but you'll never ever guess under what circumstances. You get three tries and then I'll tell you and, Dad, it's one crazy story."

In a way it's sort of like the Socratic Method. He has, or hasn't, ever done something with another guy. If he has, he might even tell you about it. And then he has to write the crazy story himself about how his beautiful boy happens to have done stuff with other guys. You wouldn't have to tell him till he'd already told himself.

Or he might say, "I was wondering when you were going to bring that up. We've known about College Dudes for ages. You remember Butch, the swimming coach, he's a big fan. He told us a couple of years ago."

I can't believe I've written this rubbish. Jesus. And I even actually have a life. Loveya bro.