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Changing Times.....or Preference?

You asked for it Ambi. It is the 2012 NYC Pride Video. My segment begins at 22:13 called, "Chatting With Mikeyank" :blush:

But your boy Jason is seen throughout the whole video.



Hey! Thanks, Mike!

I really enjoyed this video. . . and I have to confess, I haven't watched all the "Pride" videos in their entirety. . . because I am only ever scanning for glimpses of JASON ;-))) It was lovely to see all those shots of NYC, as well. The last time I was in New York, it was 1982: and I stood on top of the World Trade Centre (*sigh*) ~ and I was bemused that there wasn't a SINGLE BANK in that complex, FULL OF BANKS, that could or would change a Canadian dollar! (It's a lot easier, in Minnesota!!!)

But, Mike - you're a very handsome guy!!!! And what is even more important, you have such a kind, and sincere, VOICE. My best friend is one of the most famous doctors in Paris, and he prides himself on his ability to read people's FACES, in two seconds, or less. Well, I'm not such an intuitive genius as my friend, but. . . I read people (always) based upon their VOICES. And yours is so nice, and warm, and sincere.

I'm really, really glad that you had the opportunity to meet both Jason, and Blake. They're both such sweet guys - and YOU have given such heart, and love, and attention to this site: it is absolutely fitting that they were able to meet you. :-)

It's highly unlikely that I'll ever have the opportunity to meet Jason - living, as I do, at the arctic circle: NO Broke Straight Boys tour, is ever coming HERE. (And if it does, Jason will undoubtedly be a hugely successful corporate executive, by then ;-)

But no kidding, I absolutely ENVY YOU - because Jason Matthews is my #1 model of all time. WAY beyond all the others. (I think we did "top-ten" lists once, but some of the others included in my top-ten would be: Ion Davidov; Travis from . . . another American site ;-); Lance, from the old William Higgins films; Brett Winters (from many productions, for many companies); Chad Knight (from many productions, for many companies, also); Danny, from Broke Straight Boys 1: and. . . a couple of others. . . .

But, to me - Jason exceeds ALL of them, because of his beauty, charm, passion, and enthusiasm. I went NUTS for Jason, when I first saw him on "College Dudes 24/7" (as it then was): and I came to Broke Straight Boys JUST because I saw a link that he was here. And then when he was away for awhile, I kind of lost interest in Broke Straight Boys Then he came back, and I came back, too. Then he was on hiatus again for awhile, and I posted lots and lots of posts, BEGGING for his return. (I know some people found it a little wearing, and incredibly tedious - but I am very determined ;-)

At this point - *sigh* - I am not sure if the management has plans to bring Jason back for some encore performances, or not. . . or, whether Jason is even INTERESTED. No doubt, he is getting to the place in life where his regular work might preclude such further adventures.

All I will say, in terms of MY "3 P's" ~ Jason Matthews has NEVER been exceeded, by ANY model. I just adore him. And his charm got me through MANY a hard, minus-40 Celsius, arctic night. I would follow him ANYWHERE, and I DID follow him everywhere, on the Internet. He is my favourite model of ALL TIME, hands-down. I adore him.

BETH will be amused, but, some time back, I sent Mr. K. a couple of Jason's photos from this site, and I told Mr. K.: "This is the guy who kept me out of trouble, before I met YOU!" He wrote back, and said to me, "A. ~ you're so passionate about this guy - are you SURE you didn't have an AFFAIR with him, or something???" That made me fall off my chair, laughing!!!! (Because I really DO look like Winston Churchill - I'm not HALF as handsome as you are, Mike.) I said, Mr. K., that's pretty impossible, given that I'm so far from EVERY Broke Straight Boys model, it would take a huge expedition across the tundra, and the prairies, for me to FIND MY WAY to meet ANY of them! And they are sure as hell never coming HERE!!!" LOL!!!

"Well, OK," said Mr. K. "But, I get why you think that guy is cute. I think he's pretty cute, too." So. . . there you have it ~ from my b/f's very own lips ;-)

Anyway, Mike - Jason's presence here, has made my whole time at Broke Straight Boys (and College Dudes) more than worthwhile. For his videos, and interviews, ALONE. I think he is so gorgeous, and sweet, and such a great LOVER - I'm completely in awe of him. And I know I'm not alone. His ratings, both here, and on unaffiliated review sites, bear this sentiment out, I think.

But - lucky you, Mike!. You got to meet him, and HUG HIM!!!

So jealous,

*"Crying" ~ K.D. Lang, in tribute to Roy Orbison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv7S8v3rM-U
Hey thanks so much Ambi for your kind words. It is a day I will remember for the rest of my life. I still have my personally autographed Broke Straight Boys towel signed by Jason, Blake, Denver Grand and Cole Gartner who were all so nice to me, but especially Jason and Blake, who as you could see in the video treated me like I was the star, and not them. They are both so handsome and very personable sweethearts with radiant smiles. And I must also mention that Sha was incredibly warm and so open in chatting with me and answering all of my questions about the inner workings of the site at that time. Sha actually spent a good 30-45 minutes privately chatting with me, while the models took care of attending to the booth.

And to answer your question about hugging Jason, and johnny's private message to me asking me "What did Jason smell like?", the answer is that his smile radiated the block on Hudson Street, and his body looked so fine with the summer sun shining on him, and I could see little fine blonde hairs on his "silky smooth skin", paraphrasing my friend Stimpy's description of Jason. When I put my arms around both Blake and Jason for pictures I could feel the slight sweat on their shoulders, and when I hugged Jason, I gently caressed his back and he smelled wonderful, a combination of sexy young man scent along with the remnants of his cologne that had an almost baby powder aroma. It was a thrill, and I thought to myself, that much like Monica Lewinski that I should of hung my blue shirt without laundering it to preserve Jason's and Blake's DNA for posterity, but I did launder it, however I can still close my eyes and remember their touch and their scent.

Thanks for asking about my "Day in the sun" with the boys, and you gave me an excuse to re-watch the video. I'm glad I mentioned some of my forum friends to the models and it was captured on video, as I related messages from Stimpy and Stowe and we talked about Slimvintage and Lovelumps, and of course I "phoned a friend" and they were all even more thrilled to get to talk to Ms. K on the phone. As good as it was for me, it was also great to share my day with my Broke Straight Boys forum friends. Indeed Ambi, thanks for the memories.
Hey thanks so much Ambi for your kind words. It is a day I will remember for the rest of my life. I still have my personally autographed Broke Straight Boys towel signed by Jason, Blake, Denver Grand and Cole Gartner who were all so nice to me, but especially Jason and Blake, who as you could see in the video treated me like I was the star, and not them. They are both so handsome and very personable sweethearts with radiant smiles. And I must also mention that Sha was incredibly warm and so open in chatting with me and answering all of my questions about the inner workings of the site at that time. Sha actually spent a good 30-45 minutes privately chatting with me, while the models took care of attending to the booth.

And to answer your question about hugging Jason, and johnny's private message to me asking me "What did Jason smell like?", the answer is that his smile radiated the block on Hudson Street, and his body looked so fine with the summer sun shining on him, and I could see little fine blonde hairs on his "silky smooth skin", paraphrasing my friend Stimpy's description of Jason. When I put my arms around both Blake and Jason for pictures I could feel the slight sweat on their shoulders, and when I hugged Jason, I gently caressed his back and he smelled wonderful, a combination of sexy young man scent along with the remnants of his cologne that had an almost baby powder aroma. It was a thrill, and I thought to myself, that much like Monica Lewinski that I should of hung my blue shirt without laundering it to preserve Jason's and Blake's DNA for posterity, but I did launder it, however I can still close my eyes and remember their touch and their scent.

Thanks for asking about my "Day in the sun" with the boys, and you gave me an excuse to re-watch the video. I'm glad I mentioned some of my forum friends to the models and it was captured on video, as I related messages from Stimpy and Stowe and we talked about Slimvintage and Lovelumps, and of course I "phoned a friend" and they were all even more thrilled to get to talk to Ms. K on the phone. As good as it was for me, it was also great to share my day with my Broke Straight Boys forum friends. Indeed Ambi, thanks for the memories.


This was a truly FANTASTIC story, Mike - and indeed, was the highlight of my weekend!!!
