Aiden Knox worked at a different site before coming to Broke Straight Boys david mentioned it in the episodes.
Well put Buddy!!!Austin, eric, ross, Mauricio, vinny, talon, mj, jarett, shane, danny, rocco, Darren, matt, Jason, paul, and Dakota all had pre-Broke Straight Boys experience. aiden, connor, rex, and Anthony so far are the only models to leave and return. I found them all to be entertaining. I don't have a clear memory of how those models were first dealt with. I believe something was mentioned. 95% of the models are fresh never seen before guys.
the strict purist in me would have rejected them. the general hedonist in me accepted them. my goal as a voyeur is to see every model on his back with his legs in the air. between hello and arch your back a lot of things should happen. believably straight, but not necessary without prior video experience. that is a wide range to work within. I don't believe you lose your straight card based upon some number.
There is an interesting thread and I feel like I would like to comment on it. We go through an extensive casting process and we ask three things first. They are:
1) What's your sexuality?
2) Have you ever worked for other studios
3) What are you open to doing on camera
Even though we screen them extensively, many models have been dishonest with us because they really need the work (and the money). Their downfall is that we have the internet to check if they've done work for other studios, but many of them have other names they have used so it becomes difficult. We aim to bring you straight, fresh, and eager guys who are ready to work in the industry for the first time. That is our ultimate goal.
Now, sexuality is a very complex subject. Personally, I have found some men to be all over the Kinsey scale. For many, this is their outlet for having sex with men or women and making money. I don't have to tell you about Pavlov's experiment with dogs, but the same thing often happens to gay for pay actors. The money involved often becomes more important than anything else.
Money will get people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Question for all of you. How much money would it take for you to sleep with a women on camera? If you do it once, would you consider yourself straight? If you do decide to do it, will having sex for money with women bring you strife from your gay friends because its with a woman?
Also, whether or not you are straight or gay, getting paid for sex becomes ingrained in your psyche and many of these younger guys fall victim to that. When rent is due you have to do what you have to do in order to pay it. Some are smart about it and lead perfectly happy lives and consider it as a second job or as a way to make money. One of our models is a surgeon now because he did porn to help pay for medical school. Models find us for various reasons. Some need money for legal problems, because they are homeless, have alimony or child support, to pay or need a quick fix. As staff members, we have heard dozens of reasons for doing it, but when it all comes down to it, these guys come in straight and are introduced to Pandora's box. The rest is left up to them. This site offers a sneak peek behind the reasons that many of the guys do this, but the TV show goes more in depth on the subject.
As far as the site is concerned, you want masculine, straight, good looking guys who are the object of many gay men's desires. When you watch their scenes, you don't care about their personal lives, you just want to watch a hot scene between two straight guys who you may have fantasized about in the gym or elsewhere. I will say that, from time to time, we get duped but that is to be expected. In the show we made the guys take a lie detector test because we were curious ourselves,. You will have to watch the show to see what happens, but I will tell you there were a few surprises along the way.
Many guys go to other studios because many studios offer the models work and money and it's hard to turn it down. Remember, the root of these guys doing porn is the money. Not because they necessarily like it. Sexuality takes a back seat when money is involved. When you've been with one site and you may be called to do scenes once every 3 months, finances become tough and many guys take the offer. Many of the guys spend all their money within a week or days of leaving here. Many of these guys don't have regular jobs, so it's a call they must make. We discourage it and try to avoid those types of situations,but this type of porn is very popular and studios will actively recruit guys from other studios. As i continue to say, "porn stars" are a thing of the past. How many Matthew Rush type guys (he has been in the industry for over 20 years) are there left. At Broke Straight Boys, we try to mold our models into stars. It's an old school system, but we like to see the progression of our models from their solos to their actual sex scenes and beyond.
Overall, the TV show will shed some light on the industry and how we handle all of it as a team. Personally, the psychology of it all is what fascinates me and led me to producing the TV show. My last project was a documentary on orphaned children in Nepal, so you can imagine the culture shock I experienced coming into this. Lastly, enjoy the models as they are. Complex men who will perform sex acts on other men for money. That's the root of it all. Everything else is secondary.
Thanks so much Damian for another insightful post explaining some of the key issues to myself and others who are fascinated by the psyche of the models who come to work for Broke Straight Boys I am always amazed when posters say that they do not care about the sexuality of the guys, as long as they are hot. If that is the way a person feels and thinks, then I wonder why they have chosen to join this site as opposed to College Dudes or one of any site that features hot gay guys doing it all.There is an interesting thread and I feel like I would like to comment on it. We go through an extensive casting process and we ask three things first. They are:
1) What's your sexuality?
2) Have you ever worked for other studios
3) What are you open to doing on camera
Even though we screen them extensively, many models have been dishonest with us because they really need the work (and the money). Their downfall is that we have the internet to check if they've done work for other studios, but many of them have other names they have used so it becomes difficult. We aim to bring you straight, fresh, and eager guys who are ready to work in the industry for the first time. That is our ultimate goal.
Now, sexuality is a very complex subject. Personally, I have found some men to be all over the Kinsey scale. For many, this is their outlet for having sex with men or women and making money. I don't have to tell you about Pavlov's experiment with dogs, but the same thing often happens to gay for pay actors. The money involved often becomes more important than anything else.
Money will get people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Question for all of you. How much money would it take for you to sleep with a women on camera? If you do it once, would you consider yourself straight? If you do decide to do it, will having sex for money with women bring you strife from your gay friends because its with a woman?
Also, whether or not you are straight or gay, getting paid for sex becomes ingrained in your psyche and many of these younger guys fall victim to that. When rent is due you have to do what you have to do in order to pay it. Some are smart about it and lead perfectly happy lives and consider it as a second job or as a way to make money. One of our models is a surgeon now because he did porn to help pay for medical school. Models find us for various reasons. Some need money for legal problems, because they are homeless, have alimony or child support, to pay or need a quick fix. As staff members, we have heard dozens of reasons for doing it, but when it all comes down to it, these guys come in straight and are introduced to Pandora's box. The rest is left up to them. This site offers a sneak peek behind the reasons that many of the guys do this, but the TV show goes more in depth on the subject.
As far as the site is concerned, you want masculine, straight, good looking guys who are the object of many gay men's desires. When you watch their scenes, you don't care about their personal lives, you just want to watch a hot scene between two straight guys who you may have fantasized about in the gym or elsewhere. I will say that, from time to time, we get duped but that is to be expected. In the show we made the guys take a lie detector test because we were curious ourselves,. You will have to watch the show to see what happens, but I will tell you there were a few surprises along the way.
Many guys go to other studios because many studios offer the models work and money and it's hard to turn it down. Remember, the root of these guys doing porn is the money. Not because they necessarily like it. Sexuality takes a back seat when money is involved. When you've been with one site and you may be called to do scenes once every 3 months, finances become tough and many guys take the offer. Many of the guys spend all their money within a week or days of leaving here. Many of these guys don't have regular jobs, so it's a call they must make. We discourage it and try to avoid those types of situations,but this type of porn is very popular and studios will actively recruit guys from other studios. As i continue to say, "porn stars" are a thing of the past. How many Matthew Rush type guys (he has been in the industry for over 20 years) are there left. At Broke Straight Boys, we try to mold our models into stars. It's an old school system, but we like to see the progression of our models from their solos to their actual sex scenes and beyond.
Overall, the TV show will shed some light on the industry and how we handle all of it as a team. Personally, the psychology of it all is what fascinates me and led me to producing the TV show. My last project was a documentary on orphaned children in Nepal, so you can imagine the culture shock I experienced coming into this. Lastly, enjoy the models as they are. Complex men who will perform sex acts on other men for money. That's the root of it all. Everything else is secondary.
Mr. Show biz always ready for the curtain to go up! lolWell lets' get this show on the road.
Thanks so much Damian for another insightful post explaining some of the key issues to myself and others who are fascinated by the psyche of the models who come to work for Broke Straight Boys I am always amazed when posters say that they do not care about the sexuality of the guys, as long as they are hot. If that is the way a person feels and thinks, then I wonder why they have chosen to join this site as opposed to College Dudes or one of any site that features hot gay guys doing it all.
But overall, I like your seemingly honest and open style of communicating with us Damian. Thank you!
Thank you for your input on this thread Damian! I started it a while back as I was interested in starting a "dialogue" to see how member's attitudes have changed over time since I joined, regarding "models being in the porn business" and doing work on Broke Straight Boys This did come after a model who had done work for a great number of other sites and was introduced as new to the business but, that wasn't the focus of my thoughts.
I cannot speak for others but, it would be safe to say, there are curiosities about the "guys behind the porn". Who they are, why they do porn etc....?. I am sure that the upcoming Broke Straight Boys-TV show will give a lot more insight into the complex people and business as we see it here, on this site. I am certain that (although we don't get up close and personal with models on other sites) there is a common thread among the guys in the business in general. Again, thank you for your input!
Thanks so much Damian for another insightful post explaining some of the key issues to myself and others who are fascinated by the psyche of the models who come to work for Broke Straight Boys I am always amazed when posters say that they do not care about the sexuality of the guys, as long as they are hot. If that is the way a person feels and thinks, then I wonder why they have chosen to join this site as opposed to College Dudes or one of any site that features hot gay guys doing it all.
But overall, I like your seemingly honest and open style of communicating with us Damian. Thank you!
Hey, Mike,
As one of the leading offenders in the "He's A-OK as long as he's HOT", camp, here are my four reasons for re-joining Broke Straight Boys, after many years away from it:
1.)Jason Matthews
2.)Jason Matthews
3.)Jason Matthews
4.)Your company ;-)))
Mike, I guess I would say, about myself, that I am not a "site" or "scenario" loyalist. I am a model-loyalist, first and foremost, and I have a relatively small group of models who have inspired me over the years. . . and I never tire of them. Or their personal appeal. And, like Mary's little lamb - - - I follow them faithfully all over the Internet, wherever they might go.
I first saw Jason on College Dudes. And loved him. Then he had some scenes on Broke Straight Boys, and of course they were wonderful. And. . . I fell in love with Danny, too. Then Jason left, for awhile, and I lost interest.
Then, Jason returned. And there were some NEW models I liked, a lot, also, like Paul and Adam and Damien. I also enjoyed connecting, or re-connecting with so many nice people on the message board, as well. . . .!!!
I'm NOT oblivious to the intrigue, tension, and sexual fascination of a guy who IS straight, taking a "turn on our side." Like lots of members, I had more than my share of crushes (sometimes deep, deadly ones) on straight guys, when I was young. I guess when it comes to indulging that fascination (with all respect to the management of Broke Straight Boys, which I think actually DOES offer up MANY cute guys who are REALLY straight): I usually turn to amateur, self-submitted sites. I am very skeptical about the ability of ANY professional site to deliver consistently on the presentation of "actual" straight guys - again, with due respect to Broke Straight Boys, which I think often HAS, and often DOES.
But, Mike, unlike many of the charter members of Broke Straight Boys, while I think the idea of a straight guy doing gay things for the first time is HOT and FUN - it isn't one of my intrinsic, and irresistible, fetishes. From a subscription-site, I am hoping for my three "P's": Pulchritude (or sheer physical beauty); PASSION (and marvelous performances); and, PERSONALITY - a kind of sweetness and charm and warmth, that makes you want to KNOW and CARE about the model - whether he is straight, gay, bi, or pansexual.
I know that's heterodox, for Broke Straight Boys, but that's exactly the best account I can give you of how I feel. And that's why I came back to Broke Straight Boys
And while that may not make sense to YOU, it made sense to ME, because the number of models who truly inspire me, historically, is very small. While I appreciate the gifts of many, I am TRULY INSPIRED, by very, very, FEW. ONE, from the legendary William Higgins. ONE, from Bel Ami ONE, from a competitor-American site to this one (and when he retired, I retired from that site, too.)
JASON is my top model of all time, and when he came back here, I did, too. And then was pleasantly surprised that there were a number of other new models I liked, as well. As well as the good production, and the nice company on the message board. But as far as the models' sexuality - I have never cared about it: as long as they were beautiful, and great performers, and seemed to be (even in scripted scenarios): really THEMSELVES. (And, as an old thespian, and a keen analyst of people's VOICES, I can tell you - even IF it's scripted: there is no hiding insincerity, at heart. That doesn't mean that the sound of a person's voice can tell you whether he is straight or gay or bi. . . but it can tell you a lot about whether is kind, or not-so-kind; fun-loving, or prudish; in it for JUST the money, or for the personal connections, as well.
I don't know if that makes sense to you, or not. I don't want to spoil anyone's vision or hopes, for Broke Straight Boys, because I am a sort of late-comer and step-brother, here. But, I simply love BEAUTY That's the beginning and the end of it - and: that's my apologia, for showing up, here.
P.S. God help me, I just love pretty things. . . .
There is an interesting thread and I feel like I would like to comment on it. We go through an extensive casting process and we ask three things first. They are:
1) What's your sexuality?
2) Have you ever worked for other studios
3) What are you open to doing on camera
Even though we screen them extensively, many models have been dishonest with us because they really need the work (and the money). Their downfall is that we have the internet to check if they've done work for other studios, but many of them have other names they have used so it becomes difficult. We aim to bring you straight, fresh, and eager guys who are ready to work in the industry for the first time. That is our ultimate goal.
Now, sexuality is a very complex subject. Personally, I have found some men to be all over the Kinsey scale. For many, this is their outlet for having sex with men or women and making money. I don't have to tell you about Pavlov's experiment with dogs, but the same thing often happens to gay for pay actors. The money involved often becomes more important than anything else.
Money will get people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Question for all of you. How much money would it take for you to sleep with a women on camera? If you do it once, would you consider yourself straight? If you do decide to do it, will having sex for money with women bring you strife from your gay friends because its with a woman?
Also, whether or not you are straight or gay, getting paid for sex becomes ingrained in your psyche and many of these younger guys fall victim to that. When rent is due you have to do what you have to do in order to pay it. Some are smart about it and lead perfectly happy lives and consider it as a second job or as a way to make money. One of our models is a surgeon now because he did porn to help pay for medical school. Models find us for various reasons. Some need money for legal problems, because they are homeless, have alimony or child support, to pay or need a quick fix. As staff members, we have heard dozens of reasons for doing it, but when it all comes down to it, these guys come in straight and are introduced to Pandora's box. The rest is left up to them. This site offers a sneak peek behind the reasons that many of the guys do this, but the TV show goes more in depth on the subject.
As far as the site is concerned, you want masculine, straight, good looking guys who are the object of many gay men's desires. When you watch their scenes, you don't care about their personal lives, you just want to watch a hot scene between two straight guys who you may have fantasized about in the gym or elsewhere. I will say that, from time to time, we get duped but that is to be expected. In the show we made the guys take a lie detector test because we were curious ourselves,. You will have to watch the show to see what happens, but I will tell you there were a few surprises along the way.
Many guys go to other studios because many studios offer the models work and money and it's hard to turn it down. Remember, the root of these guys doing porn is the money. Not because they necessarily like it. Sexuality takes a back seat when money is involved. When you've been with one site and you may be called to do scenes once every 3 months, finances become tough and many guys take the offer. Many of the guys spend all their money within a week or days of leaving here. Many of these guys don't have regular jobs, so it's a call they must make. We discourage it and try to avoid those types of situations,but this type of porn is very popular and studios will actively recruit guys from other studios. As i continue to say, "porn stars" are a thing of the past. How many Matthew Rush type guys (he has been in the industry for over 20 years) are there left. At Broke Straight Boys, we try to mold our models into stars. It's an old school system, but we like to see the progression of our models from their solos to their actual sex scenes and beyond.
Overall, the TV show will shed some light on the industry and how we handle all of it as a team. Personally, the psychology of it all is what fascinates me and led me to producing the TV show. My last project was a documentary on orphaned children in Nepal, so you can imagine the culture shock I experienced coming into this. Lastly, enjoy the models as they are. Complex men who will perform sex acts on other men for money. That's the root of it all. Everything else is secondary.
I thank you Ambi, and I totally understand your response. I did ask why folks are members here when the model's sexuality is irrelevant to them, and you explained that you originally joined and then re-joined to watch Jason, who by the way I'm sure you know is one of the two main models I spent an hour with, part of which is captured in my BTS video, and how I am almost embarrassed that I got to meet him, put my arm around him for pictures, and hug his sweaty flesh on that hot July day here two years ago, whereas you would give your left nut, (I presume) to do those things to Jason. He and Blake were two totally sweet gentlemen who I thoroughly enjoyed my time with. But I digress.***********************************************
Hey, Mike,
As one of the leading offenders in the "He's A-OK as long as he's HOT", camp, here are my four reasons for re-joining Broke Straight Boys, after many years away from it:
1.)Jason Matthews
2.)Jason Matthews
3.)Jason Matthews
4.)Your company ;-)))
Mike, I guess I would say, about myself, that I am not a "site" or "scenario" loyalist. I am a model-loyalist, first and foremost, and I have a relatively small group of models who have inspired me over the years. . . and I never tire of them. Or their personal appeal. And, like Mary's little lamb - - - I follow them faithfully all over the Internet, wherever they might go.
I first saw Jason on College Dudes. And loved him. Then he had some scenes on Broke Straight Boys, and of course they were wonderful. And. . . I fell in love with Danny, too. Then Jason left, for awhile, and I lost interest.
Then, Jason returned. And there were some NEW models I liked, a lot, also, like Paul and Adam and Damien. I also enjoyed connecting, or re-connecting with so many nice people on the message board, as well. . . .!!!
I'm NOT oblivious to the intrigue, tension, and sexual fascination of a guy who IS straight, taking a "turn on our side." Like lots of members, I had more than my share of crushes (sometimes deep, deadly ones) on straight guys, when I was young. I guess when it comes to indulging that fascination (with all respect to the management of Broke Straight Boys, which I think actually DOES offer up MANY cute guys who are REALLY straight): I usually turn to amateur, self-submitted sites. I am very skeptical about the ability of ANY professional site to deliver consistently on the presentation of "actual" straight guys - again, with due respect to Broke Straight Boys, which I think often HAS, and often DOES.
But, Mike, unlike many of the charter members of Broke Straight Boys, while I think the idea of a straight guy doing gay things for the first time is HOT and FUN - it isn't one of my intrinsic, and irresistible, fetishes. From a subscription-site, I am hoping for my three "P's": Pulchritude (or sheer physical beauty); PASSION (and marvelous performances); and, PERSONALITY - a kind of sweetness and charm and warmth, that makes you want to KNOW and CARE about the model - whether he is straight, gay, bi, or pansexual.
I know that's heterodox, for Broke Straight Boys, but that's exactly the best account I can give you of how I feel. And that's why I came back to Broke Straight Boys
And while that may not make sense to YOU, it made sense to ME, because the number of models who truly inspire me, historically, is very small. While I appreciate the gifts of many, I am TRULY INSPIRED, by very, very, FEW. ONE, from the legendary William Higgins. ONE, from Bel Ami ONE, from a competitor-American site to this one (and when he retired, I retired from that site, too.)
JASON is my top model of all time, and when he came back here, I did, too. And then was pleasantly surprised that there were a number of other new models I liked, as well. As well as the good production, and the nice company on the message board. But as far as the models' sexuality - I have never cared about it: as long as they were beautiful, and great performers, and seemed to be (even in scripted scenarios): really THEMSELVES. (And, as an old thespian, and a keen analyst of people's VOICES, I can tell you - even IF it's scripted: there is no hiding insincerity, at heart. That doesn't mean that the sound of a person's voice can tell you whether he is straight or gay or bi. . . but it can tell you a lot about whether is kind, or not-so-kind; fun-loving, or prudish; in it for JUST the money, or for the personal connections, as well.
I don't know if that makes sense to you, or not. I don't want to spoil anyone's vision or hopes, for Broke Straight Boys, because I am a sort of late-comer and step-brother, here. But, I simply love BEAUTY That's the beginning and the end of it - and: that's my apologia, for showing up, here.
P.S. God help me, I just love pretty things. . . .
I thank you Ambi, and I totally understand your response. I did ask why folks are members here when the model's sexuality is irrelevant to them, and you explained that you originally joined and then re-joined to watch Jason, who by the way I'm sure you know is one of the two main models I spent an hour with, part of which is captured in my BTS video, and how I am almost embarrassed that I got to meet him, put my arm around him for pictures, and hug his sweaty flesh on that hot July day here two years ago, whereas you would give your left nut, (I presume) to do those things to Jason. He and Blake were two totally sweet gentlemen who I thoroughly enjoyed my time with. But I digress.
I understand how you came here for Jason and Danny, and you stayed for some new models and for this forum. As my dear friend Ms. K, former "forumite extraudinare" said many times, "I came for the porn and I stayed for the forum". As I came for the straight boys and also stayed for the forum. No the site is not what it once was for me, and David's models pushed my buttons more than Clay's or Johnny's, but I stay for the forum. So you and I may have come to Broke Straight Boys for different reasons Ambi, apparently we are both still here for the same reason, the excellent company of our friends here on the forum.![]()
You asked for it Ambi. It is the 2012 NYC Pride Video. My segment begins at 22:13 called, "Chatting With Mikeyank"*************************
Hey, Mike,
Thanks for your lovely and understanding response. But, where do I find your BTS video with Jason??? I would love to view it!
P.S., Yes, in days of yore I would have given my left nut to hug Jason, like you did. But now, BOTH my nuts belong to Mr. K. ;-)
Mike ..You look so cute.And I have seen it a few times.But Jason,Denver and Blake....Be still my heart.You asked for it Ambi. It is the 2012 NYC Pride Video. My segment begins at 22:13 called, "Chatting With Mikeyank"
But your boy Jason is seen throughout the whole video.