Hey JohnThe premier of i am cait was absolutely amazing!!!!! So great to see the behind the scenes of her remarkable transformation!!! Cant wait to see more episodes!!
I'm sorry to hear that Ambi! You are a very kind and generous soul. xo
Hey John
I don't really watch reality shows.lol But for Big Brother.lol But the first night of I am Cait there was nothing on the Forum was going through one of it's quite boring times.
So I thought I will watch. I did and was VERY impressed. I really liked her. Allot.
So I watched the second show and was even more impressed. I think she is really trying to learn and become a spoke person for the Transgender community.. She admits she has allot to learn. Has a hard time relating with some of there stories.
Mostly because of privilege she never had money problems like the rest of the girls. Anyway all and all I think it is a real good show.
It is NOT just a silly show. So after Zander Floyd and Jason tonight I will watch I AM CAIT show three 10 o'clock on E.
It is worth a look..
Tamps - no, I am NOT!!! I just happen to have the hottest b/f in the universe - and he deserves a little help, and sacrifice, on my part!!! If you or MikeYank ever get up the gumption to e-mail me, I'll send you his picture! LOL!
"A" ;-)))
P.S. Tamps - I don't need all those channels, anyway - I only ever watch CBC, and PBS. (Charlie Rose, every single night
P.P.S. All my friends always tell me, "A", you treat even your FRIENDS like boyfriends. . . so, imagine how I treat my actual boyfriend!!! LOL! (And yes, I readily concede, though I'm not pretty, I am the best b/f, on the face of Planet Earth!!! LOL, and tongue DECIDEDLY in CHEEK ;-)
John Henry, I am busted back to severely basic cable, as I am helping my b/f out a lot, these days. . . but I appreciate your updates on the series!
P.S. You are a real sweetheart, John Henry!
Must say John.. Never thought I would. But I Love the show. And Her. Can't wait to see her and Kris.awww make me blush ambivalentill keep yall up to date she talks with her ex chris on the next episode... im ready to see that
Must say John.. Never thought I would. But I Love the show. And Her. Can't wait to see her and Kris.
The Bathing suit show was fun. Very real. If it is just a show? She is doing very well.i really like her. Just Saying...
she could get one year in county jail. since this is the first time she has been charged with causing someone's death, a fine and/or probation will lead to the record of the conviction being erased.
her big problem is that she wrongfully caused the death of another. what the market value on a spouse and a parent? more than a traffic fine and a few public service announcements about driving safely and not using your car to kill people.
you have an affirmative duty to not cause the death of another. the proof that that duty was breached is in the conviction. but for her actions, the car driven by the wife and step-mother would not have been in the path of on coming traffic. being pushed into path of a fast moving vehicle was the cause of death. one woman lost her life and one woman found her life.
I wish her well with her new life.
a quick guilty plea would save time and money. one year probation, driving school, three psa's and after a year, the guilty plea will be changed to a not guilty plea and the charges will be dismissed. not like she was trying to hit the car(s), in front of her.
being sorry will not replace a loved.
I do see she is also a victim. it was bruce driving that car, that night. the man who committed the act be found.
True Drake..But it was a accident She didn't intend to go out and kill someone.And I bet for the right amount of money.Getting off one year probation would not be justice thinking in the perspective from the family who lost their loved one.
The out come will be up to the trial and the courts. I truly believe Caitlin is prepared to face the consequences.
True Drake..But it was a accident She didn't intend to go out and kill someone.And I bet for the right amount of money.
The family will settle. Just don't think Caitlyn will do any time. Community Service. A Big fine. But you never know?
But that seems to be the American Way. Fuck up. Pay up.
Ummm -
My sense is that Caitlyn will get off virtually Scot-free, with perhaps a large fine, and perhaps some community service (likely to be served out by continuing to make her television programme.)
It is well known that, in the United States, the justice system works only for the rich. Famed human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson, whom Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called "America's Nelson Mandela", says, of the American justice system: "In the states of the Old South, we execute people -- where you're 11 times more likely to get the death penalty if the victim is white than if the victim is black, and 22 times more likely to get it if the defendant is black and the victim is white."
California isn't the Old South - but Miss Jenner is white, and super-rich, and famous, and celebrated: and I'll bet you five 73-cent Canadian dollars, she doesn't spend a single night, in jail.