To my dear friend, Stimpy,
I agree that it is sad when a long time forumite decides to leave this site and the forum, but may I respectfully remind you that this is nothing new here on this site.
But as you too have been here for a long time too, may I remind you that this is nothing new. Look back to the archives on the forum, from when you first joined this site in March 2010, and look at the names of the forumites who were posting then. Some of us "hard core" members remain the same, but the vast majority who were here then, are now gone. This is the nature of an internet site, and particularly a "pay site". People come and people go. it has always been this way.
And I do not see a great difference in the types of member's here now, from the past. We are a truly diverse group as we always have been. I do not see it as any more or less inclusive than it had been in the past. I can recall member's of the forum over the years who have described themselves as being gay, bisexual and straight. I can recall several member's of the forum who revealed that they were straight men, with either girlfriends or wives, and have only fantasized about being with another man, and that this site has been an outlet for them to watch and comment on the "secret side" of their desires.
It is also nothing new for member's to claim that management has turned a "deaf ear" to what they are asking for. I think that human beings by nature tend to romanticize the past. Yes there were some classic models and scenes from the past that are still remembered and revered fondly, but there were also some models and scenes in the past that were both panned and received vociferous complaints at that time on the forum.
I can recall periods of time when there was as much or more "bitching" and complaining by the paying customers. Off the top of my head, two of those periods were when they were using up the "non HD" scenes, before releasing the new technology. I recall members saying that this was crap that they were putting out, using sub par models, and repeatedly showing the same models over and over, (sound familiar?). People were complaining that they were paying a top price for episodes and were only seeing recycled crap, and they demanded that management trash the non-HD scenes and start showing the new models and scenes or they would quit the site. And some did quit, as member's always tend to do.
The second period of malcontent by the masses was after Mark had announced that David was no longer filming scenes, and after the old material was shown, we would be seeing an all new
Broke Straight Boys Well there seemed to be an interminable period where we were seeing models who were considered sub par, like the "Neanderthal" Braden or the "transexual" Price, and people complained, and we were seeing many episodes of MikeR and
Diesal and Aston over and over too, and again people complained and threatened to quit, and many did.
Stimpy, you also speak of the "winning formula" of
Broke Straight Boys-1. Keep in mind that Mark is if nothing else a businessman, and if the formula was as winning as you suggest, he would not have made the changes that he did. I love David and am a member of his new site as well, and think that he is a "porn genius", but Mark obviously has information that we are not privy to and would not have made a major change if the picture was as rosy as you portray it.
I also totally disagree with you that the forum has now become "one-sided". Re-read the recent controversial Jimmy & Bradley threads, which obviously got very heated. As Larkster stated, many first time posters or infrequent posters came out "in agreement" with your sentiments, and some others spoke up on the other side.
My bottom line is that things on
Broke Straight Boys are actually very similar to the way that they have always been here, with controversies and heated debates, and with new members coming, and old member's leaving.
I do not see things very dramatically different now than they have always been. We have a diversity of models with guys like Colin, Seth, Anthony, Chad and Darren who appeal to those who enjoy guys that will willingly bottom and engage in gay sex, and we have guys like Jimmy, Rocco, AJ, and Bobby who fit more into the classic "straight" boy image of this site, as typified in the past by
Mike Robbins, Jordan, Tank Shane, and yes
Diesal and Dustin and going back to the origins of the site, models like
Taz and Sebastian.
Unlike "Chicken Little", I don't see "the sky as falling". I just see the same ebb and flow in the scenes and in the commentary on the forum, as I have always seen since I joined this site in October 2008. I still consider this far and away my favorite spot to be when I am on the internet, and my intention is to fasten my seat belt and enjoy the ride, although it does get bumpy at times, it still feels like home to me.