Until recently our immigration "problem" has stemmed from our citizens (and therefore our government, as it's supposed to work) knowing that the mojority of our forefathers came from foreign soil, and in the spirit of our country's past embracing those people who come to our country looking for a better life....even if it isn't exactly legal. (or realistically, embracing them because it's cheaper than hiring a naturalized citizen for their yard work). I can't say I blame state or federal governments for being paranoid. On the federal government's part, this is long overdue. As for state government, if any of the border states have problems defending their borders, there is always the state militia (national guard).This is a fascinating but also somewhat worrying thread. I am learning a lot about the USA that I knew nothing about - the bit about the farmers and homeowners near the border being terrorised is very worrying.
As the thread is about Arizona then maybe there should be more policing on both sides of the border to combat such criminalism. On a national front, one cannot enclose ones country however big or small it is. Look at the countries who have built walls but people have still gotten through.
Someone earlier on correctly pointed out that most of the USA citizens today could be classed as "foreigners" (I wont use immigrants) and go back 200 years and imagine what the native Americans thought of the whities coming over and stealing their land. History has a habit of coming back and biting you on the butt.
The UK also has a big immigration problem but not on the scale of the USA, mainly because of it's geography and it being an island. Most of our immigration issues are down to the EU and the british government not having the backbone to say NO.
This may seem like a heartless way to approach the issue, but you have to remember that you're basically asking citizens to defend their own land. Hopefully (and yes, I do still have some faith in humanity), Farmer John will have a good enough heart to ask questions before he starts shooting. If he doesn't, then we are damned anyway. The only other way to police our borders is to hire half the country on as border patrol agents and I doubt we can afford that unless we convert to communism.