Jon, I too very much want the scenes released in order, as this site is presented in a reality type format, and mixing them up definitely deters from my enjoyment.
As this is my only site, I was not aware that other sites show the date of production. That would help too, but if they just showed the scenes in order, it would be fine with me too. And with or without "inside information" about the models in advance, I can still enjoy new scenes when I see them, (if there is continuity with the scenes and models).
Perhaps this is an age thing. Being a young guy, in a world where information is disseminated through television, radio, internet, blackberries, etc. I can understand you're being impatient and wanting to see updates and get information instantaneously. Being an older guy, myself, I find that life is going way too quickly, and don't mind things going at a more leisurely pace. Neither one of us is right or wrong. We are just looking at things through our own perceptions.
Although we may disagree on occasion Jon, I still love you, and always enjoy reading your honest, unfiltered stream of consciousness posts. Please keep on doing what you're doing.