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BSB is a great site but....


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
I absolutely adore Broke Straight Boys and the effort that David and Eddie have put into the site from the beginning. I also love College Boy Physicals which I believe is another D&E production.

I do however, have ONE massive gripe and this is the amount of time that has elapsed from when a film is shot to when it is released. You only have to read deeply into the forum threads to see how pissed off members are that they are not really up to date with what is currently happening. For example look at the 2 hot threads currently running (todays 3some) and Tyler and Leon. We're all talking about what is happening as if it is today, when in fact the Tyler film was shot 12 months ago and from what we gather most other films are 6 months behind. In the time between then and now a lot of water has gone under the bridge and who knows whats happened in these guys career, we certainly do not. I suppose the only really up to date members are the ones that go to the pride events and can chat to the models and David if he's there.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about this situation and maybe the delay from shoot to release is due to D&E's success in getting so many hot guys through the door.

I just had to say my piece that's all.

Love you all from a lovely sunny English evening

jon xx :001_smile::001_tt2:
I absolutely adore Broke Straight Boys and the effort that David and Eddie have put into the site from the beginning. I also love College Boy Physicals which I believe is another D&E production.

I do however, have ONE massive gripe and this is the amount of time that has elapsed from when a film is shot to when it is released. You only have to read deeply into the forum threads to see how pissed off members are that they are not really up to date with what is currently happening. For example look at the 2 hot threads currently running (todays 3some) and Tyler and Leon. We're all talking about what is happening as if it is today, when in fact the Tyler film was shot 12 months ago and from what we gather most other films are 6 months behind. In the time between then and now a lot of water has gone under the bridge and who knows whats happened in these guys career, we certainly do not. I suppose the only really up to date members are the ones that go to the pride events and can chat to the models and David if he's there.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about this situation and maybe the delay from shoot to release is due to D&E's success in getting so many hot guys through the door.

I just had to say my piece that's all.

Love you all from a lovely sunny English evening

jon xx :001_smile::001_tt2:

I agree. It makes feedback from us kind of meaningless. It seems like there is no real chance of influencing anything. Now, there may be an exception to that complaint - everyone has said that kissing is hot and now there seems to be more of an attempt to get the guys into a kissing frame of mind.
I agree. It makes feedback from us kind of meaningless. It seems like there is no real chance of influencing anything. Now, there may be an exception to that complaint - everyone has said that kissing is hot and now there seems to be more of an attempt to get the guys into a kissing frame of mind.

Agree but what good is a reaction to a film or a set of films six months after the films have been recorded. For example, D&E may think that a certain model or a certain way of filming is good but comes the time of release they get a shitfull of complaints from the members. It's too bloody late for anything constructive to be done.

And yes silvercame, it does make feedback from the members meaningless as by this time there are probably a new set of models in the camp.

Grrr.. this is so effin annoying... :cursing:
Good point, with all the complaining we've been doing about Mike R in today's horrendous 3 way (because of Mike R), heck he could be married and have 3 kids and another one on the way by now lol! :)

Good point, with all the complaining we've been doing about Mike R in today's horrendous 3 way (because of Mike R), heck he could be married and have 3 kids and another one on the way by now lol! :)

Or, since the last Leon update showed us how out of order they can be, we could be watching Mike for another year.:001_rolleyes:
Or, since the last Leon update showed us how out of order they can be, we could be watching Mike for another year.:001_rolleyes:

And who knows if we have seen the "last" episode he filmed yet. Was it the 3-way we just saw? (I think it may be) Or was it some other scene. Remember how CJ just kept coming back in spades after he was let go and we were told that was his last scene? :cursing:
And who knows if we have seen the "last" episode he filmed yet. Was it the 3-way we just saw? (I think it may be) Or was it some other scene. Remember how CJ just kept coming back in spades after he was let go and we were told that was his last scene? :cursing:

Do you think anyone in mgmt is reading this ? or are they just thinking, it's just those moaning bar stewards again.
Do you think anyone in mgmt is reading this ? or are they just thinking, it's just those moaning bar stewards again.

Jon, Jason, etc.

First I am coping my post I did on the thread "Presentation" which may help answer the concerns here and then following that I will add tad more.


I can answer this in part. When I visited the studio this past February, David gave me the full tour of the studio. Our beloved Tyler is the one in charge of dating and keeping, in order, the vids as they are done. They are in his desk, top draw, organized by date are those vids are then sent to Mark. (At least that is how they were when I visited). Too bad I did not take a photo of those organized vids.

As for the backlog of vids, I too was somewhat surprised to see a vid almost 1 year old. As memory serves me they normally have a 4-6 month backlog. But one other thing to keep in mind is that they could easily do 4-6 shots per week (perhaps more?). If we are only seeing 3 per week that backlog could easily grow beyond 6 months. In fact, I remember names of models that we discussed would be coming down the line, and I still have not see them, so perhaps they have more than a 6 month supply.

Hope this is somewhat helpful.

As to why we were see videos of CJ and Dustin months and months after we were told they were no longer working for the studio there are several reasons.

Back in those early days the Studio did not have the big backlog of vids like they do today. When we (the membership) provided feedback on models David did all he could to film those models. As David said on many occasions, on selected models he let us know there were "lots in the can". Also in those earlier days, the vids were not as well organized and many were not shown in order they were shot. Newer vids were shown before the older ones. When they converted to HD and started filming HD they started a new back-up that was far better organized (based on our comments). Thanks Tyler for taking on this responsibility. Meanwhile every last one of the old ones needed to be cleaned out of the system. Hence we saw Dustin, CJ, etc. To speed up this process they started to show three (sometimes more) new videos per week.

I will agree that giving management feedback on models we want to see a lot more becomes more meaningless when we see videos 6 months or more old. And if they continue to keep a 6 month backlog in reality our feedback on models we want to see will have little impact. As David has stated, a models "shelf life" for the most part is short. However, we can and do still have an impact, in some aspects, of what David shoots. We just don't get to see it the next day. Since this forum has come into existence many changes have been implemented. We just need to be more patient in seeing them come through.

Mind you, I'm no expert on this but I think my logic makes sense.

Live Long and Prosper,


See your point Vicekid but what's the point in having a forum to discuss models if what we are discussing is meaningless, pointless and out of date. We might as well talk about the price of cheese.
OMG Broke Straight Boys Blog as Soap Opera. Again, this is a porn site, it is not real life, and we ae not entailed to know every detail of these performers lives.

Did you read the thread before you posted? No one wants details of their lives. This thread is about the scenes being shone out of order, and how much time there is between shooting and airing.
See your point Vicekid but what's the point in having a forum to discuss models if what we are discussing is meaningless, pointless and out of date. We might as well talk about the price of cheese.
I disagree Jon. I don't see our discussions of the models as solely a way to influence management in whom to use in future episodes, and for suggestions of what we want to see.

I enjoy the discussion and discourse between members, and observations are made about scenes that I sometimes did not notice. I'm sorry if I'm always making comparisons to sports, but I know that there are forums and discussion groups involving baseball, football, and soccer matches as well. I don't think the purpose of these discussions to for the teams to change their approach to a game or match, based on the participation of the fans. It is merely an exercise in enjoying discussing something that is found enjoyable with other fans.

You can also use the film industry as an example of a similar situation. Movies are planned filmed and edited for up to a year in advance of a release, as well. But fans can still discuss, dissect and analyze a movie well after it was finished.

The forum is to me a way of bonding with folks interested in the same subject as me.
Did you read the thread before you posted? No one wants details of their lives. This thread is about the scenes being shone out of order, and how much time there is between shooting and airing.
laguy, Ms Kianna is correct. There is a big difference between wanting personal information about the models, and wanting information pertaining to the scenes being shot, the storyline being presented, etc. You are apparently confused as to the nature of this thread.
I disagree Jon. I don't see our discussions of the models as solely a way to influence management in whom to use in future episodes, and for suggestions of what we want to see.

I enjoy the discussion and discourse between members, and observations are made about scenes that I sometimes did not notice. I'm sorry if I'm always making comparisons to sports, but I know that there are forums and discussion groups involving baseball, football, and soccer matches as well. I don't think the purpose of these discussions to for the teams to change their approach to a game or match, based on the participation of the fans. It is merely an exercise in enjoying discussing something that is found enjoyable with other fans.

You can also use the film industry as an example of a similar situation. Movies are planned filmed and edited for up to a year in advance of a release, as well. But fans can still discuss, dissect and analyze a movie well after it was finished.

The forum is to me a way of bonding with folks interested in the same subject as me.

I'm hitting my head against a brick wall methinks here. If you and others don't think that the Broke Straight Boys mgmt don't value our input into models performances then I guess the forum is just a waste of time or just to get people talking claptrap.

If this is so then I shall be taking a less active role in the forum in the future and inputting in a more educated and appreciative forum. You lot can talk about chubby films, old people's underwear and models who have left the site some 6 months back.
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See your point Vicekid but what's the point in having a forum to discuss models if what we are discussing is meaningless, pointless and out of date. We might as well talk about the price of cheese.

I'm hitting my head against a brick wall methinks here. If you and others don't think that the Broke Straight Boys mgmt don't value our input into models performances then I guess the forum is just a waste of time or just to get people talking claptrap.

If this is so then I shall be taking a less active role in the forum in the future and inputting in a more educated and appreciative forum. You lot can talk about chubby films, old people's underwear and models who have left the site some 6 months back.


I love your involvement in this forum and I truly think your are an asset here.

As for the creation of this forum, I think you need to go back to the beginning when management first set this up. I joined about a month later, but did not do any posting for several months. Unless my memory is in error, the purpose of the forum was really for US MEMBERS to interact with each other. We could "talk" to one another about life in general or about the videos/models. Management then started to ask "US" for feedback and that is when we could share our opinions. They also had the first models (Tyler, later Dustin) post here so we could "talk" to them. Even then, our suggestions took a few months to be seen as they had to go through the videos already shot.

I don't believe that the forum was set up solely for members to suggest to management what to do or improve upon. I would ask such old time beginning posters (Jayman, Slim, Gremlin, etc.) to comment here if I am off the mark.

I find the forum as another form of entertainment. I don't always agree with what I read. And I add my 2 cents worth when I have the time Or I feel I can make a contribution. I think if we all use this philosophy the forum can and will be another form of entertainment.

Live Long and Prosper,

See your point Vicekid but what's the point in having a forum to discuss models if what we are discussing is meaningless, pointless and out of date. We might as well talk about the price of cheese.


I love your involvement in this forum and I truly think your are an asset here.

As for the creation of this forum, I think you need to go back to the beginning when management first set this up. I joined about a month later, but did not do any posting for several months. Unless my memory is in error, the purpose of the forum was really for US MEMBERS to interact with each other. We could "talk" to one another about life in general or about the videos/models. Management then started to ask "US" for feedback and that is when we could share our opinions. They also had the first models (Tyler, later Dustin) post here so we could "talk" to them. Even then, our suggestions took a few months to be seen as they had to go through the videos already shot.

I don't believe that the forum was set up solely for members to suggest to management what to do or improve upon. I would ask such old time beginning posters (Jayman, Slim, Gremlin, etc.) to comment here if I am off the mark.

I find the forum as another form of entertainment. I don't always agree with what I read. And I add my 2 cents worth when I have the time Or I feel I can make a contribution. I think if we all use this philosophy the forum can and will be another form of entertainment.

Live Long and Prosper,


No one really ever set any standards as to the nature and or purpose of the Forum initially. I think for the most part it was there to create more of a cohesive family friendly environment to meet other members and share thoughts about common topics. :001_unsure:

All good things sometimes need to come to an end. Then we had some people decided that we should give Broke Straight Boys feedback and for the most part it was welcomed. Then some posters became very negative and degrading toward others and Broke Straight Boys mgt. They took liberties to try to force changes that they wanted to see through Forum peer pressure. They also insulted the integrity of the producers. Needless to say these people over stepped their bounds at times and attacked members that did not support their point of view and so forth. So, Broke Straight Boys started getting reports of these attacks. The person(s) who perpetrated these acts would go back and edit their statements to more mild or subtle statements. So, Broke Straight Boys started to bounce trouble makers off the forum after a few warnings. Then Broke Straight Boys mgt. decided to limit editing to only 5min. after we post. So, people could not go back and erase the evidence or delete the entire thread. Deleting an entire thread once people have taken time to post well thought out responses really got some people in an up roar around here.

It has been my experience that essentially Broke Straight Boys staff does not mind positive constructive criticism. It is the negative stuff that insults mgt. and others that is not tolerated. Broke Straight Boys was a work in progress when most of us got here. So, the site has been evolving and getting better and better. I do believe the Forum does have some impact on their direction there.:thumbup1:

Let me give an example.

Negative feedback: This video sucks. The camera man F****d up shooting the best part.

Positive feedback: The shoot was pretty good. I wish they were able to get a better angle when filming Anthony getting f****d from the side. I like scenes that show the penetration. They help to turn me on much more.

In other words it is not so much in what you are saying as it is how you are saying it.

I am not saying that both points were not heard by mgt. However, the negative personally insults the camera man for one bad shot. The positive feed back helps to point out what part of the video may have needed more work and why. Sure other members may feel differently. "You can please all of the people some of the time, but you will never please all of the people all of the time." This site may not give the same latitude as other Forums out there but they are pretty liberal when it comes to insulting comments in general. They will often warn you multiple times before banning you and your IP address.:wink:
Well ive been member here for a short time i guess start of 2010 - i joined the site after watching a few teasers on another site - when i came here the content was very different to what was used to get me here - that being said yeah some content is ok - in fact some content is mighty fine - however - this Stright Boy thing has grown tired - its clear on some occasions the boys are either in a relationship - just check the body language and strange side ways looks on cam some times - and they are certainly not Staight - - but as some one else said its fantasy here so thats ok. To be honest now i would prolly cancel my membership as i have located other sites that seem to "inspire me" but yes you gessed it - i dont have my original log in details and so i cant cancel - dont get me wrong the effort is fine on occasions - I also love the "we will send you off to shoot with our other studio and the girls" im into that too - and i can tell you ive never once seen one of these straight boys elswhere with chics.

Anyway - this exceercised my fingers and id say would do nuffin much else -

Down Unda Steveo
To be honest now i would prolly cancel my membership as i have located other sites that seem to "inspire me" but yes you gessed it - i dont have my original log in details and so i cant cancel -
First, welcome to the forum Steveo. And while I'd like to see you stick around, I find it hard to believe that you are "forced" to remain a member for life, because you lost your original log in details. I'm sure if you contact the new customer service link, they will let you know how to leave your "indentured servitude" here. :confused1:

Whatever you decide to do, best of luck to you.
OMG Broke Straight Boys Blog as Soap Opera. Again, this is a porn site, it is not real life, and we ae not entailed to know every detail of these performers lives.

Are you posting on the right thread?? Nobody has said anything about knowing anything about the performers lives. Get on the bus Gus!