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BSB 2.0 = Abstinence 1.0


Well-known Member
Feb 3, 2011
Reaction score
New York, NY
Let me first say that I am not in any way angry with the owner and personal at Broke Straight Boys But I am disappointed with the new site. so far.

I'm certainly no porn industry pro, but please allow me to do some Monday morning quarterbacking anyway.

From reading the site owner's comments it appears that the site is going slow with the new models because they are totally straight. I have no reason to doubt his word.

It is my opinion that Broke Straight Boys should have started the new site with awesome, hot and intense new episodes, that means with real fucking etc. so as to grab the members' interest from the very first moment. Broke Straight Boys could have started shooting earlier and shown the very hottest episodes in the first few weeks in April. The the shoots with less action could have been held in the vault for a rainy day OR pulled out the very instant members complained that the models aren't straight.

Since a batch of episodes would be in the vault, new shoots would still be close to the time they are shown on the site. And the director would still have the option to do some reacting to members' input.

But at least the ass kicking new episodes would be up for the 2.0 inaugural.

In other words, shock and awe first and then the pussy petting later.

Most members understand that when they join they'll see models they love and some they're less fond of. But when we see the slow development of each scene, as though we're watching those old movie serials like the Perils of Pauline with little installments every week, members get antsy because we don't yet know what the new director can do.

I know Monday morning quarterbacking sucks for those who actually have to do the things being critiqued. Especially when the one doing the critiquing hasn't graduated past a cell phone cam. lol
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different strokes for different folks

Keep in mind, lubetube, that each member of the audience here has a slightly different perspective on what is hot and what is hot. I'm actually enjoying the first six episodes with the slow build up. With the exception of Matt in the very last scene, I kind of like all of the new guys, especially Rocco, (but again that is personal preference).

I enjoy getting to know the new guy's a bit, which I think will make the eventual sex scenes hotter. I think that the hottest sexual experiences that I've personally had involved guy's who I knew for a long time, and eventually, had sex with them. The buildup and anticipation of the potential sex was a huge turn on for me in real life, and I don't feel like two weeks is an overly long time to wait in my porn life either. I've watched previews of the guy's that we have met here so far, sucking cock, fucking, and shooting cum into each other's mouths, and it will be hotter for me to see this action, after "getting to know them" first. Obviously this is a porn site, and we can't take anything that is said in the vignettes as gospel, but if it creates an illusion, that I can buy into, then it works for me.

There is also the factor of people who define "sex" as fucking only. To my way of thinking, two guys who get naked, and stroke each other's cocks, and make them cum is sex, as well as a giving a blowjob. If only fucking equals sex, then President Clinton was being truthful, when he said:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" :wink:
^ My God, a Monica Lewinsky joke. It's never too late for a Monica Lewinsky joke. :wink:

As an old retailer, I think Mark should have come out of the chute with a week or two of solid videos, posting a new one each day, and then gone back to twice weekly updates for a while to average things out. Once he got back on budget, he would have up'd new releases back to three vids a week.

If he'd done this, he could have worked through the slower scenes that set the foundation for hard core sex more quickly.

Broke Straight Boys would have built up a sense of momentum with this constant stream of new releases. I found in retail, sales is all momentum. If you have a sale once every three months, they don't work as well as if you have a sale once a month. One time, because of holidays, I shut the store for three days to give my staff a well deserved break. Even though we reopened immediately with a big sale, it took a week to get my store back rolling again. It's all momentum...and cash flow.

This said, the way things have currently progressed, Mark wouldn't have received the extended feedback he's gotten on the new videos if he'd gone with my plan. I've gotten the distinct impression that scenes he was planning on releasing right away have been held back until the production company can shoot new scenes more to the subscriber's tastes. Imagine if over two weeks, fourteen unpopular videos had been shown rather than just six. Mark and Broke Straight Boys would be in a world of hurt. I imagine videos folks will find more appropriate are being worked on as I type, and we will see the fruits of those labors soon.

As you say, lubetube, Monday morning quarterbacking is a iffy proposition. I'm no better than you are at it.

But I like to do it. :biggrin:
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I agree with lubetube, it's moving WAY too slow. While I can appreciate where you're coming from Mike, as I know you enjoy getting to know the models through the pre-sex interviews, but I personally do not. I almost always completely skip anything pre-sexual, although I have watched some of the older ones because David would almost always say or do something funny that made me laugh. But the new Broke Straight Boys has been out for over 2 weeks, and we've yet to see any sex other than a one-sided blowjob.

Jacking off, to me, is NOT sex. Whether jacking yourself off, or jacking off the guy sitting next to you, it's boring and not sex at least on a porn site. Blow jobs can be really hot, especially if it's done well and features ball licking, cum eating, kissing, etc. I have actually loved many blow job scenes on the old Broke Straight Boys, but the one on the new Broke Straight Boys was definitely not one of my favorites mainly because it was totally one-sided.

But I would say that it's a fair assessment to state most people who join a porn site, expect to see more than jacking off and a single one-sided blow job the first half of the first month after launching.

I realize Mark is having challenges and problems getting these guys to do more since they're straight, which I can appreciate, however it appears there will be more of the same if it's becoming that much of an issue to get these guys to have sex.

Mike I know you prefer watching straight guys, and I do too. But, more than anything, I prefer to see hot S-E-X in 100% of the scenes. If I don't get it, I get annoyed and cancel.

For those of you who say I'm not giving the new Broke Straight Boys a fair chance, actually yes I am. Broke Straight Boys 2.0 has been much anticipated and discussed for months now, and Mark did a great job prepping us, whetting our appetites, and promising the hottest Broke Straight Boys ever.

So that's what I expected, and so far it has completely failed at delivering that promise.

As a result, I cancelled. I think a lot of Broke Straight Boys, the whole team and crew, and I feel bad because I do want to support Mark and his team because I think they're all great folks. BUT, I also want to vote with my wallet and make a statement that I do not support the lack of hot sex in these scenes! And at the end of the day that is why I join a porn site, to enjoy watching the hot sex. The other stuff, like the comedy I've grown to love in the old scenes, the great job Mark and his team do every day for us, the forum and all you guys on here, are all great side benefits. But still, if the sex is not hot right out of the gate especially after launching the new Broke Straight Boys, I have to make a statement that I do not like the new scenes.

Now I know there are several who have commented they don't like the look of the new guys, but I actually do. Mike, I'm with you that I love how believable these guys are as straight guys, and Mark has even said that they ARE straight, which is great.

My ONLY issue is that the sex has been non existant for the most part, and that is my ONLY issue with the new Broke Straight Boys

You can have the best group of people running a porn site, which we do have with Blu Media. And the greatest forum of all time, which I believe the forum is here, and I feel as though many of you on here are my friends (and that includes you lubetube and Mike, and many more of you).

But once again, until the sex starts getting hot on a REGULAR BASIS, I'm out of here until it is.

Mike, I'm glad that you are loving the new site and enjoying the ample time to get to know these new models in their very long interviews and the negotiation diatribes, and I know that it's not as much about the sex for you as it is the whole picture. But for many of us, it's about the sex. Sure it's nice to sit through the non sexual banter sometimes, while waiting for them to get naked and start going at it, but there are those of us who really aren't into that, we just want them to get naked, get hard, and then get off.......with *each other*. :)

I *do* have confidence that they will eventually find their way, and find a formula that works for them and the members. Hopefully it will work for the majority of us, but for now it is not working at all in my opinion (even though it is working for you, Mike).

I *do* have confidence that they will eventually find their way, and find a formula that works for them and the members. Hopefully it will work for the majority of us, but for now it is not working at all in my opinion (even though it is working for you, Mike).

Abe, I totally respect you and your perspective on why you pay for a porn site, and in fact, you seem to be in the majority with most of our fellow forumites. And I thank you for respecting my perspective as well. I do hope that Mark and "Matthew" will find a way to merge all of our points of view, to satisfy you and I, and Cumrag27, and Ms. Kianna as well as all of the other loyal, members of this site. I do like you very much Abe, and hope and look forward to your return here. :thumbup:
There are just six episodes published, and abstinence is not a word that springs to my mind.

If you want to know my opinion about Broke Straight Boys 2.0 come back in a month or two.
Mike can it be that you take my attempt at humor, in the title of this thread, too much to heart?

I too enjoy listening to the models talk about themselves and negotiating. I was a fan of David's banter. My point was'nt having the models screw when the director yells , "action."

But can you imagine this has all gone a little too slowy for most of us? I'm sure you've noticed by now that the members who are satified so far are clearly in the minority. If Blu had offered us the down-and-dirty from the gitgo most of the disappointment would never have developed.

As I said, I think I know the reason why things are slow. Because Broke Straight Boys is trying to lay to rest the idea that the models are gay. The trade off is, slowly develping porn scenarios.

abstinence - The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse.
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There are just six episodes published, and abstinence is not a word that springs to my mind.

If you want to know my opinion about Broke Straight Boys 2.0 come back in a month or two.

I am with you, some people are being way to quick to judge. I too would like to see a little anal sex, hopefully in time I will, BUT lets not get all in a huff after just six videos.

I will also hold back a month or two before I get my boxers in a bunch.:biggrin:
On the preview it says on 4/18/2011 that Jimmy is coming back and someone is getting fucked.. maybe people will stop their whining then.. doubtful but hopeful.
I am with you, some people are being way to quick to judge. I too would like to see a little anal sex, hopefully in time I will, BUT lets not get all in a huff after just six videos.

I will also hold back a month or two before I get my boxers in a bunch.:biggrin:

And that's where I completely disagree and say, actually 6 scenes (two weeks after a much-hyped launch) is a lifetime in porn years.

Just like tv, a new show has to catch the audience within the first 60 seconds or they will switch the channel and watch something else often never to come back again. The networks know this, and that's why so many new start-ups are cancelled so quickly.

The bar was raised really high with all the hype, and set our expectations that the new Broke Straight Boys would live up to its claim that it will be "...the hottest Broke Straight Boys ever!"

The new Broke Straight Boys has failed at meeting the expectations that were set *by Mark*, that is to say the content has not been what it was promised to be...at least so far.

I waited 2 weeks, and got nothing in terms of what was promised. Two weeks is long enough for a new start-up, re-launch, roll-out, whatever you want to call it, to wow the heck out of the members.

But I won't go on anymore about it, I've made this exact same point across several threads, and don't want to start getting more repetitive than I'm already guilty of so I'll shut up about it now other than to say it is not an unreasonable expectation that we should have already been seeing hot sex long before now, I *have* given it enough time, and I *have* waited long enough and then some. I understand Mark has been working with them to get them motivated, but if it takes that much time to rouse the troops, it may be time to consider initiating plan B lol. Nuff said.

And that's where I completely disagree and say, actually 6 scenes (two weeks after a much-hyped launch) is a lifetime in porn years.

Just like tv, a new show has to catch the audience within the first 60 seconds or they will switch the channel and watch something else often never to come back again. The networks know this, and that's why so many new start-ups are cancelled so quickly.

The bar was raised really high with all the hype, and set our expectations that the new Broke Straight Boys would live up to its claim that it will be "...the hottest Broke Straight Boys ever!"

The new Broke Straight Boys has failed at meeting the expectations that were set *by Mark*, that is to say the content has not been what it was promised to be...at least so far.

I waited 2 weeks, and got nothing in terms of what was promised. Two weeks is long enough for a new start-up, re-launch, roll-out, whatever you want to call it, to wow the heck out of the members.

But I won't go on anymore about it, I've made this exact same point across several threads, and don't want to start getting more repetitive than I'm already guilty of so I'll shut up about it now other than to say it is not an unreasonable expectation that we should have already been seeing hot sex long before now, I *have* given it enough time, and I *have* waited long enough and then some. I understand Mark has been working with them to get them motivated, but if it takes that much time to rouse the troops, it may be time to consider initiating plan B lol. Nuff said.


I agree that you shouldn't go on about it as I've personally seen enough of your complaining. The fact is that David and the old Broke Straight Boys isn't coming back either way.. David was tired of doing the same repetitive that apparently you liked. "Broke Straight Boys 1.0" had become almost painful to watch it was so predictable with the same tired GAY men.

With that said, and I'm really not trying to be rude, I understand that it has "failed" in your mind (in two weeks--what a laugh), but that's just your opinion.. mine is the opposite. One area we might agree on is that it might have been better for them to show more hardcore scenes sooner (they have a fucking scene coming up on 4/18), but I don't agree with the rest of your tantrum.
I agree it is moving pretty slow. But I will wait a few weeks for it to hopefully speed up. I'm hoping I don't like Broke Straight Boys because of David and the familiar models. Look forward to some hot action.
I am with you, some people are being way to quick to judge. I too would like to see a little anal sex, hopefully in time I will, BUT lets not get all in a huff after just six videos.

I will also hold back a month or two before I get my boxers in a bunch.:biggrin:
I agree to give it a little time, before making any definitive judgement, but you will soon be seeing at least three anal scenes, lpdude. The non-members page has three previews of scenes already shot including Jimmy fuck's Brett, Rocco & CJ fuck Brett, and Jimmy fucks Tony. You can check out the previews. So the hot new guys will be fucking on our computer screens soon. :cool:
I agree that you shouldn't go on about it as I've personally seen enough of your complaining. The fact is that David and the old Broke Straight Boys isn't coming back either way.. David was tired of doing the same repetitive that apparently you liked. "Broke Straight Boys 1.0" had become almost painful to watch it was so predictable with the same tired GAY men.

With that said, and I'm really not trying to be rude, I understand that it has "failed" in your mind (in two weeks--what a laugh), but that's just your opinion.. mine is the opposite. One area we might agree on is that it might have been better for them to show more hardcore scenes sooner (they have a fucking scene coming up on 4/18), but I don't agree with the rest of your tantrum.

No worries qscott86, I've made my point more than enough I agree. I wouldn't call it a tantrum, just dis-approval of the lacking of hard sex is all. I much prefer to see straight boys going at it than gay boys though, so you're wrong there. And yes I love David and his work, but I also get that he's not coming back which I am ok with. I will enjoy his work on his new sites, but will also be back here as well once the sex starts picking up. :thumbup:

No worries qscott86, I've made my point more than enough I agree. I wouldn't call it a tantrum, just dis-approval of the lacking of hard sex is all. I much prefer to see straight boys going at it than gay boys though, so you're wrong there. And yes I love David and his work, but I also get that he's not coming back which I am ok with. I will enjoy his work on his new sites, but will also be back here as well once the sex starts picking up. :thumbup:


There is an anal scene coming up on 4/18 so I hope you stick it out a bit longer.. I know I've been a little harsh at times and it's nothing personal I promise. I think what has irritated me the most is I don't think the criticism this early in the game is fair... I really don't. I just want to give the new crew time to flex their creative muscle.. yes I know it's not David's style and I know you liked that.. truth be told I did too .. but 6 1/2 years was a long time and the storylines were running quite thin. It was time to do something new... I get that you want to see hardcore sex scenes.. I do too .. and I'm anticipating them a lot. I think if we all (including myself) could be a bit more reasonable about our expectations, things would be great. Take care for now.
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I have never gotten either a good meal or good service in a restaurant that's just opened.

What to try another analogy?

And "microwave food" isn't fair to Mark. You may disagree with the sequence or the particulars of the first few videos, but I see no attempt to rush, scrimp or compromise on their quality.
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Mr. Nine can it get you don't get out much?

If you're ok with what's been shown so far, good for you. But I've been watching Broke Straight Boys vids since I was 18 and in my humble opinion, every single one of the new vids would be virtually forgetable fare in Broke Straight Boys 1.0.

If you care to look you'll notice almost every episode in Broke Straight Boys 1.0 that doesn't have male-to-male contact rates low. My question is why initiate the NEW Broke Straight Boys at that level when it's proven that that doens't go over very well?

However Mr. Nine, it is your right to play Pollyanna if you wish.

By the way, your role in "From Here to Eternity was awesome."
Mr. Nine can it get you don't get out much?

If you're ok with what's been shown so far, good for you. But I've been watching Broke Straight Boys vids since I was 18 and in my humble opinion, every single one of the new vids would be virtually forgetable fare in Broke Straight Boys 1.0.

If you care to look you'll notice almost every episode in Broke Straight Boys 1.0 that doesn't have male-to-male contact rates low. My question is why initiate the NEW Broke Straight Boys at that level when it's proven that that doens't go over very well?

However Mr. Nine, it is your right to play Pollyanna if you wish.

By the way, your role in "From Here to Eternity was awesome."