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Breaking News regarding Secretary Clinton's Emails...


Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2015
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The FBI director just laid out why they have determined their recommendation regarding National Security and the full investigation of Clinton's private server being hijacked and classified data absconded is that NO CHARGES BE BROUGHT IN THE MATTER. Not for any political reasons but for case history, the facts they have seen, reviewed, as well as the possible deleted email (they found no such fact). So, it is up to the Department of Justice to determine to charge or not charge.

Obviously, there will be no charges (given the Benghazi Committee last week issued their report of no findings.

Certainly, this will be a hot political debate right through the November elections. However, most will say that Justice has been served. Clinton will have to keep saying over and over and over again - "I did not lie, damn it!!"
That's great news for any of us who don't want to see Trump elected. haha Thank you Etas. :)
Great Hillary as President. I am moving to Canada. All we need is another lying and corrupt Clinton in the White House, did no one learn anything from Slick Willy's terms. We would never have had 9/11 if he would have reacted to the information he was given.
This country has gone to hell because of his tenure a President.

I am in no way saying Trump should be President but I am saying Hillary is not the answer. She is nothing but a lying hypocrite that has done nothing to better our country as either a Senator or Secretary of State. Her record speaks for itself. She is just like her husband- teflon, nothing sticks to them and they are able to pay people off and cover their tracks. God help us all if she becomes president.
If she wasn't the Democrats candidate for President I am sure the outcome would have been different. Another example of the teflon coating the Clintons seem have. All the scandals around them never seem to stick because the get covered up and people get paid off.
Great Hillary as President. I am moving to Canada. All we need is another lying and corrupt Clinton in the White House, did no one learn anything from Slick Willy's terms. We would never have had 9/11 if he would have reacted to the information he was given.
This country has gone to hell because of his tenure a President.

I am in no way saying Trump should be President but I am saying Hillary is not the answer. She is nothing but a lying hypocrite that has done nothing to better our country as either a Senator or Secretary of State. Her record speaks for itself. She is just like her husband- teflon, nothing sticks to them and they are able to pay people off and cover their tracks. God help us all if she becomes president.

I know Hillary personally. I know Bill, personally, too. They aren't hypocrites - they are right out there in your face people who the other party and the media love to roast because that helps them sell party position in one case and advertising in the case of the media.

Unless you can specifically state the lying, hypocrite, abusive record as Secretary of State, (now, Teflon I will give you) I, personally, cannot bother with your posts on political threads. No big deal, of course. You're probably thinking F-him. But I really cannot stand the same "boxed" anger people express about the Clintons with little more than hearsay as their logic. Just sayin...
I know Hillary personally. I know Bill, personally, too. They aren't hypocrites - they are right out there in your face people who the other party and the media love to roast because that helps them sell party position in one case and advertising in the case of the media.

Unless you can specifically state the lying, hypocrite, abusive record as Secretary of State, (now, Teflon I will give you) I, personally, cannot bother with your posts on political threads. No big deal, of course. You're probably thinking F-him. But I really cannot stand the same "boxed" anger people express about the Clintons with little more than hearsay as their logic. Just sayin...
Great that you know them and have met them. Are you also on their payroll?
Some people are just blind to what the facts are concerning these two people unfortunately I am not. I know that they are corrupt and can back up my words.
I know that in this country we are allowed to speak what we believe and say what we want. As a New Yorker I have experienced Hillary and do not want the entire country to get shafted like we did. She always has an excuse for everything. For example she was only a "Junior"Senator so she did not always need to show up for voting. I could go on but this is not the place for it.

As for "boxed anger"9 that is a term created by the propaganda machine run by the Clintons). I have no anger, boxed or otherwise. I just base my opinions on documented facts that are not supplied by either political party. It is a good thing that the American public does not actually elect the President because the majority of the voters would base their choice on what CNN or FOX news tells them.

We are both entitled to our opinions and on this one I totally disagree with you-- Sorry
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