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Brad and that other guy scene


Active Member
Jan 6, 2010
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Ok, I hate to join the Jimmy bashing but he totally ruined the scene with the new guy Brad. Brad is hot and willing and I hope we see more...he is going to be an amazing bottom. Jimmy enough with the attitude..it seemed like you had started to mellow but now you're back to the same obnoxious punk that started on Broke Straight Boys It's time to move on...:cursing:
Okay, I hear what you are saying...., but can you give me an example of Jimmy being "obnoxious" "attitude" in this scene? Maybe then I can understand it and see it too........ thanks..
Okay, I hear what you are saying...., but can you give me an example of Jimmy being "obnoxious" "attitude" in this scene? Maybe then I can understand it and see it too........ thanks..
I agree with you David. This was not a hot sex scene for Broke Straight Boys, but I don't see him as an "obnoxious punk", as tyler25 called him.

He is a handsome, personable straight kid, who is cool with gay's and seems the same both in his scenes, in his BTS and for the most part on the board, (except when he is berated to a breaking point and lashes back).

If you don't like all of the talking, or the one sided sex scenes that he is being used in, that is all fine and good, but Jimmy is just doing what he is being paid to do. Blame Mark, blame Clay, but to name call Jimmy is childish and unfounded.
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I agree with you David. This was not a hot sex scene for Broke Straight Boys, but I don't see him as an "obnoxious punk", as tyler25 called him.

He is a handsome, personable straight kid, who is cool with gay's and seems the same both in his scenes, in his BTS and for the most part on the board, (except when he is berated to a breaking point and lashes back).

If you don't like all of the talking, or the one sided sex scenes that he is being used in, that is all fine and good, but Jimmy is just doing what he is being paid to do. Blame Mark, blame Clay, but to name call Jimmy is childish and unfounded.

I agree with you Mike, while I do feel this scene was a disaster for reasons I described on a different thread, in no way do I fault Jimmy for it.

This scene was a case of very poor creative decision making and whoever's bright idea it was to produce a scene like this either doesn't know what they're doing, or they did it intentionally for reasons unknown.

But it is certainly not Jimmy's fault, he just did what the scene planner(s) told him to do.
I may seem to be guilty of Jimmy bashing too. But i don't mean to be. I am just saying it gets old. I am sorry, but all "one way" is gettin real old here at least for me.
It is not Jimmy's fault at all. It is Mark and Clay that should be listening to many of the members. Sorry Jimmy, if that seemed like bashing, its not meant to be at all. You are your own person, and i understand that, we are just looking for what we paid for. No one is saying for you to leave Broke Straight Boys for good, just let them give us some change!
I wish more people would bash Jimmy. I can't stand him. i wont watch anyh scene he is in cause he just ruins it for me.:cursing::cursing:
Thank you Mikeyank I agree with you 100%. They beat up on the kid all the time and then they wonder why he lashes back. This was a terrible scene but Jimmy doesn't script the scenes Mark and Clay do, blame them!
I agree with you David. This was not a hot sex scene for Broke Straight Boys, but I don't see him as an "obnoxious punk", as tyler25 called him.

He is a handsome, personable straight kid, who is cool with gay's and seems the same both in his scenes, in his BTS and for the most part on the board, (except when he is berated to a breaking point and lashes back).

If you don't like all of the talking, or the one sided sex scenes that he is being used in, that is all fine and good, but Jimmy is just doing what he is being paid to do. Blame Mark, blame Clay, but to name call Jimmy is childish and unfounded.

I don't know if obnoxious is the right word, but I will give you three examples from memory. 1) In the car where Brad was asked to suck a banana, it may have not been his idea, but he was certainly verbally contributing to the humiliation. 2) In the "sex" scene when Clay asked for some noise, Jimmy assumed it was Brad who was suppose to be making the noise and prompted him to do so, staying resolutely quiet himself. 3) When Clay told Jimmy to rub his cum into Brad's back, Jimmy not only assumed Clay was talking to Brad, he kicked Brad to get his attention to do as he was commanded to do. That's just what I remember offhand. I'm sure in review I could find more examples. Brad was not treated well at anytime in this scene by Clay or Jimmy.:thumbdown::closedeyes:
I don't know if obnoxious is the right word, but I will give you three examples from memory. 1) In the car where Brad was asked to suck a banana, it may have not been his idea, but he was certainly verbally contributing to the humiliation. 2) In the "sex" scene when Clay asked for some noise, Jimmy assumed it was Brad who was suppose to be making the noise and prompted him to do so, staying resolutely quiet himself. 3) When Clay told Jimmy to rub his cum into Brad's back, Jimmy not only assumed Clay was talking to Brad, he kicked Brad to get his attention to do as he was commanded to do. That's just what I remember offhand. I'm sure in review I could find more examples. Brad was not treated well at anytime in this scene by Clay or Jimmy.:thumbdown::closedeyes:
If those three examples of what makes a person an "obnoxious punk", then you and I have a totally different view of the world, particularly the porn world, and the world of young straight guys. This site is called Broke Straight Boys. The idea is to bring either real straight guys, or guys who can represent themselves as being such.

If you spend any time hanging out with real 20 year old straight guys, this is how they talk, and joke and goof around. None of it was serious. Jimmy and yes Brad were smiling and "playing" in the car ride. Besides Jimmy, the other model on BSB2 who has most represented himself as straight guys do was Jamie. He also acted and talked like the straight guys his age do. I managed a warehouse and hired the help for over 30 years until 2004, and most of our employees were young males between 16-25, some were high school students, some were college kids home for the summer. Others had dropped out of school and were still living at home, but the atmosphere when they were on break or joking around with one another had the same tone as Jimmy and Jamie have shown.

They talk about sports, current music of the day, television programs from the night before and fucking girls. They exhibit what might be called "locker room humor", with put downs or rank outs of one another, but it was the way testosterone filled young men act. It is real. Jimmy has told us that he played football, and Brad said in the car that he also plays football at a small college in his home state. The joking around with the banana was "locker room humor". There was no humiliation involved. It was guys being guys.

When Clay asked for noise during the blow job, I also thought he was talking to Brad, as they were trying to teach Brad how to give head like a porn star. It was all playful. And when Clay told Jimmy to rub his cum into Brad's ass, Jimmy who had just cum, had no interest in rubbing his own cum into another dude's ass, didn't really kick Brad, he playfully nudged him, as the alpha male that he is would do, particularly in initiating a "rookie". It wasn't part of the sex scene, it was just a coda on the scene.

If any of this was what you consider to be the behavior of an obnoxious punk, then I don't get it. If you want to see all polite young men, who cheerfully engage in gay sex, with no objections whatsoever to what they are asked to do, then they should drop the whole "straight" boy aspect of this site, and become a clone of College Dudes, where the "actors" say that they are straight in their off camera lives, but kiss, make love, fuck and suck like gay lovers. Of course when that day comes, I will pull a "Coxy" or even do what 'Tequila' did, and leave here in a huff, as that is not what I am paying to see here.

I agree that Jimmy has been overused on BSB2, and I understand and respect Abe's carefully thought out and well presented points regarding "straight models" here, and how most member's do get bored if there is no progress with the model's. I also understand that the latest Jimmy & Bradley scene was not well received, and was probably a bad idea. But I cannot accept that if the "actors" hired, to be straight guys, act naturally, to represent what they are hired to do, and then are called "obnoxious" or "punks".
you gotta remember that MikeYank is the *only* person who knows how 'real' young men talk and behave. :: sigh ::

No, they don't all talk and continually behave like obnoxious twats.. ie/ Jimmy.
you gotta remember that MikeYank is the *only* person who knows how 'real' young men talk and behave. :: sigh ::

No, they don't all talk and continually behave like obnoxious twats.. ie/ Jimmy.
First, I did not say that I am the *only* person who knows how 'real' young men talk, I stated that I spent thirty years with young straight guys, and I find Jimmy's personality very typical of the young men I observed.

And where are your manners? If you don't enjoy his work on this site, that is all fine and good, but by calling Jimmy an "obnoxious twat", what does that make you????
you gotta remember that MikeYank is the *only* person who knows how 'real' young men talk and behave. :: sigh ::

No, they don't all talk and continually behave like obnoxious twats.. ie/ Jimmy.

Well, I do know how "real" young men talk, and its just like MIke says. Granted, you have a point as well, they don't all talk. But, when young straight men gather, they are prone to talk and act like asses. One-on-one, they loose some of the bravado, and tend to be more sedate. However, every now and then, even in a one-on-one, a particular young man may be cocky enough that he doesn't need the strength in numbers to be obnoxious and cocky. That is more like his true character.

To be honest, while Jimmy just doesn't turn me on, I have seen most of his episodes and read most of his posts, and I don't think he is nearly as great a villain as people want to make him out to be. And he is not the first to be cocky or obnoxious, if memory serves me, MikeR and Austin could both be obnoxious and cocky. And let's not forget Tyler, he could be quite the "princess", especially after he got on D&E's payroll.

I admit, I was one of the first to complain about Jimmy's attitude, but I learned to ignore it. And while he is still not the saint of my devotion, I appreciate that he even does what he does on this site. The problem is not really his attitude, but rather, over exposure. I think if people only saw Jimmy once a month, they would be less likely to be so outraged and indignant. And God help the next young man, one who eventually will enter the scene, and will become the butt of everyone's frustrations and anger. I have said it before, a year or two down the road, we will all be focused on someone else who will polarize the forum, pro and con.
First, I did not say that I am the *only* person who knows how 'real' young men talk, I stated that I spent thirty years with young straight guys, and I find Jimmy's personality very typical of the young men I observed.

And where are your manners? If you don't enjoy his work on this site, that is all fine and good, but by calling Jimmy an "obnoxious twat", what does that make you????

Mike is right, he very eloquently described how typical straight guys the same age as Jimmy act around their friends. Jimmy is no different than your typical straight guy, with the exception that he does gay porn on the side and tries -- mighty hard I might add -- to reach out to his fans and his would be fans.

You guys are blaming Jimmy for this scene, when he had nothing to do with it other than to show up.

Don't shoot the messenger, instead it's Clay or whoever is in charge of production who plans out some of these ridiculous scenarios.

You guys would have been upset even if Colin was the one getting blown by the new guy, because many of us do not want to see a brand new model's very first appearance where he comes in and starts sucking another guy's cock.

Although I do think the timing couldn't have been worse, because people are getting really tired of seeing Jimmy More and more frequently, and some of the other models less and less frequently so that's only enhancing the Jimmy bashing.

I think AJ's intro scene was excellent, and perfectly acceptable. He started off with a nice shower jack off scene, which I thought was really hot getting to see him in the shower and naked/hard/hot as hell.

AJ's next scene, he was looking as nervous as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, and he received a nice loving (and delicious looking I might add) blow job from his new friend the hot and sexy Chad.

But I'm pretty sure that if AJ's very first Broke Straight Boys scene featured him sucking Chad's cock (and didn't even get naked), people would have complained right away.

I know some of you dislike Jimmy and are blaming him for this scene, but honestly I feel the fault lies with Clay for planning out a really stupid scenario like this.

For those of you who think Jimmy is arrogant and egotistical, I completely disagree with you. Jimmy is a 21 year old straight kid, trying to make some money. He's the real deal, he is 100% straight and the types of scenes he puts out are what you're going to see 100% of the time when you're watching a truly straight guy have sex with guys on camera.

When Rob Ryder claims he's straight, I don't believe that for one second. One, because he is very effeminate and acts very gay at all times on the BTS footage. But two, I'm guessing that's part of his gig where he talks about being straight in every post to make it fun for his fans to fantasize what it might be like watching a straight guy have gay sex and love every second of it. Jimmy on the other hand, he ain't just trying to play a part: He truly is straight.

There are very few gay porn sites out there who feature truly straight guys having gay sex. There are TONS AND TONS of gay porn sites that feature guys playing the role of straight guys having gay sex "for the first time", but in almost every single case, their models have been seen doing gay porn for years across countless other websites. It's all an act, it's all a role they're playing for the viewers....IT AIN'T REAL. But with Jimmy, you're seeing the real deal.

If you want to watch a bunch of truly straight guys have sex with each other, you can join straight college men and you'll be treated to hundreds of scenes featuring genuinely straight guys, most of who cannot get hard, and they look visibly ill when sucking each other off to the extent it's painful and unpleasant to watch.

But Jimmy's behaviour in this scene was just him being himself, and he was doing as he was told. It is not Jimmy's fault!
If those three examples of what makes a person an "obnoxious punk", then you and I have a totally different view of the world, particularly the porn world, and the world of young straight guys. This site is called Broke Straight Boys. The idea is to bring either real straight guys, or guys who can represent themselves as being such.

If you spend any time hanging out with real 20 year old straight guys, this is how they talk, and joke and goof around. None of it was serious. Jimmy and yes Brad were smiling and "playing" in the car ride. Besides Jimmy, the other model on BSB2 who has most represented himself as straight guys do was Jamie. He also acted and talked like the straight guys his age do. I managed a warehouse and hired the help for over 30 years until 2004, and most of our employees were young males between 16-25, some were high school students, some were college kids home for the summer. Others had dropped out of school and were still living at home, but the atmosphere when they were on break or joking around with one another had the same tone as Jimmy and Jamie have shown.

They talk about sports, current music of the day, television programs from the night before and fucking girls. They exhibit what might be called "locker room humor", with put downs or rank outs of one another, but it was the way testosterone filled young men act. It is real. Jimmy has told us that he played football, and Brad said in the car that he also plays football at a small college in his home state. The joking around with the banana was "locker room humor". There was no humiliation involved. It was guys being guys.

When Clay asked for noise during the blow job, I also thought he was talking to Brad, as they were trying to teach Brad how to give head like a porn star. It was all playful. And when Clay told Jimmy to rub his cum into Brad's ass, Jimmy who had just cum, had no interest in rubbing his own cum into another dude's ass, didn't really kick Brad, he playfully nudged him, as the alpha male that he is would do, particularly in initiating a "rookie". It wasn't part of the sex scene, it was just a coda on the scene.

If any of this was what you consider to be the behavior of an obnoxious punk, then I don't get it. If you want to see all polite young men, who cheerfully engage in gay sex, with no objections whatsoever to what they are asked to do, then they should drop the whole "straight" boy aspect of this site, and become a clone of College Dudes, where the "actors" say that they are straight in their off camera lives, but kiss, make love, fuck and suck like gay lovers. Of course when that day comes, I will pull a "Coxy" or even do what 'Tequila' did, and leave here in a huff, as that is not what I am paying to see here.

I agree that Jimmy has been overused on BSB2, and I understand and respect Abe's carefully thought out and well presented points regarding "straight models" here, and how most member's do get bored if there is no progress with the model's. I also understand that the latest Jimmy & Bradley scene was not well received, and was probably a bad idea. But I cannot accept that if the "actors" hired, to be straight guys, act naturally, to represent what they are hired to do, and then are called "obnoxious" or "punks".

You've become an apologist. I've been around 20 somethings all my life, I've even helped raise boys to and beyond 20. Jimmy is typical of a brash, I know more than my elders, never had a lot of discipline kid. Jimmy, I believe is the one who mentioned acting like a porn star to Brad. You admit Clay was talking to Jimmy about rubbing in the cum. This is hardly the first time he has ignored Clay's instructions and putting it on Brad to do something he would not do, shows how little regard he had for Brad, an attitude he has demonstrated with many other models. I said I didn't know if I would call it obnoxious, but I hardly find it kidding playful behavior. It is very much the behavior of top dog, which is exactly what you and others have made Jimmy feel he is.:closedeyes::bored:
You've become an apologist. I've been around 20 somethings all my life, I've even helped raise boys to and beyond 20. Jimmy is typical of a brash, I know more than my elders, never had a lot of discipline kid. Jimmy, I believe is the one who mentioned acting like a porn star to Brad. You admit Clay was talking to Jimmy about rubbing in the cum. This is hardly the first time he has ignored Clay's instructions and putting it on Brad to do something he would not do, shows how little regard he had for Brad, an attitude he has demonstrated with many other models. I said I didn't know if I would call it obnoxious, but I hardly find it kidding playful behavior. It is very much the behavior of top dog, which is exactly what you and others have made Jimmy feel he is.:closedeyes::bored:

You might be very surprised Larkster. Jimmy has mentioned has dad a couple times, and every time he did he spoke about his dad from the perspective of a kid who thinks very highly of his dad and I daresay Jimmy is probably very respectful towards his dad and he probably thinks the world of him. However, it is very presumptious for all of us -- myself included -- to speculate how the guy playing the role of Jimmy acts when none of us are watching. But I'll bet anything he's a nice guy, who is probably pretty bummed out...and possibly has pretty hurt feelings...on the Jimmy bashing that has been going on.

Some of you have scoffed at that, but you know what? A lot of times those who joke around a lot are actually pretty sensitive underneath their tough exterior and I'll bet ANYTHING it's hurtful to him.
You might be very surprised Larkster. Jimmy has mentioned has dad a couple times, and every time he did he spoke about his dad from the perspective of a kid who thinks very highly of his dad and I daresay Jimmy is probably very respectful towards his dad and he probably thinks the world of him. However, it is very presumptious for all of us -- myself included -- to speculate how the guy playing the role of Jimmy acts when none of us are watching. But I'll bet anything he's a nice guy, who is probably pretty bummed out...and possibly has pretty hurt feelings...on the Jimmy bashing that has been going on.

Some of you have scoffed at that, but you know what? A lot of times those who joke around a lot are actually pretty sensitive underneath their tough exterior and I'll bet ANYTHING it's hurtful to him.

I am sure the character Jimmy Johnson is the the same in real life because he isn't that good of an actor. I respected my father, but he was a terrible disciplinarian. "Jimmy" is perfectly capable of change, if he was encouraged to instead of constantly being puffed up for his behavior. I have sympathized with "Jimmy" on several occasions, but it is clear he is in complete denial. He is on a scarey ego ride and when he crashes it is going to be hard. I have not scoffed at "Jimmy." I have wished him well. But it is pretty obvious that the administration has put him in an untenable position by over exposing him. A gross miscalculation on their part. :mellow:
BRAVO Mikeyank! Once again, I couldn't have said it any better. You put some good thought into this reply and I hope tyler25il, and a whole bunch of other folks, gives what you said some thought. I completely agree with your take on this. Besides, Mark and Clay are putting out the site they want. Guys like tyler25il are free to find other places to get their jollies if this site isn't giving it to them. And this continued criticism of Jimmy is getting just too old. As tyler25il himself said, it's time to move on! If you don't like Jimmy, don't watch Jimmy. Personally, I get a kick out of him.