Tampa, for a second you sounded like Ryan Seacrest lol
LOL Steve... xo

Tampa, for a second you sounded like Ryan Seacrest lol
Now I ask you, would you rather see someone with a crappy partner in a shoot, or, would you rather see a shoot with a pairing like Eric and Ross depict? I understand that in reality, straight guys do act like boneheads sometimes. I know, I have had plenty like that. But I didn't pay for the privilege! You are right when you say it is porn, and these models already know what they are getting into, and I can understand some acting, even like boneheads, but I'd really rather watch guys who want to do this (porn), and are going to give as good as they get.
Just sayin.
As a matter of fact, Jason, yes I did miss you a lot. I'm so glad that you are well, and back with us. Some of the forumites that you've mentioned have left here, while others are still here but post less frequently.Hi everybody! Did you miss me?
Slim you said it all. I loved this scene, although it is the first "new scene" I have watched since I came back for my birthday.
Mikey, when I saw Bobby, I immediately thought of you. Is it just me, or does Bobby look like a young "Tank", at least that's how my fantasy played out!
I have a lot of reading and catching up to do, but what I have read so far seems as though the masses are less than satisfied with the changes made to our beloved Broke Straight Boys I myself, shall reserve judgement for now
Conspicious by their absense are my friend John, Jayman and the infamous Aquarius/Rifle and the lovely MissD. hope you guys are out there and doing well.
Cumrag, I saw a straight porn once with a guy with 2 penises, and they were both fully functional! I wonder if it's the same guy as in your avatar.
Tampa, como estas, guapo!
Hi everybody! Did you miss me?
Slim you said it all. I loved this scene, although it is the first "new scene" I have watched since I came back for my birthday.
Mikey, when I saw Bobby, I immediately thought of you. Is it just me, or does Bobby look like a young "Tank", at least that's how my fantasy played out!
I have a lot of reading and catching up to do, but what I have read so far seems as though the masses are less than satisfied with the changes made to our beloved Broke Straight Boys I myself, shall reserve judgement for now
Conspicious by their absense are my friend John, Jayman and the infamous Aquarius/Rifle and the lovely MissD. hope you guys are out there and doing well.
Cumrag, I saw a straight porn once with a guy with 2 penises, and they were both fully functional! I wonder if it's the same guy as in your avatar.
Tampa, como estas, guapo!
Between the two of them you might say one was like a stage actor whose style is broader, louder, more exaggerated (so his voice and gestures can be seen and heard in the back of the theater), while the other's is more underplayed, subtler, quieter, able to modulate the dramatization down to where the closeness of the camera and the size of the soundstage are in keeping with his performance.
Bienvenido de nuevo, feliz aniversario, mantente duro.
Dear Jasonaz,
Glad to see a familiar avatar like yours return to the fold. Concerning my latest avatar, this was my attempt at oneupmanship after seeing rhill's (Robert) latest addition. What it's owner has done with it previously is out of my control. I only know it was rescued from an avatar shelter for homeless avatars. I agreed to get it the required shots, never walk them without a leash, and promised to never separate them as they have grown attached to each other. I call them "DP Twins", not for Doctor Pepper but for "Double Penetrator" which seems to suit them.
I know people consider my having them as a real advantage, but I tell you they cum at a price, namely twice as much work for the same effect. Then, there is always the issue of who came last. Invariably I get it wrong and the other one gets pissed off, literally. They are, in all humility, more than a handful and keep me busier than I ever expected but they have been great for my upper arm strength. Just imagine "morning wood" with the twins or finding a speedo that can keep them under control with its grip. Realize that they each have their own brain and they operate independently of the other. Then, realize that when you think you might need a rubber, just double the supply.
Jayman in no longer active on the site but is doing fine and staying busy. Actually, you are the first member I have noticed to mention his absence. He wanted no fanfare or drama when he left. Jayman is such a special person, we have all been blessed with his participation and presence on the forum.
He seems to have gone to the James T. Kirk school of overacting.