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Blake Bennet is SUCH a sweetheart!


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, guys: and BLAKE -

This is a little further to the "Best Newcomer of 2012" thread, I guess. . . But I would really like to thank Blake for doing this, being here, and being so attentive to all his fans on Broke Straight Boys Blake, you are VERY beautiful, so fantastic in all your updates (especially with my all-time favorite, Jason!): and you are such a nice guy, too :-)))

This year, I have absolutely enjoyed not only ALL your updates - but all your wonderful reports on "behind-the-scenes" videos from various events. . . and ESPECIALLY all your wonderful YT videos, which gave a special glimpse of you, as a really NICE human being.

I want to wish you all the best in 2013 - health, success, and happiness with friends and in love. It is really a privilege to be acquainted with you, here!

I'll add that IMHO Blake seems to have taken unique advantage of the direct
access to members that the Forum provides. Obviously he's gone w-a-y beyond merely
showing up on the boatd and responding to Forumites' queries. I particularly enjoyed Blake's
'interview' with his [pre-gay] friend, little Ian. That was as enjoyable as the best if the BTS videos
have been for me.

I appreciate the effort and the sharing, Blake!
(And hope to see you stretching, straining and sharing
more of yourself very soon again on the little screen of Broke Straight Boys)

I disagree with both the above views. Blake is very clever and like other models, when they are short of cash they will post on here to get their rewards from Broke Straight Boys We havn't heard much from the models for quite some time, so it looks as if they pop on here when their funds get low. They're not on here to make friends, just to make money..
I disagree with both the above views. Blake is very clever and like other models, when they are short of cash they will post on here to get their rewards from Broke Straight Boys We havn't heard much from the models for quite some time, so it looks as if they pop on here when their funds get low. They're not on here to make friends, just to make money..
Jon, I totally disagree with you about Blake. I've been watching him in videos for a year now, as well as reading his posts, watching his BTS with Sha, and his personal you tube videos that he's shared with us, as well as met him in person at the NYC Pride last June.

In my 62 years on this earth, one thing that I am proud of is what I consider my ability to distinguish between when a person is genuine and when they are all about bullshit. I may not be able to tell the first or second time I meet them, or encounter them in some other way, but after a year of encountering Blake in all of these mixed media, I totally believe that "what you see is what you get", and he is a totally genuine real person. There are a number of models who have posted on the forum in basically one sentence posts, and tell us nothing about themselves or their inner thoughts. These are the one's who I believe are posting for the fee that they earn.

I put Jason in the same category as Blake. They are warm, outgoing "people persons" and always have something to say, and not just racking up posts and paychecks. And we must keep in mind that Blake has a real life too, outside of Broke Straight Boys, with a job, with family and friends, and we cannot expect to hear from him on a regular basis. When he has the time and wants to share with us I am very grateful.

You are entitled to your opinion Jon, but if Blake reads this, I hope he understands that Jon's is a minority opinion of the forumites, and the majority of us think the world of you, and we want to continue seeing your Youtube vids and your posts on the forum. Thank you Blake for taking the time out of your personal schedule to visit with us when you can. Blake rules!!! :thumbup:
i remember discussion with jason and blake about this subject. while mark in an attempt to encourage the performers to interact with forumites by providing a bonus for posting, it seems to me that only those performers who are moved to expression themselves do so.
like many of us, they too are reluctant to be judged for what they say or how they say it. they unlike me, must be careful what they say in print for privacy and business reasons.

if this were a moneymaker, i have no doubt the board would be loaded with new post.

to the point about the discussion with blake and jason. the conversation turned on the question of whether it is best to respond to each forumite's post individually or to respond to all posts collectively? we each had our reasons for favoring each approach. i being fond of accepting every gift and benefit supported individual responses. go for the money! i being fond of personal attention supported individual responses.

are they here for the money or the friendly banter? from my interaction with jason, colin and blake my belief is that the friendly banter plays a big role.
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are they here for the money or the friendly banter? from my interaction with jason, colin and blake my belief is that the friendly banter plays a big role.
Thank you for reminding me another1. I certainly agree that Colin also is someone who posts from the heart, and not just to rack up bonus dollars.
There seems to me an obvious qualitative difference between
posts that are sincerely-for-the-cash--which I think is a completely acceptable motivation,
given the context--and those that are sincerely-out-of-a-wish-to-share
-themselves, originates in the character of each model. Such postings tend to be longer and contain much more personal information.

I wish that each model's contract specified that models were required to create some
kind of presence for themselves on the Forum. Mark writes, with justified pride,
that Broke Straight Boys is unique in the Porn Universe in allowing subscribers contact with models; in fact it's a rather
small minority of them.

What would YOU like to say to Paul, John Silver, Joey, ...?

question to all models. do you think you can keep me entertained? i have a short attention span. since my goal is to get you on your back are you prepared to keep me entertained while the goal moves closer? do you think you can keep me entertained?
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Hey, Mike -

I totally agree with you, on this one. What I would like to remind EVERYBODY, is that guys can be gay, or straight, or bi, or even pansexual ~ and still be super-nice and sweet human beings. This is a matter of personality, NOT sexual orientation.

I am 100 per cent gay. But I know hundreds and THOUSANDS of gay guys, who completely share my sexual orientation, but who do NOT share, in the LEAST, my sense of how to treat other people, or enjoy their company. (And I would rather hang out with a genuinely NICE straight guy, than even the CUTEST mean or unfriendly gay guy - ANY day of the week.) And have often done so, throughout my whole life.

So, Jon, I am going to (very respectfully) disagree with you, on this one. For sure, ALL the guys are here to get a contract, make some money, and meet personal needs of their own. Why else would they do it? They are ALL so good-looking, they could all EASILY have the girlfriend, or the boyfriend, OR BOTH: of their CHOICE.

HOWEVER, there ARE rare and special models like JASON, and BLAKE, who are such kind and friendly and CURIOUS people that, they make the EXTRA effort to get to know the fans, a little. Who knows? Maybe they think some of us are odd, or silly, or obsessed, or even wicked. . . but they still make the extra effort to get to know some of us. And that is far beyond what the contract, requires. (I know of no other site, where this presently happens.)

I think this is a WONDERFUL thing. Yes, Jon, I have been beaten and bruised by life: and I don't have a lot of confidence in humanity, generally. But, I DO believe that Jason and Blake are good and generous human beings - and I love hearing from them, here.

Needing money, needing a good job, and being friendly and kind to other people - even if they are NOT of your OWN sexual orientation: are NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE PROPOSITIONS!!!

So - let's be thankful for those models - like Jason and Blake - who genuinely DO engage with us, from time to time. Let's be thankful for those models who choose to interact with us, occasionally, and not criticize or second-guess them, for doing so! For many of us, it is one of the nicest features of Broke Straight Boys: and it would be a SHAME, if it were ever to be lost!

I hope he understands that Jon's is a minority opinion of the forumites, and the majority of us think the world of you, and we want to continue seeing your Youtube vids and your posts on the forum. Thank you Blake for taking the time out of your personal schedule to visit with us when you can. Blake rules!!! :thumbup:

Mike - since when have you been the voice of the majority. Have you been ringing around all the forum today to get their "vote". Work out the math and do your survey carefully. Check out when each model comes and posts and for how long.. Even when my beloved Jason posts he does so for a few days then goes away for ages.

And yes, I am allowed to state my opinion just as you state yours about each popular film that you do not like.
I'm somewhere in between jon and mikey on this Blake issue. I agree with jon in that none of these guys are doing this extra stuff for free. In the hustling business, it's all about the money. Having said that, however, I tend to agree with mikey in that Blake does seem to be genuinely the person who comes across to us in the scenes' interviews, the bts scenes, and videos from the Pride events. Plus, mikey does have the additional insight of having spent some time with Blake at NYC Pride. And I have faith in his judgement of character.

Having said that, however, I have posted on another thread, that I am not enamored with most of these videos Blake has posted which he has made. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I think they typify someone whose "fame" might have gone to his head and is a little too full of himself.

Moreover, posting on the forum might have its drawbacks as well. Blake hasn't been in a scene since Oct. 6. A while before that he took to the forum and posted about the diagreement he was having with management about his hairstyle and whiskers. Some of the language he used could have been construed as disrespectful by management. Given his video blogs and vacations, I doubt his absence is due to his being in school full time, which was a goal of his when he first started on Broke Straight Boys I hope his "fame" here and the adulation he has gotten from many of us and the money he has made does not deter him from his long range goals. Fame is fleeting and so is its money.

Of course, Blake could be another casualty in what I hsve been theorizing for a while now, and that is Broke Straight Boys is spread a little thin financially and the way to control costs is to "lay off" the more tenured models who cost more and use newer models who costs less. A calculated risk on management's part, because of the danger of a mass exodus of members. But if the forum is any indication that doesn't seem to be much of a problem. There have been multiple threads and posts about where is Blake, Jason, the Red Rocket, etc. but I see no mass exodus occurring.

In the American version of Queer As Folk, in the interviews with the actors prior to the series finale, when asked why they thought the series took off and lasted as long as it did, Peter Paige (Emmett) said that the viewers "came for the queer but stayed for the folk". Applied to Broke Straight Boys I will say that we members come for the sex and as long as the models are plentiful and suited for varied tastes, we will stay for the sex. (Now my friend, mikey, has said many times that he stays for the forum and that as long as he gets enough scenes which appeal to him, that's fine. And I can understand that as a long time member both of the site and the forum. But I doubt there are many in his boat. I know myself, that I have never done anything like a forum before Broke Straight Boys And I like it. But it does not hold enough attraction for me to stay if I weren't getting what is for me, a fair share of scenes that melt my butter.)

Well I've babbled on long enough. I hope to see Blake back here, but remember he's in Texas and the studio now in Denver. So his travel expense has to be significantly reduced. But Jan 6 will be three months since he's been here - not a good sign. Jason has been gone even longer and his travel to Denver from the 'Burgh is probably higher than from the 'Burgh to Lauderdale - not a good sign. The Red Rocket has been gone for awhile. In a post on another thread, Mark promised exciting things for 2013. Let's hope so.

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Stowe1 - as always a well written and thought out post. The frequency of Blakes post circa October and just before was beyond belief - a few others have tried to emulate this but could not keep up the pace. Then all of a sudden Blake vanishes - your explanation about a bust up with the management could be true but we will never know.

There is a very thin line to be drawn between loyalty to the people who gave you fame and your fans. It cannot be crossed without upsetting one, or the other or both. Good night..
Well, jon, we can rest easy. As I've said, I love the forum, but I'm not a "really with it" forumite. I usually don't go back to a thread after I've posted on it or read it. A mistake here in forumland.

For today, since it's after Christmas and I have the time, I went back to the "It's time for another opinion pole (sic)" thread and 'lo and behold Mark posted on the 24th that Blake will be filming more scenes in January. No explanation of why he's been gone for so long and I doubt we will ever know that. Mark also states he doesn't know about Jason (Strange how the owner of Broke Straight Boys does not know what's going on with his "employees").

All of this confusion could have been avoided had Mark answered the "Where is Blake?" question when it was asked quite a while ago.

Mike - since when have you been the voice of the majority. Have you been ringing around all the forum today to get their "vote". Work out the math and do your survey carefully. Check out when each model comes and posts and for how long.. Even when my beloved Jason posts he does so for a few days then goes away for ages.

And yes, I am allowed to state my opinion just as you state yours about each popular film that you do not like.
You are absolutely correct Jon that I did not conduct a vote, nor am I aware of any regarding Blake's popularity here. But I was careful choosing my words as I said regarding Blake if he reads this thread, "I hope he understands that Jon's is a minority opinion of the forumites, and the majority of us think the world of you," I was referring to us the "forumites" who post. I can't speak for general memebership of the site, as we never hear their opinions, and they may not even vote on the scenes, so I don't know. But if you read all the posts about Blake, I would say they are 99% positive.

Jon, you and I have basically been here since the forum started. Can you remember any other model to receive such universal praise? Perhaps Tyler in his heyday, perhaps Logan? I can honestly only think of you and my "ex" Stowie, :001_unsure: who have had even "a discouraging word" to say about Blake.

Blake burst onto this site like a whirl wind. He had his first scene released and he almost immediately started posting long interesting stuff about science and astronomy, which I am not normally into, but he is so charming, that I read every word. I do believe that Blake is not just a model who does sex scenes here, but he is the whole "Blake Experience", sex scenes, forum posting, you tube posting, twitter and face book postings too". Blake is not my "physical type" for sex scenes, as smooth, toned guys like Ayden or Carter or Paul are much more my ideal, but I absolutely LOVE the whole "Blake Experience" on Broke Straight Boys, and sincerely hope that he chooses to continue entertaining us here in so many ways into the new year.
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Blake is awesome and a lot of other models could learn a lot from what he has been doing especially here on the message board. :)

I also think Blake is awesome, and I love it when models post comments on the forum. Some I interact with and some I don't, but I always read every word :001_smile:
I disagree with both the above views. Blake is very clever and like other models, when they are short of cash they will post on here to get their rewards from Broke Straight Boys We havn't heard much from the models for quite some time, so it looks as if they pop on here when their funds get low. They're not on here to make friends, just to make money..

Thank you for reminding me another1. I certainly agree that Colin also is someone who posts from the heart, and not just to rack up bonus dollars.

I have to agree with Mikey and Another1 here Jon. If money was such a consideration for models posting, then we would be inundated with posts from most models. The fact that we aren't would seem to indicate that money is not a primary consideration for them. I think the majority of models post at their convenience and when they have a genuine desire to interact directly with some of the fans. If they choose to talk about something salacious their sex lives off camera or the new tile they've put in their kitchen...I really don't care. If I feel like responding to a post I will, and if I'm not interested I won't.
I have to agree with Mikey and Another1 here Jon. If money was such a consideration for models posting, then we would be inundated with posts from most models. The fact that we aren't would seem to indicate that money is not a primary consideration for them. I think the majority of models post at their convenience and when they have a genuine desire to interact directly with some of the fans. If they choose to talk about something salacious their sex lives off camera or the new tile they've put in their kitchen...I really don't care. If I feel like responding to a post I will, and if I'm not interested I won't.

I'm not bothered if you agree with Mike tbh. I have stated my thoughts on this one and I stand by it. I disagree with you about us being inundated with posts from other models - the money is there but I doubt whether it's that lucrative otherwise Kodi and other one off posters would continue. I refer you to comments I made on another thread about the stickys we used to have with Mike Robbins and other regulars such as Cousin Mikey.
Blake is awesome and a lot of other models could learn a lot from what he has been doing especially here on the message board. :)

With all due respect, Mark, if you think Blake is so awsome, then why hasn't he been filming scenes for almost three months? He obviously has time on his hands, given his video blogs and other posts. And I'm curious what it is, in your opinion, that other models could learn from him?
