Try as we may...
I am married to a woman and never liked sex with her or any girlfriends I ever had. Men turn me on. I never considered myself bi . Its the same for other men. My feeling is that no mater how straight a guy is he is gay. Most men dont have the chance for gay sex but if they did they would prefer it.
Dear Joeychuck2.
I recently saw a program that dealt with straight men dating transgender men-to-women who only had breast implants and maybe hip implants and looked like women in their overall appearance. These girls stated that the straight men they dated were more than happy to play with the girl's "penis" and not disappointed over the missing-in-action "pussy". They claimed they had straight men they routinely dated understanding fully and with no hesitation what awaits under their skirts. These girls claimed to have been sought out specifically as a transgender date (with no pregnancy issues or potential child support issues looming, no doubt).
Hey Jayman,
Can you help me understand about not believing in labels?
Isn't it just what our brains do instinctively to categorise the world so that we can understand / remember things more easily?
Anyway, to answer this thread. These terms 'straight' 'gay' 'bisexual' etc. do not have to be absolute. I think people's sexual appetite does not need to be fixed for life. Indeed, to confuse that matter further people could be 'intellectually' straight and 'sexually' gay i.e. the head and the heart may have different preferences. Therefore to answer the question in terms of sexuality, I see no reason why people cannot get sexual gratification from both men and women and so I believe bisexuality is not a cop out.
Dear undie,
To begin with, to set up a basic framework of one's environments, certain basic assumptions must be made for you to function. These are sometimes called categories or maybe labels and don't require any guilt feelings from anybody.
Your so called
bisexuality "cop out" turns out to be "no cop out at all". As we here have all had to come to terms sometimes struggling with our own sexuality issues, surely we can be generous enough in our hearts to allow others to deal with their sexuality issues as best they see fit. I think everything sexually speaking is in shades of "gray" and even though I can't imagine being aroused by a woman at this moment, I realize my statement of "exclusivity" is no absolute, as we know nothing exists "absolutely".
I certainly can see beauty in women as I naturally appreciate beauty in men, though both definitions vary between the two genders. I am addicted to "beauty" in all outward and internal forms. Exterior beauty or the absence there of is not a barrier to interacting meaningfully with me, however. I always have had women holding "
significant and powerful positions" in my life other than romantically. I admire a great many powerful women that possess "strength in their character" and I naturally gravitate to them. Point in case, one of my best friends is a native born Arkansan and a Harvard graduate currently living in Boston. I speak with her frequently and candidly as her equal, in fact I just got off the phone with her moments ago.
I find I often have better luck interacting with women more so than men, even though I am "Gay through-and-through and exclusively", sexually speaking. Flirting with women in public is much more possible than with most men who find this too threatening. Regrettably, men are too distant much of the time and keep their emotional side locked up under the strictest control. This is probably why more men(straight) overlook the possibility of broadening their sexual horizons and instead choose a poor second choice, namely substituting sports over personal and meaningful male interaction. Ultimately, when compared with women, men's life is much more filled with loneliness due to the absence of real vibrant and meaningful friendships, unlike women. Unfortunately, this is the precise position I now find myself in since retiring.
A big, big void needing filling with genuine human interaction. Beware, this too can happen to anyone, if not careful.
Getting to your question about being "intellectually straight and sexually gay" is not only highly plausible, I find it a much more accurate definition of who I am and most assuredly many others are. Just as there are only 10% of the overall population identified as gay, the remaining 90% are straight at least most of the time (as we all know). Were this percentage miraculously reversed straight, then most likely I would have responed intellectually as gay 90% of the time.
As it is currently throughout the day, I find that I interact mostly with straight people and function best being "intellectually straight" in these routine interactions. Therefore, that remaining very important 10% of the time allows me to both get my sexual needs met and at the same time responding appropriately to like-minded individuals! Outside of someone operating in the "sex trade" industry, who else "gay or straight" gets much more than 10% of the day having their sexual needs gratified? Practically Nobody! I do not find any hypocrisy or fears of being some "traitor-to-the-cause" living this dual existence. Just remember our ability to be flexible coexisting with this duality in our lives is not only essential, but can be looked upon as an advantage offering us more options in life. And I welcome comments pro- or con-.
Joey, while I'm totally homosexual, and have no sexual attraction to females, I cannot in any way agree with your conclusion that if most men had the chance for gay sex, they would prefer it. Just as I have zero sexual attraction to females, there are many, (and I would assume the majority) of men have no sexual attraction to men, as gay's are in the minority. That is just the way it is.
All human beings are wired differently, and the Kinsey scale makes a lot of sense to me. All the variations of desire on that scale, comprise the human population, and I would never generalize about all men, or "most men".
Dear Mikeyank,
Once again, we see eye-to-eye recognizing the value of the Kinsey scale. As long as we understand we exist on a continuum between the two extremes of Gay and Straight, then bi-sexuality can readily float in the middle gray-area and does not necessarily constitute some form of "denial of one's true sexuality". What is important personally is..."what makes you happy"? Figure this out first and then follow it and, for Christ's sakes, follow your own pathway to happiness. Taking a detour only leads to, you guessed it, and unfulfilling life (aka unhappiness).
In all matters go in peace and multiply, making new and meaningful friendships, and be loving toward all that you encounter! Have faith and aspire to seeing the goodness in all mankind, while realizing absolute goodness, whether personally or in others, is usually not achieved absolutely, try as we may!
Respectfully submitted,
Stimpy, aka Cumrag27