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"Bisexuality", a reality, or a 'cop out'?


BSB Addict
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Castle Rock, CO
Hi Guys, (AND GALS, lol), yet another word to ponder:"Bisexuality"....ok I can see the part where being 'attracted to' someone of the same sex because they are PHYSICALLY pretty, but when that line is crossed, and you get aroused sexually(pardon the graphic nature)-a hard on, or in women's case-wet, 'down there', (in BOTH scenarios, whether intentional, or not), does that make a person 'Bisexual', or a 'latent homosexual'?
Hi Guys, (AND GALS, lol), yet another word to ponder:"Bisexuality"....ok I can see the part where being 'attracted to' someone of the same sex because they are PHYSICALLY pretty, but when that line is crossed, and you get aroused sexually(pardon the graphic nature)-a hard on, or in women's case-wet, 'down there', (in BOTH scenarios, whether intentional, or not), does that make a person 'Bisexual', or a 'latent homosexual'?

I don’t believe in labels. Call it a cop out if you want. I believe that most people are just plain sexual beings. I also believe in soul groups and past lives. That being said; Bisexual is just a label. My best friend is straight. We have been best friends since we were in first grade. He is Italian and he has strong family ties if you know what I mean. LOL Anyway, he knows I have sex with guys and that I come to this site for a little entertainment. He will not let anyone harm me in anyway especially in his presence and he knows I can take care of myself defensively. One day when he spent the night he relived a past life experience where we were trapped in a grain silo. He literally ripped the bottom of my apartment door off. I had to get a new door. Wow, was that a wild night. (No he is not psycho, LOL In fact he is a school teacher. Go figure. LOL) Anyway he was calling me by a different name. He told me in his dream I was his husband and he was a woman named Cecilia. We were trying to get the door to the grain filling mechanism unstuck and he was holding me to keep me from falling in. I fell in and I was knocked unconscious. He ran around to the outside and tried to pry the grain silo door open but it was stuck and I was trapped inside. We have never had sex in this lifetime even to mess around. But two psychics and his own acknowledgement from that dream connected us as being married in a past life. I personally have had sex with both sexes. I can honestly say that I have had great sexual experiences with both sexes and I have developed some beautiful friendships and relationships with both sexes. I know that I have had strong past life connections with both the men and women I have dated. I am not usually a horn dog with either sex in general... I have found that I am more attracted to men than women for the most part. However, I dealt with a lot of mental illness and addiction from my mother growing up. So, it has always taken me a little while to get close to women. And pls. don't think that I believe that women are crazy. I have met some crazy guys out there too. LOL Anyway, if the moment is right I have no problems being with a woman. As long as the chemistry is there who cares? In fact I almost tied the knot with a woman twice. Strange, I have never come close to getting married to a guy. I kind of feel like until I am married why pick and choose??? Also, married or not I believe that I will still look occasionally. It is not like I will not ever remember what it was like to be with a guy or a woman. Also, from my experiences in life and the military I don't know too many people that haven't experimented at least once. So, why label someone over the indulgence of their curiosity. I believe that Ms. Diedra says it best "labels are not for people."

Thank you for letting me share.
Let me begin by saying I was married to a woman for a number of years. Do I consider myself bi-sexual?? No! I was living a lie. Our sex life was lousy at best.
Moving on to my point. I know a man that is as butch and macho as any man can be. He loves to suck a cock and fuck a guys ass now and then and certainly get his cock sucked by a man, because as he says 'men do it better". His attraction to men is purely of a physical nature. It's all about the sex. He won't kiss a guy or show any affection. He says he only shares intimate things like that with women. He always has a girlfriend, and has had a wife. It's just once in awhile he needs to have some man sex. His girlfriends have all known it and none of them have had a problem with it. (at least that's what he tells me) I've asked him why not a 3 way with his girlfriend and another guy? He's not interested in that at all. He tells me when he wants a man he wants a man and the same goes for women. I would call him truely bi-sexual.
I am married to a woman and never liked sex with her or any girlfriends I ever had. Men turn me on. I never considered myself bi . Its the same for other men. My feeling is that no mater how straight a guy is he is gay. Most men dont have the chance for gay sex but if they did they would prefer it.

I don’t believe in labels.

Hey Jayman,

Can you help me understand about not believing in labels?

Isn't it just what our brains do instinctively to categorise the world so that we can understand / remember things more easily?

Anyway, to answer this thread. These terms 'straight' 'gay' 'bisexual' etc. do not have to be absolute. I think people's sexual appetite does not need to be fixed for life. Indeed, to confuse that matter further people could be 'intellectually' straight and 'sexually' gay i.e. the head and the heart may have different preferences. Therefore to answer the question in terms of sexuality, I see no reason why people cannot get sexual gratification from both men and women and so I believe bisexuality is not a cop out. :001_smile:

I am married to a woman and never liked sex with her or any girlfriends I ever had. Men turn me on. I never considered myself bi . Its the same for other men. My feeling is that no mater how straight a guy is he is gay. Most men dont have the chance for gay sex but if they did they would prefer it.
Joey, while I'm totally homosexual, and have no sexual attraction to females, I cannot in any way agree with your conclusion that if most men had the chance for gay sex, they would prefer it. Just as I have zero sexual attraction to females, there are many, (and I would assume the majority) of men have no sexual attraction to men, as gay's are in the minority. That is just the way it is.

All human beings are wired differently, and the Kinsey scale makes a lot of sense to me. All the variations of desire on that scale, comprise the human population, and I would never generalize about all men, or "most men".
Ahem, well I think I am beginning to develope a sexual attraction to women. There are two women who I see regularly at work who like to touch me and I like to play with their hair as they do mine. We do it in a joke fashion but I do get satisfaction from it and I think they do too. I don't think I'll ever have a relationship with a woman because I love cock too much and that would be so unfair on the woman. Maybe it's a phase I'm going through.
Try as we may...

I am married to a woman and never liked sex with her or any girlfriends I ever had. Men turn me on. I never considered myself bi . Its the same for other men. My feeling is that no mater how straight a guy is he is gay. Most men dont have the chance for gay sex but if they did they would prefer it.

Dear Joeychuck2.

I recently saw a program that dealt with straight men dating transgender men-to-women who only had breast implants and maybe hip implants and looked like women in their overall appearance. These girls stated that the straight men they dated were more than happy to play with the girl's "penis" and not disappointed over the missing-in-action "pussy". They claimed they had straight men they routinely dated understanding fully and with no hesitation what awaits under their skirts. These girls claimed to have been sought out specifically as a transgender date (with no pregnancy issues or potential child support issues looming, no doubt).

Hey Jayman,

Can you help me understand about not believing in labels?

Isn't it just what our brains do instinctively to categorise the world so that we can understand / remember things more easily?

Anyway, to answer this thread. These terms 'straight' 'gay' 'bisexual' etc. do not have to be absolute. I think people's sexual appetite does not need to be fixed for life. Indeed, to confuse that matter further people could be 'intellectually' straight and 'sexually' gay i.e. the head and the heart may have different preferences. Therefore to answer the question in terms of sexuality, I see no reason why people cannot get sexual gratification from both men and women and so I believe bisexuality is not a cop out. :001_smile:


Dear undie,

To begin with, to set up a basic framework of one's environments, certain basic assumptions must be made for you to function. These are sometimes called categories or maybe labels and don't require any guilt feelings from anybody.

Your so called bisexuality "cop out" turns out to be "no cop out at all". As we here have all had to come to terms sometimes struggling with our own sexuality issues, surely we can be generous enough in our hearts to allow others to deal with their sexuality issues as best they see fit. I think everything sexually speaking is in shades of "gray" and even though I can't imagine being aroused by a woman at this moment, I realize my statement of "exclusivity" is no absolute, as we know nothing exists "absolutely".

I certainly can see beauty in women as I naturally appreciate beauty in men, though both definitions vary between the two genders. I am addicted to "beauty" in all outward and internal forms. Exterior beauty or the absence there of is not a barrier to interacting meaningfully with me, however. I always have had women holding "significant and powerful positions" in my life other than romantically. I admire a great many powerful women that possess "strength in their character" and I naturally gravitate to them. Point in case, one of my best friends is a native born Arkansan and a Harvard graduate currently living in Boston. I speak with her frequently and candidly as her equal, in fact I just got off the phone with her moments ago.

I find I often have better luck interacting with women more so than men, even though I am "Gay through-and-through and exclusively", sexually speaking. Flirting with women in public is much more possible than with most men who find this too threatening. Regrettably, men are too distant much of the time and keep their emotional side locked up under the strictest control. This is probably why more men(straight) overlook the possibility of broadening their sexual horizons and instead choose a poor second choice, namely substituting sports over personal and meaningful male interaction. Ultimately, when compared with women, men's life is much more filled with loneliness due to the absence of real vibrant and meaningful friendships, unlike women. Unfortunately, this is the precise position I now find myself in since retiring. A big, big void needing filling with genuine human interaction. Beware, this too can happen to anyone, if not careful.

Getting to your question about being "intellectually straight and sexually gay" is not only highly plausible, I find it a much more accurate definition of who I am and most assuredly many others are. Just as there are only 10% of the overall population identified as gay, the remaining 90% are straight at least most of the time (as we all know). Were this percentage miraculously reversed straight vs.gay, then most likely I would have responed intellectually as gay 90% of the time.

As it is currently throughout the day, I find that I interact mostly with straight people and function best being "intellectually straight" in these routine interactions. Therefore, that remaining very important 10% of the time allows me to both get my sexual needs met and at the same time responding appropriately to like-minded individuals! Outside of someone operating in the "sex trade" industry, who else "gay or straight" gets much more than 10% of the day having their sexual needs gratified? Practically Nobody! I do not find any hypocrisy or fears of being some "traitor-to-the-cause" living this dual existence. Just remember our ability to be flexible coexisting with this duality in our lives is not only essential, but can be looked upon as an advantage offering us more options in life. And I welcome comments pro- or con-.

Joey, while I'm totally homosexual, and have no sexual attraction to females, I cannot in any way agree with your conclusion that if most men had the chance for gay sex, they would prefer it. Just as I have zero sexual attraction to females, there are many, (and I would assume the majority) of men have no sexual attraction to men, as gay's are in the minority. That is just the way it is.

All human beings are wired differently, and the Kinsey scale makes a lot of sense to me. All the variations of desire on that scale, comprise the human population, and I would never generalize about all men, or "most men".

Dear Mikeyank,

Once again, we see eye-to-eye recognizing the value of the Kinsey scale. As long as we understand we exist on a continuum between the two extremes of Gay and Straight, then bi-sexuality can readily float in the middle gray-area and does not necessarily constitute some form of "denial of one's true sexuality". What is important personally is..."what makes you happy"? Figure this out first and then follow it and, for Christ's sakes, follow your own pathway to happiness. Taking a detour only leads to, you guessed it, and unfulfilling life (aka unhappiness).

In all matters go in peace and multiply, making new and meaningful friendships, and be loving toward all that you encounter! Have faith and aspire to seeing the goodness in all mankind, while realizing absolute goodness, whether personally or in others, is usually not achieved absolutely, try as we may!

Respectfully submitted,

Stimpy, aka Cumrag27
Hey Jayman,

Can you help me understand about not believing in labels?

Isn't it just what our brains do instinctively to categorise the world so that we can understand / remember things more easily?

Anyway, to answer this thread. These terms 'straight' 'gay' 'bisexual' etc. do not have to be absolute. I think people's sexual appetite does not need to be fixed for life. Indeed, to confuse that matter further people could be 'intellectually' straight and 'sexually' gay i.e. the head and the heart may have different preferences. Therefore to answer the question in terms of sexuality, I see no reason why people cannot get sexual gratification from both men and women and so I believe bisexuality is not a cop out. :001_smile:


Very well said Undie Fun. Hey I am still working on replys for last week. Wow, I never thought I would get behind on the Forum.

Undie Fun, I understand that people need to organize things and I agree that they give them uniform names for reference purposes. I guess where I am coming from is regardless of the label given we don't need to wear it. Society like myself will always have free will. Society can label anything they want too. Maybe I fit the label. Maybe I don't. The decision to own the label will always be mine regardless of what society says. LOL I just remembered a line from the movie, "Nuts" with Barbara Streisand. It goes something like this: It doesn't matter if the Dr. says I am nuts or how many times he signs that paper he can't make me nuts. LOL "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." :sneaky2:
School Friends

Very well said Undie Fun. Hey I am still working on replys for last week. Wow, I never thought I would get behind on the Forum.

Undie Fun, I understand that people need to organize things and I agree that they give them uniform names for reference purposes. I guess where I am coming from is regardless of the label given we don't need to wear it. Society like myself will always have free will. Society can label anything they want too. Maybe I fit the label. Maybe I don't. The decision to own the label will always be mine regardless of what society says. LOL I just remembered a line from the movie, "Nuts" with Barbara Streisand. It goes something like this: It doesn't matter if the Dr. says I am nuts or how many times he signs that paper he can't make me nuts. LOL "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." :sneaky2:

Ok Jayman,

I'm getting it. Someone may introduce you as one of their 'school friends' (which is a label) but nevertheless, you are an individual and being an individual trumps any label.

And I'm ok with people calling me 'Undie' as Underwear Fun and Undie Fun sound rather formal.

Thanks Undie. :thumbup:
I'm actually bi myself. I came out as bi 3 years ago. Well when I came out and began to get in the gay scene, I was told by another gay guy that being bi isn't possible. I asked him, how is that not possible when I'm attracted to both? He keep telling me that its not possible and that i'm gay. So i said fuck it. I'm just gonna say im gay so i dont have to keep explaining how i'm attracted to both.

I had a girlfriend for a year then went out with another girl for 2 years. The sex was great! I've always been into girls and always been into men. Since I was told it wasnt possible to be bi, I just said I was gay. Now since i've came out as gay, I've still had sex with girls from time to time. I think the sex with both male and female is great. Now I think I would have to say I like sexual incounters with men better because, well..... we know what we like :)

Bottom line.... I just stopped trying to explain myself and just go with what I feel. Just because your not into both male and females, doesn't mean I cant be.
One's search for sexual self-realization

I'm actually bi myself. I came out as bi 3 years ago. Well when I came out and began to get in the gay scene, I was told by another gay guy that being bi isn't possible. I asked him, how is that not possible when I'm attracted to both? He keep telling me that its not possible and that i'm gay. So i said fuck it. I'm just gonna say im gay so i dont have to keep explaining how i'm attracted to both.

I had a girlfriend for a year then went out with another girl for 2 years. The sex was great! I've always been into girls and always been into men. Since I was told it wasnt possible to be bi, I just said I was gay. Now since i've came out as gay, I've still had sex with girls from time to time. I think the sex with both male and female is great. Now I think I would have to say I like sexual incounters with men better because, well..... we know what we like :)

Bottom line.... I just stopped trying to explain myself and just go with what I feel. Just because your not into both male and females, doesn't mean I cant be.

Dear Bskin101,

I am so sorry you were hassled so over being "bi". This should have never happened. Sometimes, it seems like fitting neatly into someone else's political agenda is more important than the individual himself. That was just someone that was over zealous and wanted to see everything categorized neatly into black or white, gay or straight and leaving no room for those deliberating somewhere in the middle. The longer I live I find there are always shades of gray in humanity and no one should be forced into accepting one extreme over the other if it doesn't fit them or somehow seems unnatural for them.

I am pleased that with the passage of time, it allowed you to become more comfortable with yourself first. One's sexuality, however, should never be determined as a matter of convenience or a forced choice. At least, you began by allowing yourself enough time to explore exactly what was most in keeping with your inner likes and dislikes. Consequently, your final choice was based on your actual preferences better understood over time. You weren't willing to arrive a rushed choice and so your decision making was optimized.

Another way to look at it is taking your time allowed you the added advantage most exclusively gay people don't ever get, the luxury to make an truly informed choice through your actual life experiences with both genders. As a consequence, you don't ever have to wonder, "what if"? At this point, I feel a little jealous of you for the added background experiences you have had coming to your final decision.

Best of luck to you, Bskin101!
Dear Bskin101,

I am so sorry you were hassled so over being "bi". This should have never happened. Sometimes, it seems like fitting neatly into someone else's political agenda is more important than the individual himself. That was just someone that was over zealous and wanted to see everything categorized neatly into black or white, gay or straight and leaving no room for those deliberating somewhere in the middle. The longer I live I find there are always shades of gray in humanity and no one should be forced into accepting one extreme over the other if it doesn't fit them or somehow seems unnatural for them.

I am pleased that with the passage of time, it allowed you to become more comfortable with yourself first. One's sexuality, however, should never be determined as a matter of convenience or a forced choice. At least, you began by allowing yourself enough time to explore exactly what was most in keeping with your inner likes and dislikes. Consequently, your final choice was based on your actual preferences better understood over time. You weren't willing to arrive a rushed choice and so your decision making was optimized.

Another way to look at it is taking your time allowed you the added advantage most exclusively gay people don't ever get, the luxury to make an truly informed choice through your actual life experiences with both genders. As a consequence, you don't ever have to wonder, "what if"? At this point, I feel a little jealous of you for the added background experiences you have had coming to your final decision.

Best of luck to you, Bskin101!

Agree there Cumrag, Bskin you have the best of both worlds and I'm sure many would be jealous of you. Again, don't worry about what to call yourself bi or gay - as stated on numerous times, they're just labels.
Dear Bskin101,

I am so sorry you were hassled so over being "bi". This should have never happened. Sometimes, it seems like fitting neatly into someone else's political agenda is more important than the individual himself. That was just someone that was over zealous and wanted to see everything categorized neatly into black or white, gay or straight and leaving no room for those deliberating somewhere in the middle. The longer I live I find there are always shades of gray in humanity and no one should be forced into accepting one extreme over the other if it doesn't fit them or somehow seems unnatural for them.

I am pleased that with the passage of time, it allowed you to become more comfortable with yourself first. One's sexuality, however, should never be determined as a matter of convenience or a forced choice. At least, you began by allowing yourself enough time to explore exactly what was most in keeping with your inner likes and dislikes. Consequently, your final choice was based on your actual preferences better understood over time. You weren't willing to arrive a rushed choice and so your decision making was optimized.

Another way to look at it is taking your time allowed you the added advantage most exclusively gay people don't ever get, the luxury to make an truly informed choice through your actual life experiences with both genders. As a consequence, you don't ever have to wonder, "what if"? At this point, I feel a little jealous of you for the added background experiences you have had coming to your final decision.

Best of luck to you, Bskin101!

Cumrag (AKA Stimpy), Thank you for these words. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Bskin101, I agree with Cumrag that no one should be forced into making a choice one way or another. There are always shades of gray in humanity. I think it is wonderful to have the freedom to experiment and or go with the flow.

I think the more perplexing issue is that it has always been argued that some people are born GLBT. I would never argue this point. Every soul's evolution is different. It has also been argued that people are sometimes born GLBT but discover it later. I am not sure this point is valid. What I am starting to see is that whether born GLBT or not; people, through their own experimentation, can make a conscious choice of a GLBT lifestyle.

I believe that people are expressing their freedom by experimenting and choosing what they feel is right for them. In the past our technology was limited. So, we had to make our choices in a more public venue. When we had to had to explore GLBT intrests on a more public level it invited much more public scrutiny of our life choices through peer pressure and venues of employment. Today, we can access the Internet and its various websites as well as other forms of communication media and explore things that spark our interests much more privately.

I believe that people are sexual beings and that sex can be one of the most passionate signs of love or acceptance of another. I am noticing there are a lot of people in the world today that that are more career focused and afraid of commitment. I am not sure if that has more to do with the divorce rates and this generation watching their parents going through messy divorces or not. Who knows??? In general more and more people are opting for relationships that are considered "friends with benefits." I don't think that this generation is as concerned with the gender of their partners as our past generations. If it feels good people just do it first and worry about the consequences later. (I.e. relationships, change in sexual orientation, STD's, children, etc...) Society has become so high paced that we have very little time for ourselves much less making time for someone else. This causes a lot of stress for people in general. So, being sexual beings in general, people are just having sex because it feels great and it is a great stress relief. LOL. I don't believe that love is necessarily at the center of sex as much as the warm feel good feelings initially for most of us. I do believe true Love can evolve from a sexual experience. However; for the most part, I believe that we do not find our true path in life or our relationships until we find ourselves and love our self unconditionally. (Not in vanity but respect...) Sometimes, this may involve a little experimentation just to see if the grass is greener on the other side so to speak. I do believe that we all get to that point though where we really do fall in love eventually. I think at this point we are pretty much committed until for some reason we are dissatisfied.

Part of the reason I love this site is the fact that a lot of these guys come here wondering about sex with someone of the same sex or they are open minded to the idea. Regardless of the money they are being provided with the opportunity to experiment and explore the joys and wonders of gay sex. It is there choice whether or not they ever do it again. They came willingly and experimented willingly. Their lives may be forever changed for the better or worse it is and was their choice and it was not forced upon them. We even came up with a lable for this too. "Broke Straight Boys" or "Gay for Pay." LOL

I guess as long as there are people there will always be labels. In general labels would not be so bad if they weren't use out of hatred and bigotry to bully others and degrade them as second class citizens. People are all individual and unique. We all come from the same source and we will all return to the same source one day. We are one individually and the same. In this knowledge I understand that people only hurt themselves by degrading others with their use of labels being meant in a derogatory way.

Bless your hearts and thank you for letting me share these thoughts.:wink:
The final word courtesy of Jaymon01

Cumrag (AKA Stimpy), Thank you for these words. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Bskin101, I agree with Cumrag that no one should be forced into making a choice one way or another. There are always shades of gray in humanity. I think it is wonderful to have the freedom to experiment and or go with the flow.

I think the more perplexing issue is that it has always been argued that some people are born GLBT. I would never argue this point. Every soul's evolution is different. It has also been argued that people are sometimes born GLBT but discover it later. I am not sure this point is valid. What I am starting to see is that whether born GLBT or not; people, through their own experimentation, can make a conscious choice of a GLBT lifestyle.

I believe that people are expressing their freedom by experimenting and choosing what they feel is right for them. In the past our technology was limited. So, we had to make our choices in a more public venue. When we had to had to explore GLBT intrests on a more public level it invited much more public scrutiny of our life choices through peer pressure and venues of employment. Today, we can access the Internet and its various websites as well as other forms of communication media and explore things that spark our interests much more privately.

I believe that people are sexual beings and that sex can be one of the most passionate signs of love or acceptance of another. I am noticing there are a lot of people in the world today that that are more career focused and afraid of commitment. I am not sure if that has more to do with the divorce rates and this generation watching their parents going through messy divorces or not. Who knows??? In general more and more people are opting for relationships that are considered "friends with benefits." I don't think that this generation is as concerned with the gender of their partners as our past generations. If it feels good people just do it first and worry about the consequences later. (I.e. relationships, change in sexual orientation, STD's, children, etc...) Society has become so high paced that we have very little time for ourselves much less making time for someone else. This causes a lot of stress for people in general. So, being sexual beings in general, people are just having sex because it feels great and it is a great stress relief. LOL. I don't believe that love is necessarily at the center of sex as much as the warm feel good feelings initially for most of us. I do believe true Love can evolve from a sexual experience. However; for the most part, I believe that we do not find our true path in life or our relationships until we find ourselves and love our self unconditionally. (Not in vanity but respect...) Sometimes, this may involve a little experimentation just to see if the grass is greener on the other side so to speak. I do believe that we all get to that point though where we really do fall in love eventually. I think at this point we are pretty much committed until for some reason we are dissatisfied.

Part of the reason I love this site is the fact that a lot of these guys come here wondering about sex with someone of the same sex or they are open minded to the idea. Regardless of the money they are being provided with the opportunity to experiment and explore the joys and wonders of gay sex. It is there choice whether or not they ever do it again. They came willingly and experimented willingly. Their lives may be forever changed for the better or worse it is and was their choice and it was not forced upon them. We even came up with a lable for this too. "Broke Straight Boys" or "Gay for Pay." LOL

I guess as long as there are people there will always be labels. In general labels would not be so bad if they weren't use out of hatred and bigotry to bully others and degrade them as second class citizens. People are all individual and unique. We all come from the same source and we will all return to the same source one day. We are one individually and the same. In this knowledge I understand that people only hurt themselves by degrading others with their use of labels being meant in a derogatory way.

Bless your hearts and thank you for letting me share these thoughts.:wink:

Dear Jaymon01,

Very well said. I so enjoy reading your posts. I often think I wish I had made the points you just made in your post. You really tie up the loose ends and are an real asset to the forum overall. Thank you so much!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


Cumrag27 aka Stimpy
I think the more perplexing issue is that it has always been argued that some people are born GLBT. I would never argue this point. Every soul's evolution is different. It has also been argued that people are sometimes born GLBT but discover it later. I am not sure this point is valid. What I am starting to see is that whether born GLBT or not; people, through their own experimentation, can make a conscious choice of a GLBT lifestyle.
Jay, I'm sure that your above point is valid for some people, yourself included, as you have shared with us your bisexual past affairs and relationships. And I would venture to guess that the majority of human beings do fall into that "gray" area, where you are, of being capable of making love to either gender.

But for me, and I'm sure many other totally gay or totally straight folk, there is no "choice" involved. I can recall incidents when I was under five years of age, involving intimate contact with other little boys. And I've never had any physical desire to be sexually involved with a female. I've quoted the Kinsey scale many times, and I believe it is very valid. Therefore I totally believe that while there are true bisexuals, I've always been a "card carrying member" of the homosexual population of this earth, and I believe that I was programmed to be this way, by God, or mother nature, or whatever you want to call the force that controls who we are.
Jay, I'm sure that your above point is valid for some people, yourself included, as you have shared with us your bisexual past affairs and relationships. And I would venture to guess that the majority of human beings do fall into that "gray" area, where you are, of being capable of making love to either gender.

But for me, and I'm sure many other totally gay or totally straight folk, there is no "choice" involved. I can recall incidents when I was under five years of age, involving intimate contact with other little boys. And I've never had any physical desire to be sexually involved with a female. I've quoted the Kinsey scale many times, and I believe it is very valid. Therefore I totally believe that while there are true bisexuals, I've always been a "card carrying member" of the homosexual population of this earth, and I believe that I was programmed to be this way, by God, or mother nature, or whatever you want to call the force that controls who we are.

I totally agree with you Mike. Forgive me, I think my words were misunderstood. I thought I clearly said exactly the same thing but in different words. Mikeyank, you rock dude...

I am not questioning nor have I ever questioned the fact that GLBT people were not born that way. I just don’t buy into the idea that this is the case for every person living life openly as GLBT person. What I have said is; I do believe it is possible for people through experimentation to make a conscious choice to live a GLBT life. To say everyone is born one way or another is too definite for me. I do realize that the label "Bisexual" is a flexible label and allows for a lot of latitude and it does not commit people to one sexual orientation or another. I am more personally attracted to a person's intellect and the energy they emanate through their aura than I am their orientation or gender. (I am sure there is a label out there for that too. LOL) Society will always have its labels for identification purposes and they can label me anyway they want to. It is as much society's perogative to label me as it is mine to refuse their label. I AM that, I AM. I not above anyone nor is anyone above me. We are all individual and the same…:wink:
By reading some of the posts to the thread that "I" started, I really feel guilty in a sense of even starting it. I am very sorry if I offended ANYONE that considers themself Bi
By reading some of the posts to the thread that "I" started, I really feel guilty in a sense of even starting it. I am very sorry if I offended ANYONE that considers themself Bi

I haven't gotten the sense that anyone is offended... I think it's a valid question, how people identify themselves. I've heard for years from people that sexuality is completely black and white, and I've never believed that, myself. I think it's on a continuum, like most things in life. There just has to be room for movement in either direction, or around and around... or at least it seems that way to me.

My earliest sexual experience was playing doctor with my neighbor when I was 5 or 6. We are both girls. I won't go into details, but our moms caught us. I remember another experience when I was a little older with a different girl, another neighbor. I think we were in later elementary school. Her mom was a nurse and had a lot of books lying around with anatomy pix. So we did some experimenting with our girl bits. It was pretty exciting, when I think back. However, it wasn't the girl that I was with that was exciting, but the feelings we were experiencing. I remember thinking I was going to play with her to make her feel good, not because it made me feel good to play with her...

So, I've always believed myself to be straight. The only time I have ever even kissed a girl passionately, I remember thinking that I just wished it was turning me on. I really loved this woman. I found her attractive and even sexy, but I wasn't attracted to her. But that doesn't mean that I'm not leaving myself open to being attracted to a woman someday and wanting to act on it. It could happen. Of course, I hope it doesn't because I love my hubby and want to be with him always, to grow old and decrepit with him:)

I don't think anyone should be offended by an honest question. If we don't ask, we don't know, or don't see another side to a situation we've wondered about or believed was already answered in our minds. I'm always asking what I think are "dumb" questions, but I've sure learned a lot that way!
