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Bisexuality Revindicated


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
Here's something from the New York Times that provides scientific support for the existence of genuine bi-guys. I'd heard about the earlier study that suggested people who considered themselves bi were either fooling themselves or telling a fib, and that they were really gay. I wonder if these findings will come as a surprise to the vast majority of BSBs.

No Surprise for Bisexual Men: Report Indicates They Exist

In an unusual scientific about-face, researchers at Northwestern University have found evidence that at least some men who identify themselves as bisexual are, in fact, sexually aroused by both women and men.

The finding is not likely to surprise bisexuals, who have long asserted that attraction often is not limited to one sex. But for many years the question of bisexuality has bedeviled scientists. A widely publicized study published in 2005, also by researchers at Northwestern, reported that “with respect to sexual arousal and attraction, it remains to be shown that male bisexuality exists.”

That conclusion outraged bisexual men and women, who said it appeared to support a stereotype of bisexual men as closeted homosexuals.

In the new study, published online in the journal Biological Psychology, the researchers relied on more stringent criteria for selecting participants. To improve their chances of finding men aroused by women as well as men, the researchers recruited subjects from online venues specifically catering to bisexuals.

They also required participants to have had sexual experiences with at least two people of each sex and a romantic relationship of at least three months with at least one person of each sex.

Men in the 2005 study, on the other hand, were recruited through advertisements in gay-oriented and alternative publications and were identified as heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual based on responses to a standard questionnaire.

In both studies, men watched videos of male and female same-sex intimacy while genital sensors monitored their erectile responses. While the first study reported that the bisexuals generally resembled homosexuals in their responses, the new one finds that bisexual men responded to both the male and female videos, while gay and straight men in the study did not.

Both studies also found that bisexuals reported subjective arousal to both sexes, notwithstanding their genital responses. “Someone who is bisexual might say, ‘Well, duh!’” said Allen Rosenthal, the lead author of the new Northwestern study and a doctoral student in psychology at the university. “But this will be validating to a lot of bisexual men who had heard about the earlier work and felt that scientists weren’t getting them.”

The Northwestern study is the second one published this year to report a distinctive pattern of sexual arousal among bisexual men.

In March, a study in Archives of Sexual Behavior reported the results of a different approach to the question. As in the Northwestern study, the researchers showed participants erotic videos of two men and two women and monitored genital as well as subjective arousal. But they also included scenes of a man having sex with both a woman and another man, on the theory that these might appeal to bisexual men.

The researchers — Jerome Cerny, a retired psychology professor at Indiana State University, and Erick Janssen, a senior scientist at the Kinsey Institute — found that bisexual men were more likely than heterosexuals or gay men to experience both genital and subjective arousal while watching these videos.

Dr. Lisa Diamond, a psychology professor at the University of Utah and an expert on sexual orientation, said that the two new studies, taken together, represented a significant step toward demonstrating that bisexual men do have specific arousal patterns.

“I’ve interviewed a lot of individuals about how invalidating it is when their own family members think they’re confused or going through a stage or in denial,” she said. “These converging lines of evidence, using different methods and stimuli, give us the scientific confidence to say this is something real.”

The new studies are relatively small in size, making it hard to draw generalities, especially since bisexual men may have varying levels of sexual, romantic and emotional attraction to partners of either sex. And of course the studies reveal nothing about patterns of arousal among bisexual women. The Northwestern study included 100 men, closely split among bisexuals, heterosexuals and homosexuals. The study in Archives of Sexual Behavior included 59 participants, among them 13 bisexuals.

The new Northwestern study was financed in part by the American Institute of Bisexuality, a group that promotes research and education regarding bisexuality. Still, advocates expressed mixed feelings about the research.

Jim Larsen, 53, a chairman of the Bisexual Organizing Project, a Minnesota-based advocacy group, said the findings could help bisexuals still struggling to accept themselves.

“It’s great that they’ve come out with affirmation that bisexuality exists,” he said. “Having said that, they’re proving what we in the community already know. It’s insulting. I think it’s unfortunate that anyone doubts an individual who says, ‘This is what I am and who I am.’ ”

Ellyn Ruthstrom, president of the Bisexual Resource Center in Boston, echoed Mr. Larsen’s discomfort.

“This unfortunately reduces sexuality and relationships to just sexual stimulation,” Ms. Ruthstrom said. “Researchers want to fit bi attraction into a little box — you have to be exactly the same, attracted to men and women, and you’re bisexual. That’s nonsense. What I love is that people express their bisexuality in so many different ways.”

Despite her cautious praise of the new research, Dr. Diamond also noted that the kind of sexual arousal tested in the studies is only one element of sexual orientation and identity. And simply interpreting results about sexual arousal is complicated, because monitoring genital response to erotic images in a laboratory setting cannot replicate an actual human interaction, she added.

“Sexual arousal is a very complicated thing,” she said. “The real phenomenon in day-to-day life is extraordinarily messy and multifactorial.”
I was at one time a doubter on the bisexual question until I fell in love with one back in the day. He said that he not only needed both me and his girl friend in his life, but also he wanted us both. And believe me, his having a girl friend did nothing to detract from our life, love, and sexual activity. He, in fact, always maintained that he was better at both because he had both. I can't vouch for the girl friend, obviously, but I had no complaints and if fucked her as well as he did me, then she couldn't have had any either. :thumbup::thumbup:
I'm really not surprised in the slightest by this - except perhaps that they actually did a decent study. When I was a teenager and first coming out, I also doubted bisexuality - and let's be honest - there have been a lot of gay men in denial who have claimed to be bisexual because it somehow didn't seem as bad. But I've known too many bisexual men in my experience to even question whether or not they exist. It's good that there's now some empirical evidence to back it up.
I would still like to see or hear about a 60 to 80-year old bisexual who has been one for a long time. As far as I can tell, the study doesn't exactly disprove the theory that bisexuality is transitional. Of course it's real, but real for how long?
The only thing that I find surprising about this study is that someone thought it necessary in 2011, over sixty years after Alfred Kinsey first published his findings that all human beings fall somewhere onto a scale from totally hetero to totally homo, and the variations in between. I didn't realize that people still doubted this today.

Years ago, a good looking sixteen year old kid came to work for me, and he came across as totally heterosexual, and was quite popular with the ladies. We remained friends after he stopped working for my company, and in his mid twenties, admitted to me that he liked guys, and began to explore the gay life in New York City, which was great for a handsome, basically straight twenty five year old guy. In fact, I let him stay in my apartment once during that period when I was out of town, and I found out that he got fucked for the first time on my old plaid beige sofa couch.

A few years later he fell in love with a girl, and told me that he was giving up the gay life and he married her, and they had three kids. But he started meeting guys in rest areas while working as a salesman. Today he is divorced and basically goes with guys, but girls too.

So, I really didn't think there was a need to prove that bisexual's do exist. I thought that it was a given.
There will always be doubters! It seems there is a parallel universe amongst us!

The only thing that I find surprising about this study is that someone thought it necessary in 2011, over sixty years after Alfred Kinsey first published his findings that all human beings fall somewhere onto a scale from totally hetero to totally homo, and the variations in between. I didn't realize that people still doubted this today.

Years ago, a good looking sixteen year old kid came to work for me, and he came across as totally heterosexual, and was quite popular with the ladies. We remained friends after he stopped working for my company, and in his mid twenties, admitted to me that he liked guys, and began to explore the gay life in New York City, which was great for a handsome, basically straight twenty five year old guy. In fact, I let him stay in my apartment once during that period when I was out of town, and I found out that he got fucked for the first time on my old plaid beige sofa couch.

A few years later he fell in love with a girl, and told me that he was giving up the gay life and he married her, and they had three kids. But he started meeting guys in rest areas while working as a salesman. Today he is divorced and basically goes with guys, but girls too.

So, I really didn't think there was a need to prove that bisexual's do exist. I thought that it was a given.

Dear Mikeyank,

It seems what would have been inplausible and universally accepted concepts among educated people some 40 years ago, today we are constantly being stirred up with "fake science" to appeal to a certain fundamentalist religious element. Point in case: Who would have ever doubted climate change or, for that matter, theories on evolution were it not for people who have an "agenda to accomplish and they don't care at what cost to humanity or generally accepted educational perspectives it takes, so long as they can claim that the Bible needs to be looked upon as the basis of all knowledge, scientific and historical truths, and ultimately want to create through their own self-serving distortions a theocracy in the USA.

Rewriting history to suit them appears to be no problem for them. A small "white lie here" and "another lie there" is a small price to pay to prove their point. To me their only goal is to promote chaos, like Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry. I feel this has been the result largely of no reality checks on talk radio from the extreme right and certain politically motivated televangelists in recent decades. All done with the mantra that the Bible is 100% historically and scientifically accurate.

They have yet to win me over to this folly or downright politically motivated lie disguised as ultimate truth!

I am not believing this! Talking about "dumbing down America", ask yourself what all of these falsehoods are all about? Personally, I think these far-right conservatives precisely prove the "evolutionist's point" as these Bible-thumping believers are the most obvious direct decendants of apes themselves!:worship::worship::worship::monkeyfuck:

I think this study, probably flawed to some degree, means to stand as a preliminary refutation of the previous one that had doubters nodding their heads, and which more or less eliminated the category as a sexual preference, and turned it into a phase through which a guy who is brought up in a straight society passes on his way to his true homosexual identity.
Here's a spoof by my fav porn star, Logan McCree on his bisexuality and the gay community. I thought it was pretty funny.


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What a piece of human art! It makes me appreciate being alive and able to experience the wonders of living in a world of living beings, human and others.