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Beat It with a real JO-BRO


BSB Addict
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
I don't spend much time looking at craigslist, but my hubby does because he's always looking for bikes and Jeep accessories. Anyway, he was browsing around on cl tonight and found this under "best of the best". Of course, he was reading it aloud to me and I laughed, really hard! I thought of all of you when I read it (which, of course, started a whole discussion about me and Broke Straight Boys...) I hope you all enjoy this. Methinks he doth protest too much....


I just had to read that twice to believe what my eyes were showing me! "There's nowt so queer as folk." Correct?
That is all I can think of to say about this
haha wtf?
The mental image I had reading this.... Could be a variation on the Naked Kombat idea... Theme night....
I don't spend much time looking at craigslist, but my hubby does because he's always looking for bikes and Jeep accessories. Anyway, he was browsing around on cl tonight and found this under "best of the best". Of course, he was reading it aloud to me and I laughed, really hard! I thought of all of you when I read it (which, of course, started a whole discussion about me and Broke Straight Boys...) I hope you all enjoy this. Methinks he doth protest too much....



LOL!! That is one of the oddest ads I've seen. LOL!!
Lovelumps I think JW said it best what a laugh and WTF? BiGurl, thanks so very much, I could not stop laughing!!! That was great!!!

Thanks to you Both

Jeff V.