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Be Kind, (he's sensitive) LMAO


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Palace Insiders are invited to review two pics on my profile from my oldest son
He really wants honest comments. But, remember, he wants to know "if he has what it takes", ok?

Thanks, MM
He looks great. With a stomach like that you can wash clothes manually. I look forward to seeing him on stage and screen.:thumbup:
Nice looking young man, MarkyMark. I share the same as Jayman does, I look forward to seeing him on stage and screen.
I wish your son all the best. Keep us posted.

Thank you all! I will have him over to read the comments, and we will plan a current shoot for new material. Hopefully he will like the idea of a Valentines Day type theme.
Thank you all! I will have him over to read the comments, and we will plan a current shoot for new material. Hopefully he will like the idea of a Valentines Day type theme.

It shouldn't be a hard see to do Valentines this time of year. Maybe eve St. Patricks Day. Then again I have thing for men in Kilts. Maybe it is the easy access or that traditionally they don't wear underware...:thumbup:
Did I hear kilts???

It shouldn't be a hard see to do Valentines this time of year. Maybe eve St. Patricks Day. Then again I have thing for men in Kilts. Maybe it is the easy access or that traditionally they don't wear underware...:thumbup:

Dear Jayman and Her Highness,

Let me run these pictures across to see if you approve. Unfortunately, you may need your magnifying glass to fully appreciate this tartan clad lad in all his glory! Makes me want to go out and get a tasty Sausage McMuffin or two. I guess we all know now exactly what is under those kilts after all!


Laddy McStimpy

PS. I dare you to play solitare with this lad.


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Thank you all! I will have him over to read the comments, and we will plan a current shoot for new material. Hopefully he will like the idea of a Valentines Day type theme.

Hmmmmmmm. A sexy photo shoot, with your own son as the model, could be a bit awkward for you..............I would be happy to serve as the photographer for any and all upcoming shoots.:wink::biggrin:

P.S. Throw Slimmie's resume away, he really isn't as good of a photographer, as he wants you to believe.:thumbdown:
Hmmmmmmm. A sexy photo shoot, with your own son as the model, could be a bit awkward for you..............I would be happy to serve as the photographer for any and all upcoming shoots.:wink::biggrin:

P.S. Throw Slimmie's resume away, he really isn't as good of a photographer, as he wants you to believe.:thumbdown:
I would be happy to assist you on the photo shoot Ms. K, as Tyler does with David. (There I go again, with Tyler on the brain). :biggrin:
That could be a dangerous job on that set maybe we should hold an auction or draw lots... LOL We love you Queen MarkyMark I. I think the consensus is we love your son too.:blush::wink:
Why be kind? The guy is a sensation! I feel kind of awkward judging someone's son in this manner, but what the heck, he's a perfect ten.
Why be kind? The guy is a sensation! I feel kind of awkward judging someone's son in this manner, but what the heck, he's a perfect ten.

I'm with you Angelone. lol I'm a bit reticent to say much about my feelings and inclinations towards the son of HRH Markymark. But I heartily agree that he is a hunk. Yes. He has what it takes. And then some. :001_smile:
Josh says "Do we have a Kilt?" I looked at the William Wallace sword on the wall, then back at him then at the costumes in the other room,Josh said, "OH Yeah, man" and so Josh WILL be "a-kiltin' " soon, laddies! He has also agreed to start working out at the Gym around the corner from the house, and I have talked him into some "moderate" man-scaping, so we will see.
Thank you everyone for the kind replies. Actually, I was thinking of holding an auction between Mark, David and Tyler to win the honor of being the photographer de jour! The money raised could be split between a local animal shelter and a food closet? LOL! (jk, David). I'm not sure how Josh would react to the thought of a strange photog., but is any one interested in the "Fluffer" position? LOL! jk again! OK, I better stop, I'm having too much fantasy fun!
Wow, that is great Majesty. Kilts are very sexy.:thumbup:
Let's hear it for the kilts

Wow, that is great Majesty. Kilts are very sexy.:thumbup:

Dearest Jayman and Her Majesty,

Based on my recent posting of a kilt clad hottie, you can definitely count me in on any brawny yet manscaped lad with a manly body to light my fire. And, I won't even ask what is under his kilt. I can't wait. Tell him to get a move on. I just love seeing those pleats move about as a kilt clad guy walks around.

Sincerely kilt clad,

kilts can be hot. you have to have the legs to pull it off though.

i'm either stupid or oblivious (or sorely need to do some catching up in these here parts) but i can't find any washboard abs in photos.
kilts can be hot. you have to have the legs to pull it off though.

i'm either stupid or oblivious (or sorely need to do some catching up in these here parts) but i can't find any washboard abs in photos.

Did you look at the second picture? Ya can't miss 'em.