BSB Addict
It is unrealistic to expect management to respond to every rumor.
Lol...They probably get a good laugh out of us surmising and waffling on...

It is unrealistic to expect management to respond to every rumor.
Lol...They probably get a good laugh out of us surmising and waffling on...
Lol...They probably get a good laugh out of us surmising and waffling on...
It is unrealistic to expect management to respond to every rumor.
If raw dog means what I think it does, it looks like Johnny is gonna bareback Lucas. Cumming soon to a mini-theatre near you. (See home page).
I will probably leave the site if bareback is gonna happen. I don't want my money supporting that kind of risk taking with young, foolish men's lives. I've seen too many die, up close and personal, from AIDS. If even one kid on here were infected and then they go screw a bunch of unsuspecting girls or some future wife and infect others, I just don't think I can sleep at night if I feel I had anything to do with that possibility. Sounds goofy, I guess, but I can only speak for myself. Reading some of these earlier posts, though, it seems like its been in the works for awhile and that some of you feel as concerned as I do.
I just watched "How To Survive The Plague" tonight about AIDS and ACT UP in the 80s and 90s and was retraumatized thinking of all of those old friends and the memories that died with them. I can't bear to think that someone could get infected for my entertainment.
I'm sorry you feel that way Mrs V but it's happened and I doubt if it will be a one off either. The originator of this thread was right on the ball with his information which of course, was never confirmed or denied by this management.
I'm sure you are right about that, Jon. I wish these young men had more brains and self respect than to take this kind of chance with their future for any amount of cash. I hope my fav, Paul, is out of the game since they moved to Denver. That's the grandma archetype talking now. Don't want my boy hurt. Yes, he and all the others are consenting adults but I know from experience that we sometimes take jobs and job assignments we'd rather not because the bills have to be kept paid. My last job nearly killed me but I kept on doing it until it made me so sick that I qualified for early social security on disability grounds.
Well I'll be honest and say I do watch bareback movies and I've shared quite a few with forum members via pm. I don't think Broke Straight Boys would go down that way without full STD tests but you're only as safe as your last test, if you fuck unprotected in between then there is a risk. However, the lads are not stupid either so I hope they would not. I would suggest you watch the scenes first before making judgement - you may well like them.
I have watched BB on free porn sites. As you know, I haven't been watching porn very long and I was absolutely flabbergasted to see that there was BB at all. Shows you how stupid I am. Yes, it is hot as hell but I don't want to spend one cent of my money supporting it. If it's free, what's done is done and, luckily, most of the stuff I have selected to watch is protected. I think it's just too much of a crap shoot here. Especially if any of these guys get a taste for anal or already had a taste for anal. They could be fucking bare every night of the week with guys and like you said in an earlier post about what they told you at your last test, there is some overlap of time where the results are unsure. Let's also not forget IV drug use which could be a factor for some of the guys if they are drug felons as management has already told us.
Well I for one do hope there is going to be bareback scenes soon!! I know it might not be popular among a minority of members but the truth is, if bareback is shown on websites from large studios like corbinfisher, Sean Cody, active duty and will be the same here at Broke Straight Boys, it means that the guys have all been tested before every shoot. It also means the boys have consented to filming raw. I and many other subscribers watch porn for the fantasy aspect. If u cant have bareback sex in your own life although many of us might want to but dont have the money for proper testing, you would much prefer to watch bareback sex, especially when it is rigorously tested and monitered. I for one really hope there is a switch to bareback. Even if it is not all the time, at least 50% of the time would be good and i can guarantee your membership will increase as well because there are MANY porn subscribers who only watch bareback sex and arent interested in anything else. I totally understand and respect sites who dont want to go there and i support both. I am a member or Broke Straight Boys as i am at CF, Sean Cody and also FratX. But if i had my way, all the porn that I watch would be bareback.
Well I for one do hope there is going to be bareback scenes soon!! I know it might not be popular among a minority of members but the truth is, if bareback is shown on websites from large studios like corbinfisher, Sean Cody, active duty and will be the same here at Broke Straight Boys, it means that the guys have all been tested before every shoot. It also means the boys have consented to filming raw. I and many other subscribers watch porn for the fantasy aspect. If u cant have bareback sex in your own life although many of us might want to but dont have the money for proper testing, you would much prefer to watch bareback sex, especially when it is rigorously tested and monitered. I for one really hope there is a switch to bareback. Even if it is not all the time, at least 50% of the time would be good and i can guarantee your membership will increase as well because there are MANY porn subscribers who only watch bareback sex and arent interested in anything else. I totally understand and respect sites who dont want to go there and i support both. I am a member or Broke Straight Boys as i am at CF, Sean Cody and also FratX. But if i had my way, all the porn that I watch would be bareback.
I wasn't going to comment on this subject of barebacking, but with the thought of loosing some of my forum friends over it, I feel compelled to put in my two cents worth.i must say that this is the last site that features bareback sex that i belong to. i am now considering canceling my current membership because i am against unpropected sex as a matter of principal!
hope others find unsafe sex fun to watch.
would rather shoot people in the head, the death level is more assured!