What do you think? Potential?
Yeah. I think so.
Hey T.C. I just wanted to mention something that we have brought up in the past about pictures from the events. It has been the general consensus here on the forum that we would love to see nude pictures of the models in addition to the ones of them just schmoozing with the bar patrons or passers-by. I realize that you are now focusing more on the outdoor events vs. the club events but I think we would still like to see a few more provocative nudes.
If you are the photographer don't be shy about snapping pics of them in various states of undress. If they have achieved a high enough status as a model to work events then they are used to it. Well...Jace's willy has been camera shy for Patrick in the past. But hopefully that's changing. LOL Photos of them dressing or undressing for the event would be even hotter with some nudes or semi nudes.
Who in here would love for instance to see Diesal stepping out of the shower, glistening from head to toe, with a towel wrapped around his neck.... and nothing else?

I'm not suggesting that you set up professional photo sets of the models at events. You're far too busy for that. And they aren't being paid for that. Merely that you try to throw in a few casual nudes of what they look like at home when the video camera isn't on them. We DO want to see photos of the events where everyone is having a good time with the models in public. But it livens up a photo set to have at least one or two nudes thrown in there also.
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