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Ashton and Diesal


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
All righty then...

This is one episode that should have stayed in the vault, labeled as "Never to be seen"

Just two guys going thru the motions.

Ashton had been partying for days, he had a bad case of the cokehead's sniffles. This is not the first time he has come to work like that and I am surprised that Broke Straight Boys puts up with it. If I'm going to pay you 1500.00, I want you alert and focused so as to produce a good product. I'll admit he has an awesome body, but not much else. He's just a boy whore that will do anything for money. Not sure how much longer that gravy train will last for him, youth is fleeting, and beauty fades fast.

Diesal being the professional that he is, did his part, but he may as well have been fucking one of those inflatable sex dolls, it may have made for a more interesting scene.

I'm sorry I stayed up to watch this one, but I should have known.

All righty then...

This is one episode that should have stayed in the vault, labeled as "Never to be seen"

Just two guys going thru the motions.

Ashton had been partying for days, he had a bad case of the cokehead's sniffles. This is not the first time he has come to work like that and I am surprised that Broke Straight Boys puts up with it. If I'm going to pay you 1500.00, I want you alert and focused so as to produce a good product. I'll admit he has an awesome body, but not much else. He's just a boy whore that will do anything for money. Not sure how much longer that gravy train will last for him, youth is fleeting, and beauty fades fast.

Diesal being the professional that he is, did his part, but he may as well have been fucking one of those inflatable sex dolls, it may have made for a more interesting scene.

I'm sorry I stayed up to watch this one, but I should have known.

You are correct Jason that you should have known better. I've been skipping the current updates that feature only the "retreads", (except of course for one of my personal favorites, the lovely Mike Robbins :001_tt2:). I do agree with you that Ashton is a pretty boy, but definitely gives the appearance of a "coke whore". I will skip this scene too.

The scenes that we are now seeing are apparently the one's that they choose to skip showing us in order, when the new HD series was unveiled. My guess is that when the business decision was made for David to cease producing new episodes, Mark and company decided to release the leftovers that were literally in the bottle of the barrel.

January is approximately three weeks away, and while Mark did not give us an exact date for the "New" Broke Straight Boys series to begin, I believe that he said early in the New Year. Hopefully "Santa Mark" will have some wonderful shiny new presents for us in our stocking. :001_smile:
Hi Guys,

I try not to say anything negative here because for the most part i like the site and forum but i agree with something Ashton said " I just can't wait for this to be over". This to me was no hot and a waste of you guys money. Ashton as much as he is a real hottie looked like he was out of it and Diesal did his job but he looked a bit disinterested.

MikeYank i am originally from Brooklyn.....lived in Bushwick, Bayridge , and moved out to Long Island in 1983 from Bensonhurst.

Tony fro LINY
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Bah! Humbug!

All righty then...

This is one episode that should have stayed in the vault, labeled as "Never to be seen"

Just two guys going thru the motions.

Ashton had been partying for days, he had a bad case of the cokehead's sniffles. This is not the first time he has come to work like that and I am surprised that Broke Straight Boys puts up with it. If I'm going to pay you 1500.00, I want you alert and focused so as to produce a good product. I'll admit he has an awesome body, but not much else. He's just a boy whore that will do anything for money. Not sure how much longer that gravy train will last for him, youth is fleeting, and beauty fades fast.

Diesal being the professional that he is, did his part, but he may as well have been fucking one of those inflatable sex dolls, it may have made for a more interesting scene.

I'm sorry I stayed up to watch this one, but I should have known.


Dear Jason,

Your cautionary words " Not sure how much longer that gravy train will last for him, youth is fleeting, and beauty fades fast" rings so very true here with Ashton. This episode really needed to be destroyed rather than allocated to the bottom of the barrel. It seems this scene was more about Ashton's whoring around for the money, than offering anything sexually appealing to watch. One would have hoped that, once assualted by Diesal's massive dick, Ashton would have had all of his buttons pushed and to the maximum extent. "But the show must go on" mantra seems all that applies to this limp dicked performance coming from Ashton. It seems he has so overused his sexual inclinations that he no longer produces the endorphins expected from a 20 year old. What a sad and unnecessary waste of a once sexy model.

You are correct Jason that you should have known better. I've been skipping the current updates that feature only the "retreads", (except of course for one of my personal favorites, the lovely Mike Robbins :001_tt2:). I do agree with you that Ashton is a pretty boy, but definitely gives the appearance of a "coke whore". I will skip this scene too.

The scenes that we are now seeing are apparently the one's that they choose to skip showing us in order, when the new HD series was unveiled. My guess is that when the business decision was made for David to cease producing new episodes, Mark and company decided to release the leftovers that were literally in the bottle of the barrel.

January is approximately three weeks away, and while Mark did not give us an exact date for the "New" Broke Straight Boys series to begin, I believe that he said early in the New Year. Hopefully "Santa Mark" will have some wonderful shiny new presents for us in our stocking. :001_smile:

Dear Mikeyank,

This is proof that there is nothing sexy about a "coke whore" and evey the mighty dick of Diesal falls short of putting Ashton under its spell. Such a pity! It reminds me of the last time I saw Maverick on an episode on one of the bonus sites, he was suffering similarly with his nose running and his mental sharpness in disarray and looking almost like a cast-away unlike his former glorious self. So sad, so very sad! So sad for the both of them! It seems that there is a price to pay when living a life that goes completely against your natural inclinations! And for what? The almighty dollar?

With the bar now set so very low, it should be relatively easy to win over loyal subscribers to the new Broke Straight Boys

Bah! Humbug! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0gaVXsqN6A

Not exactly my Christmas sentiments but historically accurate, at least.

Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
Mike, Stimpy, et al.
I'll admit that the lack of either Diesal or Ashton getting fully hard, as well Ashton’s pain (that never is a turn-on for me) was a disappointment,. That having been said, I did enjoy the repartee between the two boys. It was fun and funny. It reminded me of the San Diego 7/2010 Behind the Scenes video with Aiden, Austin and Diesal. The line I loved was between Austin and Diesal, supposedly cousins, when Diesal is getting head from Austin, and Diesal says, “Wait until Aunt Peggy hears about this!”
It is that humor between actors that makes Broke Straight Boys seem more real, rather than the “slam bam, thank you ma’am/boy” that we find on other sites.
Maybe it is just the holiday season or my state of mind, but today the funny exchanges between the two guys, rather than hot sex, was what I needed - “This is the size of a loaf of bread”, “This is what you get when you go to Subway, $5 foot long” had me laughing throughout the first portion.
Tomorrow, or maybe in 5 minutes, I'll need the hot sex, but for right now, this one was OK, not a keeper, but OK.
Mike, Stimpy, et al.
I'll admit that the lack of either Diesal or Ashton getting fully hard, as well Ashton’s pain (that never is a turn-on for me) was a disappointment,. That having been said, I did enjoy the repartee between the two boys. It was fun and funny. It reminded me of the San Diego 7/2010 Behind the Scenes video with Aiden, Austin and Diesal. The line I loved was between Austin and Diesal, supposedly cousins, when Diesal is getting head from Austin, and Diesal says, “Wait until Aunt Peggy hears about this!”
It is that humor between actors that makes Broke Straight Boys seem more real, rather than the “slam bam, thank you ma’am/boy” that we find on other sites.
Maybe it is just the holiday season or my state of mind, but today the funny exchanges between the two guys, rather than hot sex, was what I needed - “This is the size of a loaf of bread”, “This is what you get when you go to Subway, $5 foot long” had me laughing throughout the first portion.
Tomorrow, or maybe in 5 minutes, I'll need the hot sex, but for right now, this one was OK, not a keeper, but OK.

I'll give you that one Jeff, the start-up was fun and funny, would have made for a good bloopers reel.

Now there's a thought! - J
I thought this was a good match-up. I agree with most of everyone's comments, but I liked this shoot. When the models are laughing with each other, then the are comfortable with each. They seem to get along great, so I can overlook Ashton's burn out.
I did not think it was the greatest scene I have ever seen on Broke Straight Boys I will also say that Ashton was a little out of it. I just think that there may not have been a lot of chemistry with Diesal and Ashton durring the fucking.

I do understand what it is like to not be able to get hard because of not being into what is going on in the scene. I had two partners that only seemed to want sex. One was female and one was male. None the less, there were times that even at age 20 I had more pressing things on my mind and I could not get hard for sex. I just wanted to sleep or take care of something else. I have also been with a number of straight guys that could not get hard because they were just not into it at that moment. Maybe I am kind of odd. I mean I enjoy sex but sex has never been a huge driving force in my life.

I was exposed to chemical agents in the service and about two or three times a year I am now prone to sinusitis and allergy related sinus issues. So, sniffles are common during those times. Also, stress can lower the body’s immune system. Yes, that can happen from over partying. I understand that young men party a lot too. Having worked in drug and alcohol; I understand that these perceptions could be justified. I am usually one to give people the benefit of doubt.

I think that sometimes life catches everyone by surprise. Jobs are scarse out there these days and people are being forced to make concessions that ordinarily they would not have to these days. A few weeks back I was in a panic struggling to find emergency work. The state just decided to license massage therapists. So, I have had to stop that part of my own business until I get that from the state. I applied for my emergency teaching credentials to go back and teach school as a sub. Again, that process takes about 4-6 weeks in my state. My regular 35 hr a week part-time job announced cut backs. I was cut to 18 hrs. a week. At the same time my new land lord wanted me to move out of my bedroom for renovations to bring the house up to new code standards occupancy in my basement appartment. I went crazy to regain control over my life. I lost financial security, and I was displaced in my own home. Hey, in life these things happen. I looked for a new home for my dog and tried to find a placement for my developmentally challenged brother and I took on a bunch of little one day part-time jobs through a temp agency and applied for dishwashing jobs at area resturants. Needless to say those three weeks had my head spinning. I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually drained. I don't hink I could have had sex if I tried. In fact, I did not even JO durring that time. I was so stressed I could barely sleep. The dust still has not completely settled but I surrendered where I had to to survive and I am making do.

I don't have a clue what Ashton has been going through and the fact that he is primarily straight makes sense to me that he may have performance issues. So, I kind of gave Ashton the benefit of the duobt in this episode. I also gave him kudos for taking on Diesal under the circumstances. They appeared to be having a good time up until Ashton was fucked.
Dear Jayman, With all due respect to you and your need to always try and find the silver lining to every dark cloud, I have to disagree on your assessment of this particular situation, Ashton admitted that he had been up for days. That usually does not happen to a healthy individual without chemical assistance. I also know that going on a chemical binge like that can cause temporary impotency.
He also stated that he had been robbed recently, but he had the foresight during the mugging to think ahead and not get in an altercation that could mar his pretty face and cost him some film work dollars. Why did he not have the same foresight to rest up and come to the shoot, refreshed and prepared to give a good perormance for the money he is getting paid. Most of us that go to work have to perform our duties well, we don't get paid just to show up. I can understand a "straight" guy having performance issues with gay sex. CJ comes to mind, he could not get hard to top, but he gave it his all when bottoming and rarely disappointed us with a limp dick while getting fucked, even when he was phoning it in.

You are correct when you say that times are hard and the job market is tough out there, but most of us do not choose to do porn to get us by. You describe your particular situation and the mad scramble you had to find jobs to keep the lights on, a roof over your head and food on the table and for that you have my utter respect. But to equate your situation to that of Ashton's is ludacris. I am all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but you can only push it so far before you make a fool of those that beleive in you. $1500.00, real or imagined is more than many hard working individuals make in a month in this country, for someone to get offered that much for a couple hours of work and then takes it for granted is just so wrong.

Just my opinion - Jason
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Dear Jayman, With all due respect to you and your need to always try and find the silver lining to every dark cloud, I have to disagree on your assessment of this particular situation, Ashton admitted that he had been up for days. That usually does not happen to a healthy individual without chemical assistance. I also know that going on a chemical binge like that can cause temporary impotency.
He also stated that he had been robbed recently, but he had the foresight during the mugging to think ahead and not get in an altercation that could mar his pretty face and cost him some film work dollars. Why did he not have the same foresight to rest up and come to the shoot, refreshed and prepared to give a good perormance for the money he is getting paid. Most of us that go to work have to perform our duties well, we don't get paid just to show up. I can understand a "straight" guy having performance issues with gay sex. CJ comes to mind, he could not get hard to top, but he gave it his all when bottoming and rarely disappointed us with a limp dick while getting fucked, even when he was phoning it in.

You are correct when you say that times are hard and the job market is tough out there, but most of us do not choose to do porn to get us by. You describe your particular situation and the mad scramble you had to find jobs to keep the lights on, a roof over your head and food on the table and for that you have my utter respect. But to equate your situation to that of Ashton's is ludacris. I am all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but you can only push it so far before you make a fool of those that beleive in you. $1500.00, real or imagined is more than many hard working individuals make in a month in this country, for someone to get offered that much for a couple hours of work and then takes it for granted is just so wrong.

Just my opinion - Jason

JasonZ, you are so right. I caught all of that to. Yes, I am an eternal optimist. I give you that. I am not naive either. I worked as an HIV/AIDS case manager, I worked as a mental health and mental retardation caseworker, and I worked as a counselor at a major drug and alcohol treatment center and have about 15 years experience in the field of health and human service. So, I do not discount your opinion. You may have hit the nail on the head. However; until I conduct a proper biopsychsocial assessment I have learned to never jump to conclusions. Which in this case will probably never happen. (LOL) I just know that there can be other reasons for what was going on. Many people while under high stress can become temporarily or even permanently manic depressive (Bi-polar). Bi-polar meds can also cause impotency.

I relate what some of these guys are doing here to my own life growing up. I grew up in a very poor area of my community where people would even shoot heroin right there on the corner. I had always been fortunate enough to avoid being mugged for my money though. I grew up in the slums and early on I worked as a stripper and worked as an escort to make extra cash. I know all to well the pressures out there. I also worked my way out of that mess and served as a Presidential guard in the service and competed in Olympic competition wrestling. From the time I was 25 until I was 38 I held one full-time job and three part-time ones. Many days I looked dead to the world. My father had died and I took it upon myself to help my family. It was my choice. But when my mom died, I knew all of that was worth it. I knew I did my best to help my family. I did it all with out drugs, alcohol, coffee, or cigarettes. I recently completed my Masters too. Many family and friends questioned how I managed to keep up with a schedule like that. It guess it just takes a lot of tenacity and internal fortitude.

You ask a lot of great questions that I do not have the answers to either. I never said you were wrong. I just said I gave him the benefit of doubt.:thumbup:
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This was not what i call hot! Ashton i find is pretty and his body art gives him a hard edge. He also has an outgoing laid back personality - though sometimes it maybe drug induced.I don't like to see the guys in pain - and unfortuately dicks the size of diesal do cause pain. I would like to see Ashton again with scenes that he can handle - he is cute despite his faults!
I agree with everyone that this was a lousy waste of videotape.

May I also add that I'm really getting tired of David's non-stop talking. Before, he would talk at the beginning for the set-up, which was fine, but now, he talks incessantly and ad nauseum throughout the entire video. This current episode runs 26:06. You would at first think, once you've downloaded it, that, wow ... this is gonna be great! Almost a half-hour of hot sex (which is what we're paying for.) But no ... it's nothing but, yak, yak, yak, and more yak. (Don't get me started on how tired I am of hearing David say, "Breathe." As if it's some kind of zen thing that instantly unlocks the delights of bottoming.) If you were to edit out all of the blabbing in this video, you'd probably be left with about 12 minutes of sex ... AND IT WOULD STILL BE A LOUSY VIDEO!

To sum up:

1. Stop wasting episodes on these guys that don't want to do an honest performance.

Ashton, you need to get into residential treatment before you die. No more hanging out in areas where you will get robbed by crackheads. No more sticking needles in your penis to make money or staying up for days or weeks at a time. Just the risks of having white supremist tatts while having anal sex for viewing on the internet, it's like a deathwish. You're asking to be greenlighted, dude. You need to get that ink removed before some homophobic peckerwood takes offense. You're killing yourself, and you deserve so much better. You're worth more than that. Stop letting everyone use you, focus on you, and get cleaned up.
David's compliment to Diesal was, I believe, more of a message to Ashton than it was to the rest of us. It was nice to hear that Diesal had matured and had become a responsible individual. But, David's comment seemed to come out of nowhere and I can't help but think it was the result of his frustration and possibly even his concern for Ashton. Even if this is just the figment of my imagination, it was something Ashton should have heard loud and clear.
David's comments to Diesal just sounded like an extension of his model interview. Perhaps this update was shot around that time and that is why the same observations of Diesal's maturity were brought up. I just may add it was uncomfortable watching Diesal get complimented while he was trying suck dick. You can tell he sincerely wanted to thank David for the compliements but was totally uncomfortable at that moment with another guy's cock in his hand and mouth....

I thought the update was interesting. They always give you insight and another piece of the puzzle, even if they don't tickle your fancy.
JasonZ, you are so right. I caught all of that to. Yes, I am an eternal optimist. I give you that. I am not naive either. I worked as an HIV/AIDS case manager, I worked as a mental health and mental retardation caseworker, and I worked as a counselor at a major drug and alcohol treatment center and have about 15 years experience in the field of health and human service. So, I do not discount your opinion. You may have hit the nail on the head. However; until I conduct a proper biopsychsocial assessment I have learned to never jump to conclusions. Which in this case will probably never happen. (LOL) I just know that there can be other reasons for what was going on. Many people while under high stress can become temporarily or even permanently manic depressive (Bi-polar). Bi-polar meds can also cause impotency.

I relate what some of these guys are doing here to my own life growing up. I grew up in a very poor area of my community where people would even shoot heroin right there on the corner. I had always been fortunate enough to avoid being mugged for my money though. I grew up in the slums and early on I worked as a stripper and worked as an escort to make extra cash. I know all to well the pressures out there. I also worked my way out of that mess and served as a Presidential guard in the service and competed in Olympic competition wrestling. From the time I was 25 until I was 38 I held one full-time job and three part-time ones. Many days I looked dead to the world. My father had died and I took it upon myself to help my family. It was my choice. But when my mom died, I knew all of that was worth it. I knew I did my best to help my family. I did it all with out drugs, alcohol, coffee, or cigarettes. I recently completed my Masters too. Many family and friends questioned how I managed to keep up with a schedule like that. It guess it just takes a lot of tenacity and internal fortitude.

You ask a lot of great questions that I do not have the answers to either. I never said you were wrong. I just said I gave him the benefit of doubt.:thumbup:

You & I think alike jayman. I actually liked this episode & he never said he was up for days as jasonaz said as I went back over it. Also it was not ludicrous (spelled right here) as he said but a real life look into peoples' lives and as you said jayman you don't know what people go through to make it & porn isn't usually a choice you make to get into as I personally know a few young actors as some are swept up by producers looking for fresh or guys really struggling. Drugs are a fact of life & not going to go away & soon people will realize that. I really liked the more mature repartee than the giggles of my famous target. It was sad because you could tell that David knew the end was coming so it wasn't either that they purposely shoved it to the back for being a poor episode. I want Ashton back. He is one to give a real life feel to these episodes and I would get scared, not get hard & run away from the $1500 no matter how much I needed it.I can hear the wimp comments already but Ashton you are a man & dealing with all the pressures I think you did a great job!:001_tongue:
By the way, with almost no one particularly happy with this episode, who the hell voted high enough to give it at least a 4 ?!?!? In the past, someone suggested that the ballot box was being "stuffed" to get people to watch the left-over episodes, and I think he was right. If January doesn't show the promised changes, this may be the next site hitting the road. I can't believe that I'm still paying for a subscription...