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Well-known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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okay so...
I want to apologize to jwglass, my comment was rude, disrespectful, and mean
I am sorry it was just the heat of the moment. I feel terrible.
also to tyler for saying what I did.
next time just think about what you say before you say it. people like me and tyler have both had to deal with quite a bit in our lives. you need to remember that with some people, each negative comment you make might bring them closer and closer to their breaking point. this is just a forum, so i was able to get out my initial anger fairly easily. there was a time when having that comment made towards me in person or anywhere would have pushed me over the edge. luckily due to the support of the other members, years of me dealing with immaturity, and the interjection of your buddy to dilute the situation your comment did very little. anyhow, i just really hope that you saw the power of your words in this whole situation. im not trying to rub your face in what youve done but you might want to also issue an apalogy to mark and david.
but thank you for the apalogy, sorry i forgot to put that in the first post
Hey Kodaa

What you did was wrong but you showed a lot of courage to come back and apologise. Good on you for doing the right thing it isn't always an easy thing to do but it is definitely the right thing to do. :001_smile:
Hey Kodaa

What you did was wrong but you showed a lot of courage to come back and apologise. Good on you for doing the right thing it isn't always an easy thing to do but it is definitely the right thing to do. :001_smile:

couldnt have said it better myself.
okay so...
I want to apologize to jwglass, my comment was rude, disrespectful, and mean
I am sorry it was just the heat of the moment. I feel terrible.
also to tyler for saying what I did.


That took some courage to come out and apologize. It is not easy to do, but you know that in the long run, doing the right thing, no matter how difficult is the mark of a leader. Unfortunately, it happens to all of us at one time or another. But if you can recognize it, admit it and come clean from it, it only makes you look stronger.

Peace my friend,

Live Long and Prosper,

okay so...
I want to apologize to jwglass, my comment was rude, disrespectful, and mean
I am sorry it was just the heat of the moment. I feel terrible.
also to tyler for saying what I did.


It took courage for you to come forward on this and I applaud you for doing so. It is not an easy thing to do. Unfortunately this happens to all of us at one point in time or another. Recognizing that you have said/done something in error and coming to terms with it via an apology only makes you stronger and allows others to respect you. And in your heart and mind you will feel peace.

Peace My Friend,

Live Long and Prosper,

Kyle dude, how are you getting on? Are you still thinking about modeling with another gay adult studio?

With regard to your apology, it was nice but maybe not necessary. You could tell from his answers that JW had already got over it. In fact I'm betting we had all thought you wouldn't crop up on the forum again. So the best thing about this is that we heard from you after not expecting to, and got to read JW being the terrific guy he is.

Say hi to Steve. I have to get into my email because I'm sure he's written.
Kyle dude, how are you getting on? Are you still thinking about modeling with another gay adult studio?

With regard to your apology, it was nice but maybe not necessary. You could tell from his answers that JW had already got over it. In fact I'm betting we had all thought you wouldn't crop up on the forum again. So the best thing about this is that we heard from you after not expecting to, and got to read JW being the terrific guy he is.

Say hi to Steve. I have to get into my email because I'm sure he's written.

aw slim youre a sweet heart! btw im not always a great guy, so if any of you bitches think that you can cross me and get off easy, think again, forumites this is your final warning, dont fuck with me! lol

jk! im easy going, with the help of devils lettuce and my process into achieving enlightenment through zen buddhism...
btw im not always a great guy, so if any of you bitches think that you can cross me and get off easy, think again, forumites this is your final warning, dont fuck with me! lol

hahaha I fuckin' love reading your posts!
hahaha I fuckin' love reading your posts!

HAHA youre like the billionth person to tell me that, im just being me, i used to think i need to learn to edit before i hit submit, but i guess its working for me!
awe! youre all so sweet, to all my loyal fans, you have made everything possible!
you rock JW, you are an awesome guy. Your posts always have me smiling :thumbup:

I couldn't agree with Wantto more, JW. Your path in life has not been an easy one. But because of that you are the stronger for it.
okay so...
I want to apologize to jwglass, my comment was rude, disrespectful, and mean
I am sorry it was just the heat of the moment. I feel terrible.
also to tyler for saying what I did.

Dear Koda,

I have had minimal access to my computer over the last few days so I just now found your thread and post. I am very proud of you for doing for the right thing and apologizing. Your comments to JW in particular were pretty awful. You did good by seeing the error of your ways. I know that you (and Smoore) were very angry and hurt by the way things played out. And of course I'm sorry about it also. I so wish things could have gone differently...

Again, I'm very proud of you. That after all the emotions you have gone through in a short period of time... that you are choosing to wind down your time in here by showing maturity and class.

Vicekid and Wantto are absolutely right. Having the courage to admit when you make a mistake in anger, and owning up to it, doesn't show weakness. It shows strength and courage. And it earns you a measure of respect.
when i wake up every morning, fat and ugly, i tell myself that i simply redefine beauty. there was a time in high school where it seemed so dark that i was walking through an everlasting tunnel with no light at the end, i almost didnt make it. between being gay and looking different from everyone else, there wasnt a day that went by i didnt want to end it all. it took college to help me realize that life outside of high school is so much brighter. i almost changed my major to psychology because one of my dreams has always been to help others not feel the way i did. too many gay teens kill themselves for fear of rejection. the reason i didnt kill myself is because someone i knew beat me to it. it helped me wake up. i wouldnt say my life was all that much harder from kyles, he needs to attention and love that i looked for. its for this reason that we, being the gay community, needs to realize that what we say and do to others can tip the scales in either direction, the death of my friend tipped me the other way, but one more negative comment the day before he shot himself in the chest in front of his family, and i could have been in his shoes.

sorry, i didnt mean to steal the thread away, but its just something that really wanted to get out of me, so i said it.
You can hijack the thread any time JW. lol

I'm glad that were able to pull yourself through that tunnel and reach the other side. :wink:
it just took some time and work, but not everyone makes it, and that breaks my heart
Appreciate what you've gone through JW, but we shouldn't have to tread on eggshells when making comments within a gay sites forum. There are sites specifically designed to deal with the issues you have stated above, where there are allegedly, professional people to help one get through such times.

Back on thread, was this a general apology to all the members Kooda upset/name called, or was it just a personal one to yourself.
when i wake up every morning, fat and ugly, i tell myself that i simply redefine beauty. there was a time in high school where it seemed so dark that i was walking through an everlasting tunnel with no light at the end, i almost didnt make it. between being gay and looking different from everyone else, there wasnt a day that went by i didnt want to end it all. it took college to help me realize that life outside of high school is so much brighter. i almost changed my major to psychology because one of my dreams has always been to help others not feel the way i did. too many gay teens kill themselves for fear of rejection. the reason i didnt kill myself is because someone i knew beat me to it. it helped me wake up. i wouldnt say my life was all that much harder from kyles, he needs to attention and love that i looked for. its for this reason that we, being the gay community, needs to realize that what we say and do to others can tip the scales in either direction, the death of my friend tipped me the other way, but one more negative comment the day before he shot himself in the chest in front of his family, and i could have been in his shoes.

sorry, i didnt mean to steal the thread away, but its just something that really wanted to get out of me, so i said it.
That is a very sad story, and I'm glad that you have made it and didn't do anything drastic as your friend did.

But I'd like to make two points. First, you cannot let the comments of others be an excuse to do something rash and foolish, as committing suicide is. Now that you are an adult, you must realize that people who make stupid insulting comments, are only trying to camouflage their own insecurities by taking it out on someone else. And certainly do not take any comments made on an Internet forum, such as this one seriously. Don't let anonymous comments by someone who may not even be who he says he is affect your real life.

The other point is that you call yourself fat and ugly. You are not ugly at all, as you have posted your face both in and out of drag. And being fat is something that you can change. I was an overweight teen and into my twenties too. However after repeated diet successes that later lead to putting weight back, I finally found the proper balance of foods that would maintain a healthy weight. I go to a gym regularly, and while I occasionally indulge in food's that I shouldn't, as I love sweets and junk food, I monitor my weight, and I've now maintained a healthy weight for the past thirty years or so.

I know that being overweight is a crutch, and an excuse for not being happy, but you can control your weight if you truly want to, and have a great body too, if you work hard for it. Life can be a difficult journey, but ultimately we are the captains of our own ship, and we can control a lot more in our lives, than we sometimes want to admit. And when necessary, talking to a counselor or a shrink can be very beneficial too, to learn more about ourselves.

I don't mean to preach, but you are a thoughtful wonderful person JW, and as an older guy, I just wanted to let you know that you can change some aspects of your life that you can control, and you should learn to accept the things that you can't control. But life is too beautiful, and too short to lament over your plight. I hope this has been some helpful insight, from someone who has been where you are at now.