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Anyone Want to Talk About the Future of the Euro


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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This is a hot topic on many gay porn sites. Just thought I would bring it here on Broke Straight Boys My thinking is the 17 country Euro group is not going to work. Germany is going to leave. That means that the PIIGS boys are going to be cheaper. Broke Straight Boys should film in Europe.
One would think that at my age and looking at my ragged ass passport, I would know what in this world a PIIGS boy is in Germany but alas such is not the case. Those forumites who have tasted this worldly pleasure would do a kind favor to expand upon the definition of just who and what they are before I board. Thanks again, my sweeties.
Rrj3md, the PIIGS are countries: Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

These economies perform by far not as good as the northern European countries.

If the Euro collapses it would send shock waves through the world economy as never been seen before.

Let's hope and pray the Euro won't fall and does have a future.
If the Euro collapses it would send shock waves through the world economy as never been seen before.

Let's hope and pray the Euro won't fall and does have a future.

I agree Robert. I wish I could be more optimistic but I think it will reach a crisis point. At that point Germany and France will either have to decide if they are all in or if they are bailing on the Euro. The problem won't be solved with half measures. No matter how much they would wish it so. Bailing on the Euro would have disastrous consequences for them in the short term also.

Going all in on the euro would mean that the taxpayers of Germany and France and the northern economies will agree to be on the hook for the gargantuan debts of Ireland and the Mediterranean countries. They have no good choices right now.

Having lived in Europe and having traveled to most of these countries mentioned above (minus Ireland) I sincerely wish them well. I want very much to see them succeed and provide a good standard of living for their people.
i don't understand this issue at all.
aren't the german people being ask to back every other european nation's bonds, with no way to prevent bad debt.
put in a way my simple mind can understand it.
what europe is experiencing, it why the country has its constitution.
without it over time states like texas would be called upon to back mississippi debt.
That's basically right Another1. The countries that have played by the rules and not run up huge debts are now being asked to pay for the mistakes, incompetence and and sometimes outright corruption of other countries. And as it stands right now even if those wealthier countries agreed to take on the debts of the near bankrupt countries there are no mechanisms in place to keep those same countries from doing it again.
The U.S. is a Federal Republic with a central bank (The Federal Reserve). The 17 Euro countries are independent nations with a central bank (The ECB). The ECB probably controls monetary policy to some degree, but may not be as powerful as our Fed. When it comes to fiscal policy, each of the the 17 countries deal with that on their own. And that is where the problems arise. I think steps have been taken to correct this, but is it too late and will all countries be able and willing to do what needs to be done. As it stands now, I guess the country(s) that have been careful and responsible are being asked to bail out the others.

I think two of our regular posters live in Europe - Robert and Slim. Let me know if I am close to being correct here. Slim is rich, by the way. He owned an awesome French coup back in the day.
The issue of individual sovereignty for each country of the EU (especially in regards to spending) has been one of the most controversial aspects of this whole experiment of European integration. Is any country willing to be told by some parliament in Brussels how much money they are allowed to spend per year for their own citizens, and their own interests, in their part of the world?
Wouldn't it be better just to let things go as there are and let the cards fall wherever. Stop the bailouts of failing economies and let them fail. Start over and learn from the mistakes of the past. This "too big-to-fail" is an excuse to throw someone's hard-earned money at bad business decisions. Lets bear the unbearable and endure the difficulties but have a new future based on wiser decisions. Worst things have happen to Europe than the failure of the Euro like the Black Death.
Wouldn't it be better just to let things go as there are and let the cards fall wherever. Stop the bailouts of failing economies and let them fail. Start over and learn from the mistakes of the past. This "too big-to-fail" is an excuse to throw someone's hard-earned money at bad business decisions. Lets bear the unbearable and endure the difficulties but have a new future based on wiser decisions. Worst things have happen to Europe than the failure of the Euro like the Black Death.

You are right where German and French taxpayers are right now Angelone. As they sit in their homes paying their own bills every month and not making reckless financial choices, that's exactly what's going through their minds. Why should my tax Euros be spent on bailouts for these (sometimes corrupt) definitely poorly managed, bankrupt economies of other countries? Why should that be MY problem to solve?!
I have given up the market; I have been investing heavily in gold and silver. Have been really surprised on how gold has been going down and tempted to buy more. But it did regain half of its initial losses today. Silver so far bought to much too high. But expect if and when our economy improves more silver will be needed in the market place but I think this will take a long time. I cannot decide who is controlling all this; we all know we are pawns in the hands of much more wealthy and secretive groups of finer gentlemen. 70% of the banking institutions today are owned by one percent of the population. But what population? It is not the population of the United States but in my opinion the population that means to create a new world order and economy. Which will mean loss of what, we as Americans, have always cherished – our personal liberties?
i think that if any nation state fails, it comes an international problem.
the people of that state would pour into neighboring states. few nations are prepared to accommodate population shifts.
every nation has to address the question of what must be provided and how to pay for it, long term, without relying on the kindness of strangers. outsider will demand their interest be protected.
sovereign and hungry is not a good state.
@Frontier. Remember if you are buying gold and silver, you are still in the market. I think politicians of all stripes around the world are in bed with the boys and girls with money. The game is skewed toward them. The game, as currently played, may be about to change. And, as I mentioned before, I think the markets will call the shots and not our elected officials. They can't agree on the time of day.

I too recently bought some American Eagles (silver coins) and a stake in gold through an ETF (GLD). It promptly went down. Way? I have not a clue. A friend of mine thinks banks need cash and are selling gold big time. Whatever, I am holding my position.
for good or for ill, the members of the euro union are part of an economic union. leaving would place you in a position of having no backup, no matter how demanding.
supporting failing economies is necessary to continue to have something or somewhere to be at the of top. the price of being influential.
an economic union bound at the hip and directed by public servants who's jobs are at the will of a transient majority.
the history of the world reveals that sometimes nations send help in the form of its armed forces, in today's world it is may be cheaper to ship the money and send a good accountant.
thinking bolivia and britain.
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Look, I don't care what happens to the Euro, and I don't care too much about the PIIG nations - as long as the European PORN industry survives! :)
i could see myself calling for more euro porn. sent videos of your boys doing touching each other. your home and homeland depend upon it. a hungry world needs your boys.
intercourse is always the answer. sexual or commercial.
long live euro porn!