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Anti-Gay laws and their significance in Russia today


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
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I just yesterday saw a clip on CNN about the institutional Gay Bashing and assaults becoming a way of life in Russia since the passage of Putin's legal agenda for restrictions rights for Gays in Russia today. This was also further backed up with the help from some of the Russian Orthodox clergy. Then, just like when the KKK was getting a strong hold in the US by defining who are the losers, the Neo Nazi groups are growing leaps and bounds filled with disaffected youth with minimal job skills, who largely missed out on the economic opportunities in Russia existing shortly after Communism was abandoned and the Communist party no longer had influence. Now these Neo-Nazi's are amassing a following of some 100,000 strong and picking up the Anti-Gay Torch to make sure to attract even more new recruits of Gay Bashers, while Moscow turns a blind eye to the evil.

I would like for you to take a few minutes to watch this clip:

I ask that you think about what you can do to show support for our Gay athletes at the Winter Olympic Games at Sochi. Also think of the three brave lesbian President Obama selected to show our athletes that they are not alone! These three Great Ladies deserve our full support while they are away representing our dislike for the Anti-Gay laws Putin had passed just in time for these events! Perhaps he thought this would put our athletes at some mental and physical advantage to further enhance the Russian Athlete's "HOME COURT ADVANTAGE" WHILE AT THE GAMES!

Sincerely hope all are safe and have their performance unaffected,

Watch the following to have a better idea how to help

This video provides new insights to those that would like to help in some way. Even just having a better understanding is in my mind helping the Gays in Russia in some way:

There seems to be a growing resurgence of hate groups abroad and that could well hit home with greater financial struggles of the young nationwide. As young people growing up, it seems we all look for a plausible scapegoat, and we should all hope that does not happen again here. Hate groups are still around but more subdued for now. Reasonably speaking, all of this could change depending on the world and/or national economies.


Russian President Putin links gays to pedophiles


Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at his meeting with Olympic volunteers in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, Friday, Jan. 17, 2014. Putin says gays should feel welcome at the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, but they must "leave the children in peace." Putin told volunteers Friday that gays visiting Sochi "can feel calm and at ease," and vowed that there would be no discrimination at the games. But he emphasized that, according to a law banning homosexual "propaganda" among minors, gays cannot express their views on gay rights issues to anyone underage. (

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered new assurances to gay athletes and fans attending the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics next month. Yet he defended Russia's anti-gay law by equating gays with pedophiles and said Russia needs to "cleanse" itself of homosexuality if it wants to increase its birth rate.

Putin's comments in an interview broadcast Sunday with Russian and foreign television stations showed the wide gulf between the perception of homosexuality in Russia versus the West.

A Russian law passed last year banning "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" among minors has caused an international outcry.

Putin refused to answer a question from the BBC on whether he believes that people are born gay or become gay. The Russian law, however, suggests that information about homosexuality can influence a child's sexual orientation.

The law has contributed to growing animosity toward gays in Russian society, with rights activists reporting a rise in harassment and abuse.

International worries about how gays will be treated in Sochi have been met with assurances from Russian officials and Olympics organizers that there will be no discrimination, and Putin reiterated that stance.

"There are no fears for people with this nontraditional orientation who plan to come to Sochi as guests or participants," Putin declared in the TV interview.

He said the law was aimed at banning propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia, suggesting that gays are more likely to abuse children.

Making another favorite argument against homosexuality, Putin noted with pride that Russia saw more births than deaths last year for the first time in two decades. Population growth is vital for Russia's development and "anything that gets in the way of that we should clean up," he said, using a word usually reserved for military operations.

The law on propaganda has been used to justify barring gay pride rallies on the grounds that children might see them. This has raised the question of how athletes and fans would be treated for any gay-rights protests during the Olympics.

When asked about this by the ABC TV channel, Putin said protests against the law itself would not be considered propaganda.

Putin then hit back, accusing the United States of double standards in its criticism of Russia, pointing to laws that remain on the books in some U.S. states classifying gay sex as a crime. The U.S. Supreme Court, however, ruled in 2003 that such laws were unconstitutional.

Homosexuality was a crime in the entire former Soviet Union, which collapsed in 1991. It was decriminalized in Russia in 1993.

The Sochi Winter Olympics run Feb. 7-23.

Sincerely concerned for our gay athletes,

Many areas are moving backwards in the fight for equality. India has passed a law making it a crime to engage in gay sex with sentences of ten years in prison. Uganda passed their 'kill the gays' law which replaced the death penalty with life in imprisonment. Nigeria passed a similar law with long prison sentences as well.

The reason for all of this is the Christian Fundamentalist movement sees they are losing the battle in the US now so they are going overseas and spewing their hate there. They have an audience that needs scapegoats for their many problems (mainly economic and social issues). Instead of trying to fix the problems, let's blame the gays and throw them in prison. It worked so well in the past so why not now?

The thing is we need to call these religious groups in the US for supporting these laws in Russia and Africa and take away their tax free status. Last I checked, I pay taxes and those taxes are used to support those churches through many services.

The Republican Party needs to grow a pair of balls and stand up to the hate. We finally see Democrats getting what appears to be a spine, so now we have to turn up the heat on the other side.

A plurality of Americans support gay marriage now and that means it won't go back to the old ways here. The state constitutional bans are being knocked down one by one and soon all 50 states will have marriage equality.
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