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An apology to all our forum members!

Sometimes one chooses ones battles. The battle in here for pseudo intellectual banter is really not worth the time. Are there better matters that might be occupying your superior intellects than ranting on a porn site?
Not an advocate of the First Amendment I take it? I have heard of "cat houses." Is your "cat room" anything like those places? "Cat houses" were famous in New Orleans. A lot of good piano players got started in those places.

See here is a great example, I misspelled the word "chat" and someone has to make themselves feel big by pointing it out. I hope you feel good. Oh I see you are a seinor member too. What a way to set an example.
Sometimes one chooses ones battles. The battle in here for pseudo intellectual banter is really not worth the time. Are there better matters that might be occupying your superior intellects than ranting on a porn site?

Man do I ever Love you. You always say what you mean in a few short sentences. I can really espect that. It is a true gift.
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Ditto, Jayman! I'm of average intelligence (although some would argue I'm below that, LOL!) , but we are all here for the same reason. Porn! As Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?" Scaring people off this forum is just, um, unpleasant. I want to hear from EVERYONE!! I apologize if I offended anyone. That is not my intent.............
Sometimes one chooses ones battles. The battle in here for pseudo intellectual banter is really not worth the time. Are there better matters that might be occupying your superior intellects than ranting on a porn site?
At the top of this page there is a heading that says "General Chat Forum (not membership site related)." That means that this Forum is for "general" discussion about anything, not just porn. The other Chat Forum appears to be exlcusively for porn discussion, see "Membership Site Chat, Comments & Suggestions." Just because we watch porn does not mean that we think of nothing else that is worth sharing.
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Sometimes one chooses ones battles. The battle in here for pseudo intellectual banter is really not worth the time. Are there better matters that might be occupying your superior intellects than ranting on a porn site?

That's occurred to me too. It began with an offhand jibe at the wretched prose quality in the episode stories and has gone way OTT. I'm not gonna stop since this is the best contact I have with several of you guys, but there's a site called guys4men.com that actually fosters vigorous and varied forum discussions at a number of different intellectual levels, a lot of it confrontational, from kindergarten to MENSA. I'm a member, with dick pix and all.

That's occurred to me too. It began with an offhand jibe at the wretched prose quality in the episode stories and has gone way OTT. I'm not gonna stop since this is the best contact I have with several of you guys, but there's a site called guys4men.com that actually fosters vigorous and varied forum discussions at a number of different intellectual levels, a lot of it confrontational, from kindergarten to MENSA. I'm a member, with dick pix and all.


I love the photos. Thanks for sharing. Dam, Mother Nature has been very kind. You don't look a day past 30. :cool:
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I love the photos. Thanks for sharing. Dam, Mother Nature has been very kind. You don't look a day past 30. :cool:

You can prove you really mean that when we meet. Only joking. Only joking. "Piks" thanks you for the compliment. Little friends like praise too :lol: ...
You can prove you really mean that when we meet. Only joking. Only joking. "Piks" thanks you for the compliment. Little friends like praise too :lol: ...



  • calvinhobbes_laughing.jpg
    23.1 KB · Views: 47
I hope everybody will go to this thread and vote:
Poll: Do We Really Act Our Age....A Poll
I usually don't comment if I think it will insult or offend anyone, but as I have stated in another post that hopefully will remain in the dead zone, (and I will not name here either). There are times, you just have to say something to bring people to the real world and let them know how hurtful some comments are, even if they weren't meant to be when posted.
I will use myself as the example, as to not put any members on the spot. I used to be able to write short stories and poems, with great feeling and heart lifting topics, I had a great education, and was also a teacher/ tutor for many years. But ultimately, it only took two bad accidents to change all of that for me. being shot point blank in the head with a pistol, and then a bad car crash the day I got released from the hospital for the gun shot. I had suffered some brain damage from the gunshot, and had to learn to do everything all over again(eating with silverware, walking, dressing myself, think you get the idea)my mind was still in tact at that point, but couldn't control my body movements, it all had to be relearned. After seven months of being in the hospital, I was finally able to go home, and start my life again. But shortly after leaving the hospital, thee car I was in, was hit by a drunk driver on my side of the car, putting my head though the window.
I had suffered two more fractures to my skull, and this time, I lost most on my memories. I didn't know my own family at first(scary as hell), and had to learn to speak, and be taught all over again. I am still learning things to this day, that were lost when that happened to me. I have not drought that I will someday remember everything I lost, as it slowly trickles in to my thoughts day by day. I can only explain it as a constant state of confusion for me, because it is hard to know if the memory is real or not. I now work as a diesel mechanic, and build motors for big equipment. My parents tell me I have always been able to work on anything like that, but I don't remember it,, I just know how to do it all for some reason.
I guess the point of telling you about what happened to me is, to point out that not every typo, or bad form of grammar is out of laziness, or bad education, but from things some of just can't control. I'm just saying, try thinking with your heart first, and than your brain, they do work together. It is better to touch someone with a kind word of encouragement, than ridicule them for their short comings. I know, as I have been there many times since having my eyes opened by what has happened to me.
I just hope that sharing this with the people on the forum will let you see how a seeming-less Innocent comment can have such a devastating effect on another person, that you never intended to harm
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I usually don't comment if I think it will insult or offend anyone, but as I have stated in another post that hopefully will remain in the dead zone, (and I will not name here either). There are times, you just have to say something to bring people to the real world and let them know how hurtful some comments are, even if they weren't meant to be when posted.
I will use myself as the example, as to not put any members on the spot. I used to be able to write short stories and poems, with great feeling and heart lifting topics, I had a great education, and was also a teacher/ tutor for many years. But ultimately, it only took two back accidents to change all of that for me. being shot point blank in the head with a pistol, and then a bad car crash the day I got released from the hospital for the gun shot. I had suffered some brain damage from the gunshot, and had to learn to do everything all over again(eating with silverware, walking, dressing myself, think you get the idea)my mind was still in tact at that point, but couldn't control my body movements, it all had to be relearned. After seven months of being in the hospital, I was finally able to go home, and start my life again. But shortly after leaving the hospital, thee car I was in, was hit by a drunk driver on my side of the car, putting my head though the window.
I had suffered two more fractures to my skull, and this time, I lost most on my memories. I didn't know my own family at first(scary as hell), and had to learn to speak, and be taught all over again. I am still learning things to this day, that were lost when that happened to me. I have not drought that I will someday remember everything I lost, as it slowly trickles in to my thoughts day by day. I can only explain it as a constant state of confusion for me, because it is hard to know if the memory is real or not. I now work as a diesel mechanic, and build motors for big equipment. My parents tell me I have always been able to work on anything like that, but I don't remember it,, I just know how to do it all for some reason.
I guess the point of telling you about what happened to me is, to point out that not every typo, or bad form of grammar is out of laziness, or bad education, but from things some of just can't control. I'm just saying, try thinking with your heart first, and than your brain, they do work together. It is better to touch someone with a kind word of encouragement, than ridicule them for their short comings. I know, as I have been there many times since having my eyes opened by what has happened to me.
I just hope that sharing this with the people on the forum will let you see how a seeming-less Innocent comment can have such a devastating effect on another person, that you never intended to harm

Thank you for that truly inspirational story and the opportunity to know you much better. I sincerely feel priviledged that you are a great friend to all of us on the forum. Again,thank you...
Thanks Jayman & Thomas, I chairish every friend I make. Every friend adds a bit of brightness to my life, which without, I would only stumble blindly in the darkness all alone. And I have been as close to that as I ever hope to be in my life.
Great pics, BUT, c'mon now,
LITTLE? OMG I must be enny teeny weenie! Ben, you are beautiful! So is your garden of Eden, But the "snake" is as big as a boa! LOL!:lol:


:blush::blush::blush: It's just that the backdrop is lilliputian. I'm only 5'7", so obviously the dick looks bigger than it is in comparison to the body it's hooked to.

PS, I love you.