Jay, how many people born in 1902 were strong advocates for gay rights? C'mon, give the old guy a break. He was very good to the people of South Carolina, who he served for nearly 75 years as State Senator, Governor, and U.S. Senator. Actually the most prolific opponents of gays in the military during the 90's were U.S. Senator Sam Nunn (D) and U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D).
I was delighted for everything he did positively for S.C. Hey, Ididn't vote for the guy. I just wanted him to get off the backs of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgendered folks. Oh, Nun and Byrd were on my list too. Thanks for the additional facts the too. They are all spiritual beings living a human existence just like us. So, they were foulable just like we are. LOL I just feel really bad for the Karma that they created for themselves.

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