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An apology to all our forum members!


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
It has come to my attention in reading many of the post regarding other members insulting other members. We apologies for this action on this site! This forum was not intended for members to fight and insult other members due to there spelling, grammer, slang or points of view.

We have members from all over the world with many different ideas and thoughts. In addition, our members come from different economic status, education levels and what may seem ignorant to some may not be for others. We will NOT tolarant members insulting other members on this forum. Yes! things may get debated, or people may not like other opinions and everyone is entitled to there suggestions and opinions...some may agree and others may not...but to start insulting members due to there IQ, grammer, spelling, slang or level of education is just plan rude.

We welcome all kinds of people on this site as members and we encourage everyone to participate in a mature professional manner and respect each others opinions. In no way we support or encourage members to insult each other on a personal level no matter of education or economic status. All are welcome to our sites and we don't want a few "bad" apples to ruin it for the good people and the great members we have on this site.

"Make Love Not War"....:thumbup1:
Robust and open debate is the bulwark of democracy and the cradle of freedom.
...but to start insulting members due to there IQ, grammer, spelling, slang or level of education is just plan rude.....

In no way we support or encourage members to insult each other on a personal level no matter of education or economic status. All are welcome to our sites and we don't want a few "bad" apples to ruin it for the good people and the great members we have on this site."Make Love Not War"....:thumbup1:
David, I absolutely love your site. And the Forum has added tremendously to my experience of being a member of Broke Straight Boys But the "insults", as you describe above were really bothering me. As we used to say, those negative, insult posts were "bringing down my head". This is a fun fantasy site, and I imagine that quite a few of us are often jerking off while reading, and certainly viewing the contents. Thank you for enhancing my experience, even further by eliminating the rude comments about us, the members of the site, who are just here for a good time. David. You rule!!!:001_smile:
David, I absolutely love your site. And the Forum has added tremendously to my experience of being a member of Broke Straight Boys But the "insults", as you describe above were really bothering me. As we used to say, those negative, insult posts were "bringing down my head". This is a fun fantasy site, and I imagine that quite a few of us are often jerking off while reading, and certainly viewing the contents. Thank you for enhancing my experience, even further by eliminating the rude comments about us, the members of the site, who are just here for a good time. David. You rule!!!:001_smile:

I just had a conference call with Mark regarding the recent issue's we have regarding this forum. Its not Mark's intention nor my intentions to have other members insult other members. This will not be tolerated. We feel with this type of negativity and behavior will deter others from posting and make everyone else feel unwelcome or not wanting to participate on this forum. The problem will be taken care of.
Thank you for that apology. I was highly insulted by the rude comments from two members, who shall remain anonymous, when I asked what "deffo" means. Thank you for putting them in their place. I am glad that you are not going to tolerate that anymore.
I post on a lot of forums. All of them are not porn sites. This is the only porn site I post on to my peril. I "missed" the offensive posts, but you really need a thick skin some times. Mikeyank, I can truthfully say I have never jerked off reading the forum. :w00t: The content of the site, I will not comment upon.................:thumbup1:

Thank you guys for blocking the nastiness some just can't resist. I never have understood that................... They are known as trolls on most sites. Delete, or ignore.
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David as always thanks again for taking the time to offer your apology. Allow me to do the same as perhaps I should not have recommended that people shut up. An internet forum can be a very wild and crazy place and will usually end up in offending some of it's members. At least from my limited experience with them as I try to avoid them for that reason. The case here is however very different then your normal chat room or at least it should be. When Yahoo or AOL open a chat room the topic of conversation is probably not about how they are running their business. You are here to provide a service with an entertainment site and the sales of that service could very easily be affected by bad feelings brought about in this forum. While the addition of the forum has greatly increased the overall positive experience of your web site you can not allow users the chance of a bad experience. Comments and suggestive criticism is a good thing and can tell an owner what he needs to do to better his business. But not if that criticism jeopardizes the revenue possibilities. I agree fully that you can not allow one member to insult another member in this forum. I know how much damage that kind of thing can do and I for one don't want to loose this wonderful resource that you have given us. We should all just sit back and enjoy the site and take our negative slams off list. I know my dirty laundry smells pretty bad so we should all try to keep that kind of things to ourselves. One of the best traits of a good debater is to know when to shut up so that is what I will do now. I sincerely hope you will keep the forum as open as possible but for the sake of business it does need to be moderated.
Thanks for all you do.
Denny Bear
It has come to my attention in reading many of the post regarding other members insulting other members. We apologies for this action on this site! This forum was not intended for members to fight and insult other members due to there spelling, grammer, slang or points of view.

We have members from all over the world with many different ideas and thoughts. In addition, our members come from different economic status, education levels and what may seem ignorant to some may not be for others. We will NOT tolarant members insulting other members on this forum. Yes! things may get debated, or people may not like other opinions and everyone is entitled to there suggestions and opinions...some may agree and others may not...but to start insulting members due to there IQ, grammer, spelling, slang or level of education is just plan rude.

We welcome all kinds of people on this site as members and we encourage everyone to participate in a mature professional manner and respect each others opinions. In no way we support or encourage members to insult each other on a personal level no matter of education or economic status. All are welcome to our sites and we don't want a few "bad" apples to ruin it for the good people and the great members we have on this site.

"Make Love Not War"....:thumbup1:

Thanks David.

I am not quite sure if I ever said anything offensive. Incase I ever said anything that someone ever found offensive, please accept my appology. I never intended to hurt anyone's feelings... I am in here to have a good time and relax just like everyone else. So, let's all stock up on lube and get ready for 2009. :thumbup: Live well and be happy!!!
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OK, me too. I was the primordial grammar and spelling freak. And just in general I can't help being sarcastic since it makes me laugh when I'm writing that stuff. And laughter is good all round if there isn't any animosity behind it, which there never ever is with me when it comes to you guys.

Apart from Dave and Mark, whom I actually think of as more than friends since we talk in private about stuff like proofreading the stories, I have three really really good mates on here. One is a sort of saintly moderator who always finds a way to conciliate opposing views, and is so ever present on the forum that one of the members mistook him for part of the organization in a post a few weeks ago. You know who that is.

Another of the three has unfairly taken all the flack for being the principal son of a bitch on the forum and has even been attacked for posts of mine, like the sarcasm about spelling and grammar. He can't understand why he's hit with spiteful complaints about his assertions since all of it is totally defensible when you look at the facts. He's terribly elitist in the eyes of most of the regular joesixpacks (christ, he's now got us speaking French for god's sake) although most of his barbs are retorts, if you look back at the posts. He's a sweet guy and is a firm believer and defender of all the old fashioned stuff that Americans ought to hold dear. You know who he is.

The other one is richardnoggin (dickhead, get it?). He's a mixture of the two, and a really darling guy. He's terrifically bright and interesting...and discreet, not like me and Robert.

I've had cool moments of coincidence with other guys too, mostly the big posters like bookse, and wanna make more friends in 2009. I'm not gonna change my way of looking at, and speaking out about, issues on the forum, but hereby want to assure you guys that there is no intention to wound in anything I say, even if it's a response to an attack by another member.

Feliz Año Nuevo
OK, me too. I was the primordial grammar and spelling freak. And just in general I can't help being sarcastic since it makes me laugh when I'm writing that stuff. And laughter is good all round if there isn't any animosity behind it, which there never ever is with me when it comes to you guys.

Apart from Dave and Mark, whom I actually think of as more than friends since we talk in private about stuff like proofreading the stories, I have three really really good mates on here. One is a sort of saintly moderator who always finds a way to conciliate opposing views, and is so ever present on the forum that one of the members mistook him for part of the organization in a post a few weeks ago. You know who that is.

Another of the three has unfairly taken all the flack for being the principal son of a bitch on the forum and has even been attacked for posts of mine, like the sarcasm about spelling and grammar. He can't understand why he's hit with spiteful complaints about his assertions since all of it is totally defensible when you look at the facts. He's terribly elitist in the eyes of most of the regular joesixpacks (christ, he's now got us speaking French for god's sake) although most of his barbs are retorts, if you look back at the posts. He's a sweet guy and is a firm believer and defender of all the old fashioned stuff that Americans ought to hold dear. You know who he is.

The other one is richardnoggin (dickhead, get it?). He's a mixture of the two, and a really darling guy. He's terrifically bright and interesting...and discreet, not like me and Robert.

I've had cool moments of coincidence with other guys too, mostly the big posters like bookse, and wanna make more friends in 2009. I'm not gonna change my way of looking at, and speaking out about, issues on the forum, but hereby want to assure you guys that there is no intention to wound in anything I say, even if it's a response to an attack by another member.

Feliz Año Nuevo

"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!"
Jayman should be the Secretary of State.
Slim should be the Secretary of War.
Richardnoggin should be the White House Press Secretary.
I should be the grand old Southern Senator who waxes so eloquently in the great Senate debates on the important issues of the day and filibusters when necessary. :-)

Mes amis, bien des hommes de sens, même en colère et agréable personnalités sont très bien, mais ils ont tendance à être de la faiblesse des tendances plutôt que sur des condamnations. Ils vous mèneront à la catastrophe.

For those who don't like the French postings by Jay, Slim, Mark and myself....Take some lessons, it is not that hard to learn and it is very useful when traveling because many foreigners who don't speak English are able to speak French. I found this to be the case in Cancun last year. Besides, it is a beautiful language. FDR communicated with his mistress in French on the phone so nobody listening in or standing nearby would know what he was saying or who he was talking to. Her name was Lucy Mercer. In the South, during the late war of northern aggression, White people often spoke French in the presence of their slaves in case the slave was a spy. They caught one working in the President's mansion in Richmond. After that, President Davis and his guests spoke French when discussing anything confidential in the presense of servants. (Yes, I am a history buff.)
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Thanks David.

I am not quite sure if I ever said anything offensive. Incase I ever said anything that someone ever found offensive, please accept my appology. I never intended to hurt anyone's feelings... I am in here to have a good time and relax just like everyone else. So, let's all stock up on lube and get ready for 2009. :thumbup: Live well and be happy!!!
Mon cher ami, comment pourriez-vous peut-être choquer personne. Vous êtes tout simplement trop damn nice!
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!"
Jayman should be the Secretary of State.
Slim should be the Secretary of War.
Richardnoggin should be the White House Press Secretary.
I should be the grand old Southern Senator who waxes so eloquently in the great Senate debates on the important issues of the day and filibusters when necessary. :-)

Mes amis, bien des hommes de sens, même en colère et agréable personnalités sont très bien, mais ils ont tendance à être de la faiblesse des tendances plutôt que sur des condamnations. Ils vous mèneront à la catastrophe.

For those who don't like the French postings by Jay, Slim, Mark and myself....Take some lessons, it is not that hard to learn and it is very useful when traveling because many foreigners who don't speak English are able to speak French. I found this to be the case in Cancun last year. Besides, it is a beautiful language. FDR communicated with his mistress in French on the phone so nobody listening in or standing nearby would know what he was saying or who he was talking to. Her name was Lucy Mercer. In the South, during the late war of northern aggression, White people often spoke French in the presence of their slaves in case the slave was a spy. They caught one working in the President's mansion in Richmond. After that, President Davis and his guests spoke French when discussing anything confidential. (Yes, I am a history buff.)

Listen fella, you said you didn't have a southern accent. How do you expect to be Strom Thurmond if you sound and look like Anderson Cooper?
Listen fella, you said you didn't have a southern accent. How do you expect to be Strom Thurmond if you sound and look like Anderson Cooper?
Slim, you flatter me. I do not sound or look like Anderson Cooper. Trust me, my speech is much more akin to Senator Thurmond's, God rest his soul.
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Slim, you flatter me. I do not sound or look like Anderson Cooper. Trust me, my speech is much more akin to Senator Thurmond's, God rest his soul.

Although the two of you do have a knack for stirring things up a bit, don't make that comparison. That was one man who could really push my buttons. Dam, he was sexually repressed. I was plotting making a voodoo doll for good ole Senator Strom Thurmond. He was probably the most prolific and out spoken activist against Gays of the decade. At least we all found out why he was so homophobic. The poor guy, I was saddened to hear that disease of homosexuality rubbed of on him a bit. I wonder if there would be a market for a site called Broke Straight Senators. LMAO :lol:

Bless your heart... thanks for your wit today. It is one of your more endearing qualities and it is always nice to see this side of you.


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Although the two of you do have a knack for stirring things up a bit, don't make that comparison. That was one man who could really push my buttons. Dam, he was sexually repressed. I was plotting making a voodoo doll for good ole Senator Strom Thurmond. He was probably the most prolific and out spoken activist against Gays of the decade. At least we all found out why he was so homophobic. The poor guy, I was saddened to hear that disease of homosexuality rubbed of on him a bit. I wonder if there would be a market for a site called Broke Straight Senators. LMAO :lol:

Bless your heart... thanks for your wit today. It is one of your more endearing qualities and it is always nice to see this side of you.
Jay, how many people born in 1902 were strong advocates for gay rights? C'mon, give the old guy a break. He was very good to the people of South Carolina, who he served for nearly 75 years as State Senator, Governor, and U.S. Senator. Actually the most prolific opponents of gays in the military during the 90's were U.S. Senator Sam Nunn (D) and U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D).
OK, me too. I was the primordial grammar and spelling freak. And just in general I can't help being sarcastic since it makes me laugh when I'm writing that stuff. And laughter is good all round if there isn't any animosity behind it, which there never ever is with me when it comes to you guys.

Apart from Dave and Mark, whom I actually think of as more than friends since we talk in private about stuff like proofreading the stories, I have three really really good mates on here. One is a sort of saintly moderator who always finds a way to conciliate opposing views, and is so ever present on the forum that one of the members mistook him for part of the organization in a post a few weeks ago. You know who that is.

Another of the three has unfairly taken all the flack for being the principal son of a bitch on the forum and has even been attacked for posts of mine, like the sarcasm about spelling and grammar. He can't understand why he's hit with spiteful complaints about his assertions since all of it is totally defensible when you look at the facts. He's terribly elitist in the eyes of most of the regular joesixpacks (christ, he's now got us speaking French for god's sake) although most of his barbs are retorts, if you look back at the posts. He's a sweet guy and is a firm believer and defender of all the old fashioned stuff that Americans ought to hold dear. You know who he is.

The other one is richardnoggin (dickhead, get it?). He's a mixture of the two, and a really darling guy. He's terrifically bright and interesting...and discreet, not like me and Robert.

I've had cool moments of coincidence with other guys too, mostly the big posters like bookse, and wanna make more friends in 2009. I'm not gonna change my way of looking at, and speaking out about, issues on the forum, but hereby want to assure you guys that there is no intention to wound in anything I say, even if it's a response to an attack by another member.

Feliz Año Nuevo
Un sénateur romain a demandé l'Empereur romain pourquoi il construisait un stade, l'Emporer a répondu : « Donner les paysans qu'un spectacle pour divertir les et nous ne pouvons être pas puni pour n'importe quoi ». :-) [J'aime le goût de sang.]
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LOLAM! To think I had to have Richardnoggin explained before I could get it! Jeez I'm dense sometimes!

Vous sont tres amables!

Happy New Year everyone!
Robert you are incorrigible. Marky you're no denser than I, since dickhead has to explain it to me as well.
Mark and Slim, I can't believe you two. You really had to have somebody explain the Roman thing to you? Come on boys! :lol: